All the talk about how the new tariffs will "devastate" Canada may be overblown. It will hurt in the short term, but remember this:
The goal is to clean up world wide, so the ultimate intent is to root out the Canadian cabal, not to destroy Canada.
Trump's initial reason for imposing tariffs was to incentivize improving border security. Canada (under Trudeau) has been exceedingly lax on this for some time. I posted this interview with a Canadian Border Services Agency whistleblower a while ago: Alternatively, if you prefer YouTube it's here: Both have timestamps if you want to skip bits. In summary: criminals and terrorists are having a field day!
He's later expanded that to include trade imbalance issues, and I would not be surprised if it is in retaliation for Trudeau mocking Trump publically (though Trump may have gotten payback for that via the "Governor of the Great State of Canada" thing).
But there is one more intriguing drop about Trudeau that bears consideration:
This seems to refence a number of controversies or scandals involving Trudeau.
One Anon's decode is here: Seems reasonable but I would add the following:
Billionnaire(s) 187.
As well as the Sherman murders that the above decode references, this could also refer to 2016 meeting with senior Chinese state officials and a business executive seeking approval for a new bank from Canadian regulators:
and also this (archived):
Or it could refer to the WEF billionnaires to whom Trudeau is beholden.
I think the "187" thing is key, but I have no idea what that means.
Safety House Build.
Perhaps referring to the $2M of security upgrades done in 2017 to Rideau Cottage (Trudeau's "official residence" as PM) The timing is odd: Trudeau became Prime Minister in 2015. Why the need, two years later, to upgrade security? Was something leaked? Did someone find a bug? Seems odd that they would do this two years after he moved in, and not before he moved in. SOMETHING spurred the project.
That cancer is rising is beyond dispute.
They make the argument that it is cancers that would have been found earlier, but the delayed screening during the lockdowns missed them:
The only explanation NHS England can offer is that the rates partly ‘reflect the work of the NHS in 2022 to encourage people to come forward for checks to catch up on the effects of the Covid pandemic’ which led to ‘a reduction in the numbers coming forward and starting treatment’.
However, we're now into 2025, a full 4 years after the vaccine rollout in 2021 and 5 years after the lockdowns of 2020. That argument gets weaker as time goes on; surely all the "missed screening" cancers have been found now.
Yet they are never mentioned in relation to the increased diagnosis of cancer coinciding precisely with the rollout of the vaccines.
There's that surely. There is also the possibility that being locked-down and prevented from being outside cut the amount of Vitamin D people were getting, and lack of Vitamin D is also associated with cancers.
I'm a pureblood and proud to be so, so I'm not letting vaccines off the hook. But there is a bigger picture.
BOTH the vax AND the lockdowns were hugely harmful.
See interview here: well worth watching.
Whistleblower exposes theft of very large numbers of blank Canadian passports, mishandling of passports belonging to suspected terrorists, and that the upper levels of CBSA are either not taking things seriously or perhaps are in on it.
He went to the RCMP and Minister of Public Safety along with the Speaker of the House of Commons, and got nowhere.
Trump is right (as he usually is!) Canada is not doing enough to keep bad actors out of the USA.
Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò: Some considerations after the election victory by Donald J. Trump
Long(ish) piece, but of course very good.
Had to laugh at this part:
... It is not surprising that the outcome of the elections has outraged the exponents of the deep church, which for decades, with the support of the deep state, infiltrated the Catholic Church and worked for her demolition. The Jesuits together with “their pope,” accomplices of the globalist subversive plan, ought to soon suffer the same cancellation that in recent years they have inflicted – also making use of the political support they enjoy – on those who have denounced their betrayal.
Talks about the Club of Rome's "Limits to Growth" and how all the globalist culture-of-death stuff started over 50 years ago.
... This round of elections shows us not only the unchallenged victory of Donald Trump. It makes evident a plebiscite vote of the majority of Americans in favor of a worldview completely antithetical to and irreconcilable with the globalist, woke dystopia that we now know is supported by a minority of the nation despite the disproportionate deployment of means and resources to support it.
Talks about November 5, and how that shows how:
... people are tired of being hostages of a subversive Mafia, of perverted criminals for whom there is never conviction or jail time, of corrupt people who flaunt their dealings in the persuasion that they are untouchable, of people devoted to evil. ... The people who have elected Donald Trump – a number that is far greater than the official figures, if we consider the voter fraud that nonetheless took place – first and foremost have affirmed their right to remain human.
