Rhetorically speaking, Why do we cling to anonymity? Why are we fearful when God is with us? Were the apostles fearful? They obviously were as it took the Holy Spirit to embolden them. It wasn’t until Jesus appeared after death and sent the Spirit to them that they were emboldened. Before that there were denials and fear. Peter’s faith, the rock upon which the church was to be built, denied Jesus. Do we truly feel the presence of the Spirit if we are hiding in anonymity? I often feel guilt for this. Obviously, the Spirit is working in me but I have failed to answer this call. The closest I’ve come is switching my post audience on FB from friends only to public. While my post activity, under my name, was robust during COVID, speaking out against the tyranny and deception, I haven’t bothered returning. Haven’t felt the need to. I feel the Spirit is telling me to go public here. If God is for us, then who can be against us? I fear not for myself but for my family and my ability to protect them from unnecessary drama and persecution. I have young children and my family is still growing. I am not asking for consolation or pity but only trying to stir everyone. Perhaps this question deserves more contemplation in all of us. Would love to hear opinions on this. Numbers 6:24-26

Edit: Strength in numbers. Do we give away our strength posting anonymously?

Edit 2: Thank you for the responses and gained perspective. I feel more disappointed it’s come to this than guilt. I’ve always despised the anonymity of the internet as it seems to be a root cause of all the poison on the internet. I have always been able to say what I feel without remorse to people’s faces and have been extremely disappointed with those who cannot. What a world it would be if we could hear raw opinions about ourselves and instead of getting butthurt about someone else’s opinion we would simply take it in, analyze it, decide if there’s merit to it, and then move on either ignoring it or making a warranted change to better ourselves. This how I operate but I guess it’s a bridge too far to expect it from others.

God bless you all! Numbers 6:24-26


I write this as a prior BitCoin hater. I may still be but I definitely see its value as far beyond money. You’ve all heard my mantras, “If you can’t hold it in your hand, it isn’t real”, “just wait till they pull the plug and you got nothing”. Even if not directly from my mouth you’ve heard them from others and I now see the ignorance of them. I have devoted a lot of energy to stacking metals. While Nobody who does this ever feels like they have enough, I have decided to switch my stacking energies to BitCoin. Why? Because the info below opened my mind to the fact that BitCoin is going to change the world and it has little to do with being a new form of money. BC will be used as a weapon against our corrupt communist enemies but possibly the populace as well. Power corrupts and complete power corrupts completely.

You will want and most likely need to watch some parts twice so I have provided videos + transcripts. Please take in this info. I believe it’s all part of “The Plan”. Beware, NCSWIC and the Plan is what’s coming.

*We ARE in a war, 5th Gen Warefare

Video date 1 week ago


^Warfare, insurgencies, and counter-insurgencies 21:45-57:45

*BitCOIN (BC) vs Controlled, Censored Social Media

Video date 6mos ago


^Evolution of Social Media (SM) 39:20-52:20

^A couple Secure SM Apps 52:55-57:50

^BC mechanics (Lightning Network, zaps) used to secure SM 57:50-1:05:10

^Lt Gen Kwast’s Short Talk (huge energy implications to weaponize BC) 1:25-1:31:48

*Softwar Talk at MIT

Video date 4mos ago


^Major Lowery on “Softwar”

^Warfare = Physical power projection 0-17:00

^Physical power in a digital world BitCoin 17:00-20:35

^The importance of decentralization in warfare 20:35-24:20

^Physical projection in cyberspace = no mass = no deaths (Softwar, how? BitCoin) 24:20-31:35

^Lowery’s personal observations 31:35-34:54

^One key MIT audience question 34:54-

*Lowery Silenced by Pentagon


Video date 1 mo ago

^Lowery’s book and public speech regarding BItCOIN censored by the Pentagon as a national security risk. 6mins

The Softwar theory is based building the biggest most power consuming computer out of the our country’s electrical grid by adding bullion logic to it to project a physical force in cyberspace to dominate that area the same way that guns dominate the land, ships the sea, and jets the sky. The source of this power is talked about by Lt Gen Kwast. Solar energy collected in space 24/7 with no degradation that is converted to radio waves and sent to earth to be converted to electrical power 80% efficiency vs at best 25% with coal. Using this extreme power would dominate in computing power and control of cyberspace especially when coupled with BC. Rugpull radio guys are equating this to the counter-insurgency plan. “The Plan” because BC will correct societal woes created by corrupt communist faggots. More about that and some examples below.

