Qteepie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ticket to freedom? What the fuck? Who reads that & agrees with it? Retarded people? Since when do we get tickets to freedom? Since when were we prisoners? Do the communists and satanists think that playing word games is going to work? The fact that we haven’t devolved into civil war with physical conflict by now is a testament to the good of humanity (or at the least the American people).

Qteepie 1 point ago +1 / -0

In 20 years, there will be 60 million holocaust deaths, hundreds of thousands of newly found survivors of the death camps who need reparation checks from Germany, holocaust denial laws in every nation, and the history books will teach our children that white supremacy was the reason for all hatred in the world.

Qteepie 0 points ago +1 / -1

How do you feel about x22 making 17,000$ a month doing what they do? Have they ever predicted anything? Have they ever attempted a decode? Were they correct?

Qteepie 2 points ago +2 / -0

What is your opinion of Austin Steinbart? You seem to be more in tune than many.

Qteepie 2 points ago +2 / -0

It wasnt at first. But holy shit now compared to what it used to be. If youre a long time user you know what I’m talking about. It’s down right creepy what its become.

Qteepie 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Hill is a reference to McGraw Hill publishing. Maxwells father (notorious Mossad Spy and media “mogul” Robert Maxwell) merged his educational corp with McGraw hills competing business. The reddit account is undoubtedly hers. Theres a whole set of coincidences that people have amassed in regards to the identity of the Maxwellhill account. We know what Q says about coincidences. These people are sick.

Qteepie 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is one of the best memes I’ve ever seen.

Qteepie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Youre doing the lords work but attempting to spread Austin information here is practically pointless. There is some sort of team here dedicated to crawling out of the woodwork and attacking/downvoting any material on Steinbart. I wonder why...

Qteepie 1 point ago +1 / -0

The word grooming doesnt entirely fit here. They are born into a cult. Most members never had an option for anything else. They are bred, raised, and schooled in the cult. Scientology on steroids because this cult uses drugs, MKultra, murder, torture and US signals intelligence to exert the cults will on its members. There are undoubtedly some who want to leave, and some who weren’t born into it who now wish they had never gotten involved.

I’m paraphrasing but i believe Q said something along the lines of “play the game suffer the consequences” meaning in my opinion that anyone who partook in the victimization of children will not be spared. There is an entire industrial scale supply and logistics chain for the production of adrenochrome from children for sale to the elite & cult members. Adrenochrome farms if you will. It is possibly the most profitable commodity in the world. It’s benefits go far beyond the high you get from it. I believe some of the things visiting in UFOs seek adrenochrome.

Do the European royal families dabble in this stuff? I think consuming the blood of tortured victims and the blood of the youth for its benefits has been a closely guarded secret of the luciferian cult that the euro families belong to for centuries already. Queen Elizabeth still drives around in her Range Rover at 93. Yeah fuckin right.

Qteepie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cant be innocent growing up in these families. Just the way it is. Everyday was like Halloween at Anderson Coopers house. The royal families are the same.

Qteepie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why does anyone listen to this guy? He talks matter of factly about things that he has no more information on than the rest of us. He’s not some sort of insider. He also sells “consultation to help ease the transition of your business during the great awakening” kek.

Qteepie 2 points ago +2 / -0

It may or may not. I have seen some info pointing to that. But i know the goal is an internet bill of rights and that cannot be accomplished until we take back control of internet infrastructure.

Qteepie 7 points ago +7 / -0

Starlink is the backbone for building internet infrastructure outside the hands of the tech oligarchs. The US military needs to be in control of the internet to allow for safe rollout of emerging Space Force technologies.

Qteepie 11 points ago +11 / -0

“Anonymous twitter grifter scolds billionaire president” as if his position in life affords him any level of intel on par with what trump has. Some of these big twitter accounts are delusional.

Qteepie 4 points ago +4 / -0

In a temporal war, what would be the benefit of forcing your enemy into hasty maneuvers? How does one go forward in order to look back? What is the looking glass? Does future prove past?

Qteepie 2 points ago +3 / -1

Because RNA editing technology is the future, regardless of what anyone here wants. The reason for this is quantum computing is going to radically change how we solve problems. Problems that would take millions of years to solve using classical computers are going to be computed in minutes now. The science that is going to come forth from this benefit is going to allow for for precise editing of the human genome. RNA editing will lead to miracle cures and hellish weapons, but the cats out of the bag already. Trump working for the side of light, and wishes to see RNA editing used safely and for all humankind’s benefit. Ill let you imagine what the side of darkness wishes to do using this tech.

