The global elite are trying to execute a killing blow against President Trump. I've seen very little about it posted, so I'm here to tell you all the truth. Mods, can we sticky this post? Everyone here needs to stop what they are doing right now and read this post.

The merger of DWAC and Truth Social is going to go down as one of the most important mergers in history. For those of you who don't know, this created the stock ticker DJT. This is huge, it would be like if Disney and Facebook merged together. This has added billions of dollars to President Trump's wealth, the guy just can't stop making money. This has the DS panicking, so they're trying to tank his stock. Just over the last few days, it has dropped over 30% in value, which is absolutely insane for a company like this. It is being heavily suppressed.

Without being overly dramatic, pedes, this is our moment! Many people said Game Stop was a once in a lifetime opportunity, but it is here again. Wallstreet is shorting shares of DJT, and they are trying to drive them into bankruptcy, just like they have done with several of President Trumps other companies, but it is going to be different this time. Pedes own the float. If we buy enough stocks, then this will force all the short sellers to buy back the shares at whatever price we set. As of writing this post, DJT stock is selling at $22.84 a share which is an absolute steal. President Trump wanted us to be able to buy the stock so much, that on Monday they announced that they were selling an additional 21.49 million shares of DJT. Right now Meta stock (Facebook) is trading for $500 a share. I expect that DJT shares will double or even tripple that value in the next two or three years. My house was paid off, but earlier this month I decided to open a mortgage on it and spend every last penny in DJT at $62 a share. These last few weeks have been really tough, and my wife is really upset, but I believe that America will be great again. I've told my wife that this isn't about us, but about serving our country. President Trump has suffered, and continues to suffer so much for us, I think the least we can do is invest. If we all buy more shares in DJT, then the plan will backfire on the DS so hard that they won't be able to recover, and we will be filthy rich.

So pedes, are you willing to stand up to the corruption? Are you willing to lend a hand and start draining the swamp? Are you ready for the next revolution? If we all just buy at least a few shares, that will help stabilize the price, secure President Trump's base for the election, and ultimately secure our own future.


President Trump announced that he is selling a bible called the "God Bless the USA Bible"! And this is during Holy Week, right before Easter! The man is not holding back any punches. He's no longer being coy or humble about his faith, he is boldly declaring his endorsement of the bible. He said this is his favorite book, and we all need to get copies. Along with a KJV translation of the bible, inside is also the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the US Constitution, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the chorus of the song "God Bless the USA". This is truly everything we need in one book, and something every American Patriot needs to be armed with. It just feels like it is the complete package. And all this for only $60. At that price, with inflation, I would be surprised if he's even making any money on this.

Not only is President Trump declaring war on the deep state, he is now declaring war on evil and is showing that under his authority, America is a Christian nation that WILL serve God, regardless of those who stand in the way.




I can't believe no one here is talking about this. Right in front of our eyes, the US House of Representatives just removed a legally elected, sitting member of congress. George Santos has been expelled. Why steal an election when you can just purge your enemies afterward.

Does anyone else see the danger here? Republicans have a very slim majority. The Democrats are setting things up to take over control if the 2024 election starts to look bad. All they have to do is remove or turn a few more Republicans, and they have full control. This is the line in the sand, and we need to make it clear that we do not accept them trying to overrule the will of the people. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Santos is a saint or anything. A little corrupt and dishonest, but he's a loyal patriot who has back President Trump 100%. If we don't stand up now, then no one will be there when they come for you and me. We need to call our congressmen, write letters, buy bumper stickers, do whatever we can to get the word out. You may be persecuted for this, but standing up for what is right will always make you a target by those who are benefitting from this evil.


Republican lawmakers to introduce resolution to expel Rep. George Santos from Congress. He has been an devoted and loyal supporter of President Trump. He has called out the DS on numerous occasions about the fake election and their witch hunt against President Trump and they have had enough. They have drug his name through the mud, accusing him of numerous scandals, none of which he has been convicted of. It used to be that you were innocent until proven guilty, but you can tell the DS is involved when the punishment comes before the conviction, just like with President Trump. It still boggles my mind that the house can simply remove an elected official and subvert the will of the people.