  1. Solar energy from space converted to radio waves and then sent down to earth to be converted to electricity at 80% efficiency with no day/night cycle or atmospheric interference is Tesla’s tech at work. Coupled with Starlink Tesla’s vision of power to every inch of the planet will come to fruition. You will be able to live anywhere you choose. ANYWHERE on the planet and all transactions will be verifiable and true. Commerce, voting, social media, anything that touches the net will true and verifiable. Sounds like a lot of freedom but at what cost? Will you really be free? All forms of energy expense and ALL internet interactions will cost you Sitoshis and be recorded on the unhackable ledger. What will be required for access? The mark? The ultimate security traded for the ultimate freedom.

  2. Seems like the globalist’s great reset smart cities and the USA’s smart grid super BC computer are very similar end goals. Perhaps one and the same except hopefully smart grid equals big smart country with freedom of travel everywhere over small smart city prison. Perhaps both will happen and the mark is the only thing that gives you “freedom”. from the small city (prison). Regardless we will all still be prisoners.

  3. I have been at odds with the great reset and the rosey outcome it projects for some time now. It simply never seemed to match up with end times biblical prophecy. It always seemed unlikely that the world would come so close to the final form of the beast system only for it to get thwarted. If that happened it would take generations for another chance at happening because of the awareness generated by such a close brush with the end. All of that doesn’t match up with the metaphor of birth pains that Christ used to describe an ever increasing pace of tribulation. While this whole idea of a country power grid macro BC computer system solves that issue it is eerily the perfected “beast” system, it is being sold as the savior of our country and possibly the world. It will be seen as glorious and extremely attractive as it will unite everyone under one true record of transactions eliminating fraud or untraceable interactions on the internet but therein lies the system of control. How long will we live under this system before the evil one takes control of it? Or is the evil already in control of it behind the scenes? We know what’s coming and it’s looking like a lot sooner than we think. The times and season are very clearly upon us. Put on your spiritual armor, if you haven’t already, and prepare for spiritual war. Priority one battle objective, recruiting for The Lord of Heaven’s Armies.

Edit: added context to what I was thinking after I watched all these videos. BC is decentralized it when they say decentralized they mean nobody has control over what is recorded in the ledger. All transactions using BC update the ledger from anywhere in the world but the amount of Sitoshis involved in each cost of transaction for service or product cannot be manipulated thus being recorded on the ledger without error and the volume of Sitoshis can never be changed except through mining which is completely transparent and inhackable. Right?

The RugPull guys gave this illustration of the security Block chain brings to non-monetary systems. Once your public key (ID) and private key are set up and BC is purchased for use, in order to comment on a social media you would have to use post under the public key identifying yourself and then spend a Sitoshi using your password to post a thread. Anyone who wants to comment on your post must invest by paying a unit of BC. So the idea of forming a bot army to misinform, disagree, or deter from your message would be too costly to do, so social media would be more secure and real. However, whats to stop the pooling and dishing out coins for this purpose. I’m not sure if this is possible but it occurred to me so I’m sharing.

The transaction, of any kind, and the monetary value are 100% protected and recorded on the block chain ledger for all to see. I think that’s the allure. That’s the attraction That’s what will drive it to be universally used. People will want the security of it to apply to everything.

Another example was grandma likes to send you an email once a week. It costs her a Sitoshi, or whatever unit of measure like a coin. You like getting emails from grandma so you return the coin to her after receiving the email so she can continue to email you. Uncle Frank, is a jerk that likes to send annoying political emails. You would rather not get emails from him so you keep the coin. Frank is dumb or filthy rich to keep sending you emails on his own dime. No more junk mail yay! This BC thing can improve and make things much more honest as bad actors would suffer a cost in acting badly.

