nah nothing's gonna happen
whoa trollception
thank you!!!
what good is a rule if it isn't enforced? there's just a lot of people trying to be sharks
adrenochrome shortage
absolute edgelord this guy
if only you could think beyond sides you wouldn't even have to bother with all the useless vitriol
inference projection
good lord dude you know how a picture is worth a thousand words? this is like half a picture
nah he just has to find some way to make money with a philosophy degree
just be sure to take the pot off the heat for 30 seconds after you have poured all the kernels in and swish them around in the hot oil, at which point you add the seasoning
can't be a quitter when you're chicom
ah, so parents
better run out and get some!
there's a technique to coat it evenly and the idea is to not use a lot. just straight lemon pepper. would put some tabasco in an atomizer and spray it on but don't have any =(
that's the plan man
stovetop with lemon pepper
Hey, Blinken!