This is powerful:
... Providence has dismantled a global threat with small moves, showing us that God is truly all-powerful, and that the destinies of the world are in His hands. It is now up to us not to squander the opportunity we have been given, to draw lessons from the recent past, and not let our guard down. The élite now fleeing to their lairs will regroup so that they can launch a new attack more tremendous than the one we have witnessed in recent years. But in this phase of awakening consciences and retaking the Nation under God, we must not forget that the battle between God and Satan, between the children of Light and the children of darkness continues. Nor must we forget that Our Lord comes to our aid only when we recognize our weakness and His power, and that His help is all the more effective the more we cooperate with God’s plan. This is the true “greatest reset”: to recapitulate all things in Christ — Instaurare omnia in Christo (Eph. 1:10) — because it is to Christ alone that universal Lordship belongs. Christ is King. And he is King not only of individuals and families, but of all earthly societies, of all nations.
... The success of the “greatest reset” represented by the election of Donald Trump and the defeat of the radical Left will also depend on how well the people and their rulers can conform to God’s will. Our prayers have reached the Throne of the Divine Majesty and have been heard: let us make ourselves worthy of God’s Mercy by exemplary living and bear witness to Our Lord Jesus Christ by a life consistent with the Gospel. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (Rom 12:21).
#Latest News on RFK Jr Landmark Censorship Case
... The case — brought by Kennedy, CHD and news consumer Connie Sampognaro — alleges that President Joe Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci and other top administration officials and federal agencies “waged a systematic, concerted campaign” to compel the nation’s three largest social media companies to censor constitutionally protected speech.
During Tuesday’s hearing, Jed Rubenfeld — Yale law professor and attorney for the plaintiffs — told judges, “District court called this the most massive attack on free speech in this nation’s history, and it would be shocking if no plaintiff in the country had standing to challenge it.”
Seems to be just getting going, but it is something to keep an eye on in the future.
Covid chief hosted orgies during lockdown he ordered
... In autumn 2020, while elderly care-home residents were incarcerated and died alone, and nurses were sacked for refusing the mRNA shots, Doctor Jay Varma was rolling around with naked bodies on a drug-fuelled high. ...
BC Conservative leader regrets getting COVID shots, says mandates were about control | 'I’ve had three shots of the vaccine. I wish I hadn’t, quite frankly,' B.C. Conservative leader John Rustad said in a recently resurfaced video.
... “I’ve had three shots of the vaccine. I wish I hadn’t, quite frankly,” Rustad said.
“That’s one of the things that has changed in my thinking. The so-called vaccine, the COVID mRNA shots,” he said, recalling a conversation with B.C. Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry.
Rustad said the conversation with Henry left him feeling that something wasn’t “quite right.”
“When I talked to Bonnie Henry about it, I started to realize that it wasn’t so much about trying to get herd immunity or trying to stop the spread, but it was more around shaping opinion and control on the population,” Rustad said.
Note that the last election in British Columbia was in October of 2020, during the whole "Covid" lockdown thing. That election saw the New Democratic Party (NDP, socialists) returned to form a majority government (55 seats) with the BC United Party (centrist, 20 seats) forming the Opposition. The BC Conservative Party has 8 seats, the Greens have 2, and there are 2 Independents.
But this Rustad fellow is more important than he would seem.
On August 28, 2024, BC United announced the party is suspending its campaign for the October 19, 2024 election, has formally endorsed the BC Conservatives, and will merge their campaigns.
So although Rustad was not a decision maker during Covid, should the BC Conservatives win in October, he may become Premier. If so, he sounds like he would make a good one:
... While Rustad’s comments condemning Henry were made during a July 23 interview with the B.C. Public Service Employees for Freedom which opposes vaccine mandates, the resurfacing of the footage by the NDP ahead of the provincial election this fall seems to suggest the far-left party assumed Rustad’s comments would paint him in a bad light.
However, the video seems to have had the opposite effect, as many online pointed to the video as a reason to vote for Rustad.
A reconing for the "public health authorites" like Bonnie Henry may be in the works in BC.
The Talented Ms. Nuzzi | Exclusive Insight into the Sexting Scandal Between RFK Jr. and Olivia Nuzzi
TL;DR - Nuzzi sent RFK Jr. prOn; he blocked her. She phoned asking to be unblocked because she needed important information for a story. He unblocked her, only to be send prOn again.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
This was the nature of the "digital relationship" she supposedly had with him.
President Trump to visit the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Pennsylvania with President of Poland
Former President Donald Trump is set to visit the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in New Britain Township on Sunday, September 22 ... President Duda is visiting the US next week for the United Nations General Assembly in New York City ...
On the heels of Trump's wishing Mary a happy birthday on Truth, he is now planning a visit to a major Marian shrine.