Qteepie 13 points ago +13 / -0

There’s enough evidence from the years of Q that one can reasonably ascertain that Q is at the very least a military operation working in tandem with the trump administration. There’s a reason the media hates Q so fervently. How often does the media spend years and millions of dollars telling you not to believe something? That being said, Q doesnt owe us anything, we are not privy to military ops or strategy, and his absence of late does not discount the information Q has provided preceding this moment in time. If you have the eyes to see that it is indeed a military operation, you can deduce that they didnt just up and abandon or terminate the mission. Think future proves past. Does time travel tech exist? If a temporal war is taking place, are chain of events always what they may seem? Who is steering our timeline? What is Space Force?

Qteepie 41 points ago +41 / -0

I had a Roomate that worked at vice. He’s about what youd expect: a fat lazy fuck that did heroin, drank pretentious coffee, made his girl get an abortion, and loved porn and cigarettes.

Qteepie 8 points ago +9 / -1

I had to scroll down way too far to find this comment. Everyone here is still asleep it seems.

Qteepie 1 point ago +1 / -0

The US gov has not been representative of its people for a very long time, at least since they blew off JFKs head. USA has been a proxy for European Royals since the creation of the CIA.

“For we are opposed by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy around the world, based mainly on covert means to expand its sphere of influence - infiltration instead of invasion, undermining instead of elections, intimidation instead of free choice, guerrilla warfare at night instead of armies by day.”

JFK was referring to Delta6 here, a covert paramilitary arm working for the crown of England. It has completely infiltrated and subverted American intelligence services. Royals (and dual citizen Israelis) have been directing American domestic and foreign policy at a granular level for decades. So are the American people responsible for the atrocities that their usurped government has committed in their name? They are no more responsible than the Chinese citizens who live under the tyranny of the CCP. Removing the old guard and its mechanisms of control was never going to a be a bloodless fight.

Qteepie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude get a grip. The CCP has begun a communist coup of the world in the name of globalism with the backing of the ever elusive international banking tribe and the Satanic cult headed by the European Royal families. War is being waged on us (not just the US but all free citizens of the world) and youre whining about the fact that we are going to fight back and try to make things fairer for everyone. China has the world and US by the balls because of rare earths mining. Diplomacy isn’t going to work against them. Diplomacy isn’t going to work against the worthless Royals who feel it is their divine right to be our rulers. So yeah, war it is. Greenland is a very geopolitically strategic piece of land, and a key component of freeing the world from the miseries being imposed on us by the Royals and China by proxy.

Qteepie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh it doesnt belong to us yet but it will soon. Why should the Danes sell it to us? Because the offer to purchase is a gesture of kindness. Without the kindness, we will be taking Greenland without paying you for it. Which would you rather? The despicable European royal class that worship Satan Have no rightful claim to anything anymore. They are a worthless bunch of criminals. The future of earth is at stake, and its not the Danish military thats going to save us lol. A free and prosperous future for us all requires an American Greenland acquisition. It’s going to happen regardless how you or any of the royals feel about it. Some things are nonnegotiable. Greenland is one.

Qteepie 4 points ago +4 / -0

Your comment is a gold mine. I used to dine at Robertas regularly. This was back in 2015-2016 before pizzagate broke. Strange neighborhood indeed. The cynic in me chalked it up to organized criminal activity. The satanic community makes much better sense. And yes, it appears the same setup was used in DC & god knows where else. Goat hill pizza or voodoo donuts?

When i ate there, Robertas menu had satanic imagery galore (its current mascot is a skeleton with horns) including an inverted pentagram. Shortly after pizzagate broke and Robertas was connected to it, i stopped eating there for whatever reason. Ive driven past it several times since, and i noticed there was a large graffiti pedophile swirl by itself down the block across the street. I can no longer find it on google street view meaning someone made an effort to remove it but left all the other graffiti. Strange.

Pics of Hillary’s favorite pizza place for those interested:




I would like to ask your opinion on EmmySquared Pizza in Williamsburg on marcy ave and grand street? It was formally known as Pizza Loves Emily and the logo is using two blatant pedophile symbols. When i noticed it years ago, i thought i was crazy for considering such things. The logo has now been changed and the pedophile symbols are surprise... gone.

Here’s the logo for reference:


Qteepie 1 point ago +1 / -0

So would I but the ideal reality is hardly the one that ever takes hold. Truth is China has America by the balls economically due to its near monopoly on rare earths. Any large scale production of technology MUST use chinese labor to be feasible. This includes classified and emerging space technologies. Until we are able to mass produce tech without chinese help, the CCP will continue to use our reliance on them as leverage in this ongoing war.

The Danish throne has no rightful claim to Greenland, and should accept our generous offer to pay them for it. Greenland’s rare earth deposits (among other things beneath the ice thats melting due to “global warming”) are a national security issue for the United States and therefore should be approached as such.

And finally wouldn’t we all rather Team America be the ones mining and processing minerals and ores instead of Team Satan?

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