Psydo5 4 points ago +5 / -1

Also a good point! Cant send a gunman to shoot up a vegas concert if there aren't any.

Psydo5 0 points ago +1 / -1

Tbf now shes legally an adult (though mentally is a different story). At this point onwards any actions she takes are to be considered her own, even if her upbringing lead her down this path.

Psydo5 0 points ago +1 / -1

So I wanted to personally check Smartmatic's Myanmar tweet, but for some reason I couldn't scroll past Oct 5th - about a week and a half after the dated tweet about Myanmar. I'm on mobile and maybe it's just a glitch, but dont have a pc with me.

I tried refreshing and scrolling back down and still nothing.

Psydo5 11 points ago +13 / -2

I like how they lowered his mic volume while trying to talk over the host. They're shit scared and cant even win a pissing contest without cheating. ?

Psydo5 2 points ago +3 / -1

It may have began for some as a way for bored, stuck-at-home individuals to earn some extra cash. But with each doubling-down of the hedge funds to short ladder the stocks, and for every smear article, it reminds us of what our parents and friends went through in the '08 crash.

I've got my hand in the cookie jar, and in all honesty probably more than I should have, but money has never been a big importance to me. I feel for a lot of us this is our last stand to legally devastate the corporations who played fickly with the lives of so many.

As I stated somewhere else, we're the generation whose pension plan is to die before retirement, and we have nothing but time and unrelenting fury.

Psydo5 5 points ago +6 / -1

According to this source theres just under 50,000 politicians in the world. Theres a list on wikipedia that numbers each politician per country but I cba to count them all (on mobile) but at a glance it looks around 50k.

Psydo5 1 point ago +2 / -1

Speaking as somebody that's never paid a penny towards TV licensing, and who's not put on any cable for at least a decade, I didnt see this. And frankly i dont know anyone under the age of 25 here who still watches cable TV, let alone the news. BBC is literally gov sponsored propaganda.

Psydo5 30 points ago +31 / -1

The American dream is officially dead. The idea of anyone and everyone freely being able to make money given the right circumstances and actions is now demonstrably false, with trading companies, MSM and everyone else collaborating against small-time investors to save the wallets of the hedge-fund billionaires.

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