Honouring Mary seems wierd to many Protestants, but think: Jesus follows His own 10 Commandments and honours His Father and His Mother. In the Bible we see the mother of the Davidic kings held a prominent role; so, it is not unreasonable that the mother of THE Davidic King par excellence holds an important role in the Heavenly Kingdom of her Son.
This visit by Trump is very significant on a spiritual level.
GLOBALIST ARCHITECTURE: Why everything in the US looks the same: The 'McDonaldization' of America
Not necessarily a good analysis (talks about "carbon emissions", etc.) but still identifies how globalist corporations have been for decades uprooting natural organic variety in architecture and urban planning and imposing their fake plastic crap on us.
This really got me thinking:
If everything looks the same, if you have the same chain outlets and same architecture everywhere, then why travel? You're not broadening your horizons or having a unique cultural experience. So, why not stay home in your "15 minute city", eh?
I doubt that when Levitt started building his Levittown suburbia in the 1950s that "15 minute cities" were a gleam in anyone's eye. But the logic of standardization of everything in the built environment certainly leads in that direction.
A critical point the host makes right at the end is that consumers seem to WANT this kind of predictable standardization. It's popular, now, anyway. Perhaps not so much a century or more ago, where local differences and variety were appreciated and valued. Travel was for seeing the differences, broadening your horizons, etc. Difference and "local character" were valued.
There is something psychological going on, because all this love of a standardized, packaged, experience corresponded with New Deal/Great Society shift towards government controlling more and more aspects of life.
Collective psychological fallout from WWI/depression/WWII? It must have been an incredibly turbulent time for people born in the the early part of the 20th century to have lived through that. Did it make the people of that generation desperate for stability, for "big daddy government" to look after all our problems? A desire for "big business" to provide a seamless, problem-free shopping/living experience when there were so many problems in other aspects of life?
Perhaps that PTSD and the collective psychological need for protection and security by government and business (rather than self-reliance and self-governance) did ultimately lead to the WEF/Club of Rome/rest of Cabal's control.
At least, that's my theory for the moment....
Another Suspicious Moment in DNC Pipe Bomb Mystery | An unidentified individual carrying a bag exited a police vehicle then walked toward the location where the device was "found" about 15 minutes later. There are no coincidences.
... Major news outlets, including those with full time J6 beat reporters, have completely ignored the shocking findings recently confirmed by DHS Inspector General Joseph Cuffari related to the Secret Service’s role in the events of January 6. Cuffari determined Kamala Harris, the incoming vice president and U.S. Senator at the time and now Democratic candidate for president, came within 20 feet of the alleged explosive when she inexplicably left the Capitol at 11:22 a.m. to visit the Democratic National Committee headquarters instead of staying behind to relish her history-making moment.
Yet she has never discussed nor been asked about her near-assassination attempt. And perhaps for good reason.
... The government also inexplicably misled the courts about Harris’s whereabouts on January 6. The Department of Justice claimed in hundreds of charging documents against J6ers that Harris was at the Capitol during the protest, lending credence to charges that the area was off limits. The DOJ later had to confess that wasn’t true.
... Ghosting her whereabouts on January 6 appears to be another way in which the media is rewriting her history.
Lots of video clips at that link.
Trust in Physicians and Hospitals During the COVID-19 Pandemic in a 50-State Survey of US Adults
In every sociodemographic group in this survey study among 443 455 unique respondents aged 18 years or older residing in the US, trust in physicians and hospitals decreased substantially over the course of the pandemic, from 71.5% in April 2020 to 40.1% in January 2024. Individuals with lower levels of trust were less likely to have been vaccinated or received boosters for COVID-19.
So they started the survey only a few weeks after the "big lockdown" at a time when people were uncertain and frightened.
Actually, it's heartening to see that only 71.5% had trust in physicians and hospitals even back then.
The combined data included 582 634 responses across 24 survey waves, reflecting 443 455 unique respondents.
So, a fairly big sample.
The survey was developed and overseen by a consortium of academic sites, the COVID States Project, formed early in the pandemic to understand COVID-19–related attitudes and behaviors.
So, not exactly and unbiased group.
They also asked some open ended questions, and analyzed the results with AI to group into themes. Those with lowest levels of trust included the following themes in their open-ended responses:
financial motives over patient care (70 respondents [35.0%]), poor quality of care and negligence (55 respondents [27.5%]), other (39 respondents [19.5%]), influence of external entities and agendas (27 respondents [13.5%]), and discrimination and bias (9 respondents [4.5%]).
Interestingly, lower levels of trust:
were not explained by political affiliation, nor fully accounted for by trust in science, suggesting some specificity for medicine per se.
