Our Texas city had an emergency school board meeting today where discussion took place about school security for the coming year. I couldn’t make the meeting today, but a friend on the school board filled me in.
The leader of the Democratic Party in our city is also a pastor for the Satanic church—and yes —I’m serious! He pulled together 12 other Democratic nuts to speak today. We only had 9 on our side. One leftist nut who spoke claumed her son was shot and killed. I wouldn’t be surprised if they paid and hired these people. They are that sick!
Their suggestions for school security included the following: -more counselors -more diversity training -and for CRT to be implemented in the classroom (yes, they said this out loud, too!)
Our suggestions included: -armed, trained personnel (whether it be teachers, police, former military or police) -safes added
School security is supposed to be added to the agenda at the next school board meeting and I want to come armed with facts that will annihilate their arguments.
Can you guys recommend where I can find legit facts to back up arming teachers or adding undercover officers? And also, I’m looking for a good way to counter their argument for more counselors and diversity training.
I’m so mad about this, but know I need to keep a level head when dealing with these psychos.
I’d greatly appreciate any help, knowledge or resources to expand my research.
Thank you!!!
I feel everything is FINALLY coming to a head. The TRUTH is finally be revealed for all to hear and see. The drip, drip is turning into a flood. Do you feel it, too??
Let’s eject some RINOS.
Let’s do this!! Let’s primary! There are so many RINOS that need to go.
Monday, February 14 is the first day of early voting; February 25 is the last.
Voting day is March 1!
John Stafford, Officer of Collin County Democrat Party, has an arrest warrant out for him. You'll remember the very heated and close race outcomes from the 2021 Plano elections. This is from the illegal actions of one Collin County Democratic activist through malicious text messages that did have an effect on the outcomes of that election. The results of an investigation by the Plano Police Department and the Collin County District Attorney have resulted in a Collin County grand jury recommending an indictment be brought against a John Stafford related to the charges of TRUE SOURCE OF ELECTION COMMUNICATION Class A Misdemeanor Plano 21-65002. A subsequent warrant for his arrest has been filed as well. https://apps.collincountytx.gov/JudicialRecords/Warrant/Search
Started block walking yesterday and already had a few good conversations with neighbors. I’m still new to this, so if any of you have block walked before, I’d love any tips and advice.