However, the next logical step would be a biometric link to authentic the user. Privacy is now gone completely. You can now be tracked and suffer retribution for your decisions. This is the control issue. This is the true “Beast” system.

Only the money aspect of BC will be decentralized. We will trade monetary security for real life authoritarian control over ourselves.


My DEEP DIVE on BitCoin. The last few days have been a bit of a whirlwind. I’m sure you’re familiar with the phenomena of when something grabs your attention and it triggers a great thirst. Often it involves my Bible studies but not in this case.

I write this as a prior BitCoin hater. You’ve all heard my mantras, “If you can’t hold it in your hand, it isn’t real”, “just wait till they pull the plug and you got nothing”. Even if not directly from my mouth you’ve heard them from others and I now see the ignorance of them. I have devoted a lot of energy to stacking metals. While Nobody who does this ever feels like they have enough, I have decided to switch my stacking energies to BitCoin. Why? Because the info below opened my mind to the fact that BitCoin is going to change the world and it has little to do with being a new form of money. To curb my propensity of being too wordy I have decided to spoon feed you with videos + transcripts and will simply leave you with one question and a few thoughts down at the bottom.

How much do you really know about BitCoin? Perhaps too little. BitCOIN is a better way to describe it. I’m hoping you understand the difference after ingesting the below info dump. Prepare to have your mind 🤯. (Blown)

We ARE in a war, 5th Gen Warefare and BitCOIN’s role in it.

Video date 1 week ago https://rumble.com/v3hmwfq-rugpull-radio-ep-48-thur-1030-pm-et-.html

Warfare, insurgencies, and counter-insurgencies (COIN) 21:45-57:45

BitCOIN (BC) vs Controlled, Censored Social Media

Video date 6mos ago https://rumble.com/v2cbvni-rugpull-radio-ep-21-thur-1030-pm-et-.html

Evolution of Social Media (SM) 39:20-52:20

A couple Secure SM Apps 52:55-57:50

BC mechanics (Lightning Network, zaps) used to secure SM 57:50-1:05:10

Lt Gen Kwast’s Short Talk (huge energy implications to weaponize BC) 1:25-1:31:48

Major Lowery on “Softwar” how energy becomes a physical weapon of war in an unreal world like cyberspace.

Video date 4mos ago -https://youtu.be/yfYDSE7T_cQ?si=acmC87dwuPA14toz

Warfare = Physical power projection 0-17:00

Physical power in a digital world BitCoin 17:00-20:35

The importance of decentralization in warfare 20:35-24:20

Physical projection in cyberspace = no mass = no deaths (Softwar, how? BitCoin) 24:20-31:35

Lowery’s personal observations 31:35-34:54

One key MIT audience question 34:54-

Lowery’s book and public speech regarding BItCOIN censored by pentagon.

Video date 1mo ago -https://youtu.be/DLuqWYk-9Ag?si=0qLONm7DCDCtvMga 6mins

  1. Solar energy from space sent down to earth through radio waves and then converted to electricity at 80% efficiency with no day/night cycle or atmospheric interference is Tesla’s tech at work. Coupled with Starlink Tesla’s vision of power to every inch of the planet will come to fruition. You will be able to live anywhere you choose. ANYWHERE on the planet. However, energy will cost a Sitoshi (BC) instead of a dollar. Call it the Solar Sitoshi previously know as the petro dollar. What will be required for access? The mark?

  2. Seems like the globalist’s great reset smart cities and the USA’s smart grid super BC computer are very similar end goals. Perhaps one and the same except hopefully smart grid equals big smart country with freedom of travel everywhere over small smart city prison. Perhaps both will happen and the mark is the only thing that gives you “freedom”. from the small city.

  3. I have been at odds with the great reset and the rosey outcome it projects for some time now. It simply never seemed to match up with end times biblical prophecy. It always seemed unlikely that the world would come so close to the final form of the beast system only for it to get thwarted. If that happened it would take generations for another chance at happening because of the awareness generated by such a close brush with the end. All of that doesn’t match up with the metaphor of birth pains that Christ used. While this whole idea of a country power grid macro BC computer system solves that issue it is eerily the perfected “beast” system, it is being sold as the savior of our country and possibly the world. It will be seen as glorious and extremely attractive instead of a system of control. How long will we live under this system before the evil one takes control of it? Or is the evil already in control of it behind the scenes? We know what’s coming and it’s looking like a lot sooner than we think. The times and season are very clearly upon us. Put on your spiritual armor, if you haven’t already, and prepare for spiritual war. Priority one battle objective, recruiting.