Kevin Owen McCarthy was President Trump's handpicked leader for the house. I find it absurd that people here are cheering for a move that involved the complicity of over 200 Democrats. The possibility of a government shutdown could have been devastating to the DS and could have very well finished off the sick man that is Biden's presidency. McCarthy knew that we had to wait for a few more weeks, so he allowed a continuing resolution to go through. I think he made a misjudgment by trusting those who are suppose to have his back, but instead was taken down by suspected pedo Gaetz and over 200 Democrats. This is why the Deep State endures, because patriots so easily lose their way. I hope the Republicans realize their mistake and reelect McCarthy in a surprise victory for those of us who still believe in the United States of America. This is going to get a lot of down votes and negative comments, but I understand that it is hard to weed out the shills.


Tara Reade publicly called out Biden for his sexual misconduct during the 2020 election. She has received multiple threats to try and keep her silent. She has began to also speak out the truth about Russia. In 2018 she wrote "President Putin has an alluring combination of strength with gentleness. His sensuous image projects his love for life, the embodiment of grace while facing adversity."

She has taken the final step to leave her country so she can continue to be a patriot without being attacked. She has given up everything and moved to a country where they understand what men and women are and respect human dignity.

She is also not going to allow the DS to pull her back through her citizenship, so she has applied for Russian citizenship. If she wasn't so based, I would think she was secretly a man because of the huge balls she has. Here's her quote about it: "I’d like to apply for citizenship in Russia from the president of the Russian federation, Vladimir Putin, and hopefully Maria can help me from the State Duma"



The Iowa senate recently passed a bill that cuts red tape and allows parents and their kids decided how much work they can do. Kids today never learn how to work and expect everything to be done for free which is why so many youth today are degenerate socialists. My great grandmother worked on the family farm since she was 6 years old and didn't put up with any nonsense. Working helps children understand that they have to earn their lifestyle and can't depend on handouts. I especially like that they also lowered the minimum wage for kids. Seriously, a 12 year old doesn't need to make $7.25 an hour. They basically don't have any expenses and really should just do it for free since their parents cover everything. Opening the labor markets will help fight inflation and keep prices lower. I wish other states would do the same.



I can't believe it's not already posted, but here it is, in his very own words, direct link below. Is this really happening, I feel like I'm dreaming. I thought Newsmax had gone completely woke, but it looks like they're still willing to share the truth, when they're not being sued at least.

Also, do you think the ad for gold next to President Trump is just a gimmick? If there's anything I've learned, it's that a lot of things people dismiss is intentional. I think gold Trump coins will play a really vital role in the coming months. The dollar is losing so much value, and I think eventually we'll move to bitcoin backed by gold, we'll see though.


It doesn't matter how you feel about McCarthy or what issues you have with him. If he's the man President Trump has picked for the job, then that settles that. We know President Trump always has reasons for who he picks in what positions, even if we don't understand them. The man is a master of 5d chess and as always, we need to trust the plan.

I find it shocking that even around here, there are some who still question McCarthy's fitness to be speaker of the house. President Trump has selected him, and that is all anyone needs to be fully qualified for the job. We know President Trump doesn't make mistakes, so lets be done with this conversation.


I'm so stoked, how about you pedes?


It has been all over the MSM. Russia is apparently abandoning Kherson without a fight. Do you think this is a trap? Or a ruse of some kind? Or has Russia finished their Denazification efforts?

This feels like a defeat, but I know the MSM makes it really difficult to see through the fog of war.


When looking at the mods list, an oddity stands out. The top mod is u/dropgun and he has no visible posts or comments and a very low karma score.

I've been around Reddit long enough to know that having a top mod who is not invested in the community is a recipe for disaster.

All that being said, I think this is an alternate account for u/catsfive since both accounts were created on the same day, only 37 minutes apart. Even so, it's kind of odd.


I keep hearing about the false flag operations in Bucha and it made me wonder why the Russian Army is pulling back from Kiev at all?

Are they regrouping? Or was the only objective to destroy the bioweapons labs? I just don't understand why they would leave without fully removing Zelenskyy and finishing the denazification. All I can find from reliable sources just point out how the Ukrainians creating fake masacres, but nothing about why the Russians are letting Ukraine take some of the ground back.

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