Qcumb3r 5 points ago +5 / -0

Funny, I was just thinking about Barney Miller the other day; it was a pretty good show. But I agree, was not only this a flop, in light of current events, its actually shocking. How 'bout that? Our whole way of life has been destroyed!

Amazing what the writers knew -- were they warning us? Or were they working that damned ritual where they have to tell us what they're doing to (supposedly) avoid bad karma and/or strengthen their rituals to make them more successful? I imagine the latter.

Qcumb3r 3 points ago +4 / -1

Geez, guys. Cool your jets. I've been following him a long time. He does NOT claim to be a leader in the movement. He's been under constant attack from the likes of Posobiec and Cernovich, who hate him because he's easily debunked their anti-Q theses (Jack Posobiec has had him disinvited as a speaker at events). His strength is that he's an excellent debater, and is thus logical, calm and rational. His analyses of Q are interesting, but he does not claim to be the Final Word or any such thing.

He's under constant attack by YT, has been shadow-banned, demonetized and put in YT jail more than once. He does run ads for Patriot companies, but he is NOT a "Paytriot" by any means. He's in poor health and constant pain, but rarely mentions it. I know when he's in pain by just how he looks -- but he almost never says anything. He has two young children whom he is home caring for. If you dislike that don't watch. Perhaps you'd prefer the smooth talking, golden-voiced men in expensive suits who we were brainwashed into believing are "authorities"?

He's a co-author of An invitation to the Great Awakening, along with Spaceshot76, Sarah Westall, Lori Colley, Linda Paris and Captain Roy. I'd say he's in fairly good company, or do you guys have problem with them, too?

In answer to the OP, you guys admit you don't watch him, then you make a bunch of negative judgements about someone you just admitted you don't know anything about! What are you?! Leftists?! For cryin' out loud, knock it off!

I don't care if you like him ("be careful who you follow; follow who you want"), and neither does he, but at least be fair!

Qcumb3r 2 points ago +2 / -0

9/11: supposedly, there were no real planes, just holograms flying into the towers, which were then brought down by: regular explosives; Nuclear devices; thermite bombs; a combo of the preceeding; or fill-in-the-blank.

Say what you want about it, it shows people are trying to figure it out -- they're thinking and boy, do our Overlords hate it when we think!

Qcumb3r 6 points ago +6 / -0

Exactly. They civilly put their "differences" aside to come together to destroy America. Oh boy geez gosh golly wow! I am sooooo impressed and moved.

Qcumb3r 3 points ago +3 / -0

POST 259

"Red Cross & 9-11

Q !ITPb.qbhqo 4 Dec 2017 - 10:09:40 PM

RED RED 9/11.

Funds raised vs distributed?


7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.

Those in the know never sleep.

Q" (emphasis added)

. . . flight M17?! Really? What are the odds?

Qcumb3r 2 points ago +2 / -0

Meanwhile, in Nazi Australia, the police are raiding homes of pregnant women and arresting them -- in front of their terrified children -- for FB posts calling for anti-lockdown protests.

But never fear! The Ozzie Pedos are safe, if only because the police are so very busy elsewhere.

Qcumb3r 3 points ago +3 / -0

And they got their Brexit. Uh huh.

You know what they really got? They got to discover that their government was more than willing to take over from the "Bullies in Brussels" and continue on the same, if not a worse, tyrannical course.

I canNOT be the only one who's noticed this, can I?!

Qcumb3r 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would assume most -- IF not all -- Americans of Chinese descent are Americans and if they care about their nation, that is America, and what the CCP calls their "fellows", that is Chinese people in China suffering the horrors of Communism, as opposed to other fellow Americans, they'll vote Trump. I would hope that isn't an unreasonable expectation?

You know, during WWI, the Germans made the same mistake. They assumed Americans of German descent would back the Kaiser, and put pressure on the US government (they even hoped we might come in on their side). They were shocked to discover the Germans dwelling in America were Americans who backed their President! Hitler remembered the lesson. And I would advise the rest of the damned world to remember that lesson, too.

The only real exception is the Umma. Look it up (hint: caliphate).

Qcumb3r 3 points ago +3 / -0

Were we headed for "boot stomping our faces forever" ala 1984? Are we now headed, instead, for "we will love our slavery" Brave New World? WHEN does God win? At the very END? What happens in the meanwhile, before God's final victory? The establishment of ten kings? The rise of the Antichrist, who destroys three kings, and takes their place? How many kings, then? Is the AC the eighth king? Who enters the Temple and declares himself God? What immediately follows? Terrible persecution of the church? Horrific slaughter of Believers? The rise of The Two Witnesses? Their death? The celebration of their death by those who took the Beast's Mark? The Witnesses' resurrection and translation to Heaven? Has this been fulfilled? Did Antiochus partially fulfill this prophecy? In Whom should we place our faith? Man? Or God?

Qcumb3r 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, send in a spec ops team. Surreptitiously execute these governors, mayors, and their treasonous fellow travelers. Cover story: "the traitors fled the country; we suspect they're hiding out in NZ or someplace blah blah blah." Seriously, who's going to know? Who the hell is going to care, at this late date?!

It's that or lose the Republic. When you understand what their plans are for the average citizen -- read The Gulag Archipelago for a chilling clue -- just killing them all, behind the scenes, suits me fine if the alternative is death camps for the ordinary nobody.

I just don't understand why we have to put the entire Republic's population at risk: sometimes people who think they're in control, aren't as in control as they think. Destroy the treasonous bastards while you still can, Q.