It's not just Republicans, it's not just flat-earth types. Maybe, just maybe, people don't trust doctors because they ARE NOT TRUSTWORTHY. But the group doing the study are not likely to consider THAT as a hypothesis.
Limitations included:
Trust has been recognized to be a complex construct, with one early study identifying 9 domains related to trust in physicians. More nuanced understandings of trust may require use of multi-item scales, as a recent review suggested.
Whether interventions to restore trust could increase compliance with vaccination and other positive health behaviors merits further investigation.
Defining "positive health behaviours" to include "compliance with vaccination" is your problem right there, honey.
Dutch Olympian who raped a 12-year-old girl ‘is not a paedophile’, official says
There has been mounting public anger at the presence of the beach volleyball player Van de Velde, who was convicted of raping a 12-year-old British girl in 2016. Earlier this week the International Olympic Committee faced calls for an investigation into how a convicted child rapist has been allowed to compete at Paris 2024. The IOC has said the selection of athletes for the Games was the responsibility of individual committees.
Unredacted RKI protocols lay bare the entire Covid farce yet again
Freedom of Information in Germany has confirmed what we all knew: it was nonsense.
The Robert Koch Institut is the German equivalent of the American Centres for Disease Control; they are our primary public health authority, and as such they were central to the management of the Covid pandemic in Germany.
The heretofore secret protocols of their “Covid Crisis Team” are now available unredacted and nearly in their entirety. In what follows, I assemble some samples for you. ...
Pretty much what you'd expect: a whole lot of spin. They wanted a psy-op, they crafted messages accordingly.
But unlike the USA, where Fauci seemed to be calling the tune for the Trump government, who were forced to go along in the name of "science", in Germany it was all driven at the political level and the RKI were asked to provide "data" to back up what the politicians had already decided to do (with respect to lockdowns, vaccines, and testing).
...The RKI are not where the most important decisions were made, they are merely where everybody was supposed to believe they were being made. ... The role of RKI epidemiologists and virus prophets like Drosten was merely to provide a pandemic fiction that would justify whatever it was the politicians already wanted to do.
This is an important point; the Deep State is not everywhere. There are only a finite number of "bad actors" in key posts controlling a lot of people who were manipulated/forced into doing stuff. When the Deep State bad actors are removed, other parts of society can begin to function more or less normally. This RKI in Germany, for example, seems to have had the data at hand and the brains to put it all together to know it was a farce. Had they not been manipulated at high levels, they would have been able to say the truth. They may have been cowardly, but they were not corrupt.
So, without the Deep State, we ordinary folks can/will rebuilt as decent and honest a society that sinful human beings can do this side of heaven. We will need to work on character (honesty, integrity, courage) as that is the common fate of humanity. But the intense evil that was behind the "Covid" farce is finite in number and power.
There is hope.
Supreme Court rejects challenge to law ending religious exemptions for school vaccine mandates | Without explaining how individual justices voted, the Supreme Court dismissed a case intended to restore Connecticut's law allowing religious exemptions to vaccine requirements for schools and daycares.
... But the June 24 order list published by the nation’s highest court confirmed that We the Patriots USA, et al, v. CT Early Childhood Dev. et al. has been dismissed, without any elaboration. How individual justices voted was not listed, but with just four votes necessary to take a case, at least six would have voted not to. ...
... “This is the end of the road to a challenge to Connecticut’s lifesaving and fully lawful vaccine requirements,” Democratic Attorney General William Tong said in a statement obtained by the Associated Press. “We have said all along, and the courts have affirmed, the legislature acted responsibly and well within its authority to protect the health of Connecticut families and to stop the spread of preventable disease.”
There are still two challenges in lower courts still to be heard:
...“If we are ultimately victorious in these two cases, students with disabilities and students at private religious schools would be able to opt out of vaccinations and receive an education in Connecticut,” the group noted. “A victory in either of these cases at the Second Circuit would also apply to students in New York, which lost its school religious exemption in 2019. Although it’s not the broad, sweeping victory we were aiming for, these cases could still open the door for hundreds of thousands – if not millions – of children to receive an education in New York and Connecticut.”
... In the area of vaccine mandates, in 2022 the Court blocked the Biden administration from forcing private businesses to mandate COVID shots while upholding a mandate for healthcare workers at federally funded facilities. On state-level mandates, the court has been consistently more deferential.
Every Leftist Cause Begins as Humanitarianism and Ends as Terrorism
...Every leftist cause is founded on empathy.
The quintessential leftist, no matter how much blood eventually spatters his hands, starts off by caring a great deal about other people. ...