  4. Bottom line BC is much bigger than anyone thought. It will effect every industry. Revolutionary discoveries such gun powder and aviation took up to centuries to find their maximum application. This is your chance to get ahead of the controllers agenda for it. Start learning about it now and stay ahead of the curve.


I found the message linked below to be encouraging and insightful. I want to share it with all. Pastor Farag is one of the most awakened pastors I have come across (9/11, Patriot Act, death shot, DNA corruption, etc.) and while other’s efforts to tie current times to biblical prophecy fall short I find Pastor Farag’s messages always sit right with my heart and often confirm thoughts that the Holy Spirit has already pressed upon me.

0-8mins Opening prayer, etc.

8-25mins A simple and hopeful Pre-Trib message

25-end JD expands with good insights as to the certainty of why the last hour is not near but here:

  • Advanced Technology

  • Mankind’s Survivability

  • Deception Spiritually


The last one “Spiritual Deception” is the reason for my post title and the motivation of sharing this here at GAW. What movie are you watching? The biggest nugget in Pastor Farag’s message, for me, was the distinction between “an” anti-Christ and “the” anti-Christ. While being grateful for this board and all of you contributors, my heart has always been unsettled about how to reconcile the spiritual hopes placed in Trump, Q, or “The Plan” vs biblical prophecy. I understand that for this reconciliation to be perplexing one has to have the mindset that we are indeed at the last hour. My hope is strictly in Jesus’ plan and I look forward to the blessed hope of Jesus gathering His children to Him in the clouds.

Conversely, the hopes in Trump, Q, or The Plan, while entertaining, do not hold much credence since we are already at the last hour. I don’t believe the current signs and times allow enough time for this generation, those that are alive now, and even those middle-late aged that are not saved by the blood of Christ, to escape the great tribulation. It’s coming and coming soon. There is simply not enough time for this ship to get righted. Much less for another era of bountiful and good times. It is a false hope IMO. We have never been so close to biblical prophecy. Israel is a nation, the temple artifacts are all already made and just waiting for the already planned and supposedly only waiting on funding. DNA manipulation and the evil in man’s hearts just as in the time of Noah. COVID showed us a concerted global effort. World government and world currency on deck. These are only off the top of my head. The few prophecies that left are strongly in the realm of possibility now. It is a time to rejoice as heaven draws near.

Trump, Q, or the plan can all be anti-christs. Anything that is taking your hope away from Jesus can be “an” anti-Christ. They may not be “the” anti-Christ but they can certainly be “an”. Search your heart frens. What movie are you watching and where does your hope lie?

Seek Jesus and you will find truth.

Edit: I find it revealing and sad that some would equate this post to dooming. Is not our salvation and the promise of heaven immeasurably better than this garbage dump called earth? Where is your faith and what are you seeking? I get it, I have aspirations too and on some level would like justice to prevail just so I could experience them but the promise of heaven is so far beyond any happiness that can be found here. I will endure what I must for as long as I must while here but we are all better off keeping our hope rooted in Jesus Christ and not any worldly plan.


1-20 Spiritual warfare aspect

20-24:30 Transhumanism aspect

24:30-30:45 Propaganda and biotechnology aspect

30:45-38:45 Technological bio/neuro weapon

38:45- Patent Review and vaxx true purpose DNA reprogramming nanotechnology



Please no crazy stuff talking about time machines, JFK being alive, it’s God’s plan, or none of that shit. What the most down to business explanation or movie to ingest Q?


It is my understanding that citizens are corporate entities under USA, INC. and it’s altered Constitution. Citizen “rights” are actually privileges given by the Gov (corporation), as where a State National is not a corporate entity and has inalienable rights given by God under the original constitution. Citizens are under contractual corporate law and State Nationals are under common law. Anybody else understand this line of thinking?

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