telegram link for anti twitterers
its hard to tell. however theyre obviously designed for a person and not objects. whatever they may mean
Because Trump has already been insulated within a pre existing TFR.
lol they say dismantled. but theyve only been adding more stuff and dismantling nothing.
This guy is the only one really. Jack posobiec kinda gives info. but hes tapered off.
already. However the pentagon (i believe its them) put in a request for 25000 through march + troops through september. You wouldnt do that unless you expect active riots (when you put a bunch of democrat terrorists in trial. ) Trailers placed in as holding cells.
There is some fencing and the plastic wall with the razorwire is up still. Military patrols within the sections still fenced are increasing regularly he says.
yea, but hes one of the few people giving active real updates on DC
isnt this the same telegram dude who begs for money every day
the trick to reading the skies isnt to track a flight. you track the patterns and find the oddities. like crafts making repeated low dives over the ocean generally signifies a carrier.
Joe isnt his legal first name, so theres a definite oddity
i was watching it for awhile. Its definitely odd. Presidential house arrest perhaps?
the same people were also trying to say a power line structure exploding from bad maintenance was an f16 bombing run in the same time frame
There is plenty of Q drops indicating that Trump would not take office this year. Anyone whose paid attention knew this for quite awhile. Its all the rooks coming in last minute that were spreading the wanna be hollywood action movie bs
202-568 is washington DC. In dc there is this guy Interesting background that doesnt match up with "military exercises"
I have a theory that congress was shut down in order to get corrupt politicians out of their homes and away from the limelight. This way they can snag em up without causing a big stir. But we shall see
Military is now conspiracy theorists confirmed
Numerous reports of it airing in spain 8 hours early. on top of that the weather doesnt match up, it was a full overcast with a ton of wind. Not partly sunny with a light breeze. i believe Mustangmedic on YT and Jack posobiec on twitter have footage of DC at the same time
it is updated every day at 6am. supposed to be.
Marines salute first. and in this case, no one did.
Marines didnt salute him which says more than enough
they have to be actions. if they were orders the registrar would be recording them. If they are orders and the registrar is not, well that answers itself
i think everyones just mad at everything these days. Far as im concerned, use the tools at your disposal. If your only hammer was made in a nazi germany factory, would you throw it out and use your skull instead? probably not.