... Genuine humanitarians can exhaust themselves caring too much. But those are the types of people who stay up nights helping others. Some of this type can be recruited into leftist movements, but the average leftist is a deeply insincere humanitarian who cares about others only as a vehicle for developing an identity and asserting it on a public stage.
Leftists genuinely do care a lot. ... As long as it fits the larger agenda of asserting their will over society from a moral high ground.
To a genuine humanitarian, the oppressed are an end, but to a leftist they are a means. A leftist cares a great deal about a coal miner until he votes for Trump or a black man until he runs as a Republican. ... It is not truly the workers and peasants, the transgenders and the terrorists, whom the leftist cares about. They humanize, articulate and personalize the revolutionary mandate whose purpose is not to save, but to destroy everything about a world that doesn't care as much.
The more the leftist cares, the worse the atrocities he can justify with his boundless caring. ...
This is very accurate.
It's how the left recruits the idealistic young: by weaponizing their natural human compassion for others.
It's quite evil.
Did Justin Trudeau cover up the Chinese spy scandal? | The Liberal Party has failed to protect Canada
Did the Chinese Communist Party interfere in the past two Canadian elections? A fantastic series of leaks from Canada’s Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) over the winter of 2022/23 suggests so. The leaks point to a vast CCP campaign of political interference that Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government allegedly covered up. ...
... Looming over Trudeau is a damning insinuation: that concerns about CCP activity dissipated in a mist of procedure because that activity benefitted the Liberals.
There's also the case of the two Chinese scientists expelled from Winnipeg biolab that has been systematically swept under the carpet. It keeps crawling back out only to get re-swept under, at regular intervals for the last few years. That's not mentioned in the article, which is focused on election interference, but is part of the larger question of how much influence the CCP has in Canada. It appears to be HUGE.
This surreal situation raises an important question: whose responsibility is it to prevent foreign interference? To answer it, Canadians need to consider what should count as criminal conduct in a democracy where nearly a quarter of the population was born abroad, and many retain ties with foreign governments.
Riffing off of that, with "nearly a quarter of the population" of Canada born abroad, we have serious questions to ask about what is a Canadian? What shared set of ideals/values do we have that is supposedly there to draw us together? Trudeau said we are a "post national state" but that is nonsense: what the heck would make us a "state" if there is no "nation"?
But I digress.
The article is a long one, but well worth the read.
Visualizing The Death Of Cash Transactions Around The World
Surprised and disappointed at Nigeria: they revolted hard against CBDC a couple of years ago, but cash is now down to only 55% of their transactions. The USA is at only 12% of transactions, and Canada is terrible at only 6%.
How Government Psychological Manipulation of the Public Became Normal
If you're wondering about those incredibly emotionally manipulative campaigns during "covid", wonder no more:
... How did the U.K. evolve into a nation saturated with state-funded behavioural scientists whose raison d’être is to facilitate the Government’s top-down control of its citizens? ...
Article then goes on to describe the work of several important US psychologists
... The influential work of the above-mentioned U.S. scholars, together with a series of U.K. political leaders ideologically wedded to technocracy and top-down control of the populace, has had important consequences for British society. The tools of behavioural science are now embedded within the U.K. Government’s communication infrastructure – alongside other non-consensual methods of persuasion and propaganda – collectively constituting a potent armoury for manipulating the beliefs and behaviours of ordinary people. Currently, whenever the political elite choose to announce a ‘crisis’, our leaders (aided and abetted by their chosen ‘experts’) are happy to covertly shape citizens’ behaviour in line with their (often dubious) goals, routinely deploying methods that rely on fear, shame and scapegoating. ...
Jacques Ellul's book "Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes" defined propaganda as when an organization (often a government) manipulates peoples' natural psychological mechanisms for the benefit of the organization. The UK "nudge unit" is 100% pure distilled propaganda.
... Is it ethically sound for our political elite to strategically inflict emotional discomfort on the populace as a means of encouraging the populace to adhere to their diktats? Contemplation of these and similar questions by people residing in once-liberal democracies may lead to more visible dissent, with escalating numbers opting to reclaim their basic human right of deliberative decision-making. I certainly hope so.
I hope so too.
Bill Gates Launches ‘Maggot Milk’ to Feed General Public
... The new “EntoMilk” is described as a “dairy alternative” that is made from “black soldier fly larvae” or maggots. The maggots are blended into a “rich and creamy liquid which looks and acts just like dairy,” according to its creators. “It’s got a very creamy mouthfeel,” a promotional video claims.
That last bit just made me kinda gag.
But I think that's the point. They get off on the power, and especially the power to make us do something we regard as disgusting.