Bro. There’s fucking 30k NGs in DC right now. The place looks like prison grounds.
But if Trump has a plan to prevent Biden’s inauguration, why would they put that information out to the public? That’s retarded. 100% retarded.
I do not get why this is so hard for people to understand. This is not some legislation being introduced where your hand is held as they tell you about it. This is serious shit. Trump already has a target on his back. Trump could seriously fuck himself over or get himself JFK’d if he has to be transparent with his supporters because they’d much rather have reassurance than a plan going off without any issues that could have been avoided had Trump kept it to himself.
We’d all love answers, but I’d much rather be a little anxious than foil any attempt to bring justice down on their heads. IF there is a plan, we’re not going to know until it happens.
DAMN. Glad I posted here, though. i knew someone would be able to verify it. I appreciate your detective work!
I’ll delete this thread, I don’t want to spread misinfo about anything.
I posted it in a comment but in case you didn’t see:
I’m gonna check there in the morning. It hasn’t gotten much traction yet so maybe it’ll take a little bit for these sites to see.
Not sure how that site is maintained but perhaps whoever runs that site hasn’t seen it yet? It was posted just a couple hours ago and I haven’t seen it anywhere but a couple of telegram channels. ??♀️
That’s why I’m here, lol. I was hoping maybe someone here knows how to verify whether or not it’s real.
It was posted a couple hours ago, I started seeing it on telegram.
....i posted a source retard. I’m a human being and need more than a millisecond to make a comment.
I’m new to this Q thing, is there any way to verify this is legit?
No he didn’t, faggot. Go shill somewhere else.
It won't work. The left is far too gone. We have to acknowledge that "unity" has never been within our reach, and it will not be until the people influencing the left into demonizing and hating us are no longer in the positions that allow them to do so. Right now, some of the left are so radicalized that they WANT you dead simply because you're a Trump supporter. Why are we so concerned with them having a negative reaction to saving our country that we'd actually consider whether or not it's worth doing?
There is nothing you can say or show them to convince them that this is good. And that's too bad, but they've manipulated the world into caring about their feelings enough. This is the ONLY chance we have to successfully take our country back. Sacrificing America because some antifa faggot/Womens studies graduate will be upset is absolutely retarded and should not be anywhere close to being on our concern radar.
If they're that unhinged, why are you even wasting your time worrying about it? There is NOTHING that can be done to show some people the light.
The left NEVER wanted unity. The same people we want to throw in prison for life are the very people that have brainwashed the left into not wanting the same unity you're so concerned with. You'd let this nice sounding concept of unity that is already impossible to maintain get in the way of taking our country back?
Bro. I mean this in the kindest way possible, but stop being a cuck. They wouldn't care if you were dead, your children tossed in reeducation camps, and your legacy erased forever, and that's before any of these arrests happen (if they do). Stand up for yourself. They are not worthy of us sacrificing our country to coddle their feelings. Unity will not be within reach until these traitors who have stifled any progression towards unity (among their other heinous crimes) are imprisoned and no longer influencing the masses.
You'll never convince die-hard liberals. Who cares? We should never bring the world to a halt because die-hard liberals are too clinically retarded to make sense of anything. We've let them drag us down enough & it's about time we said "fuck what they think". We've given them so much control and put them on such a high pedestal that when it comes to crimes of this magnitude and taking down the deep state that has destroyed our country, we're hesitant because "omg what will the lunatic left think??!?!"
There are some people who will NEVER be happy with this outcome. But sorry, some people being upset about it does not mean we continue to stand idly by as our country slips through the cracks.
Stop giving a fuck what the left thinks. It's irrelevant.
That's almost harder to believe than it being the cage to trap them in, lol.
Trump is literally in the highest position with the most authority/influence. He will have no more power than you or me if this goes past the 20th. January 20th, all or nothing.
Truly the only correct answer is that he is a time traveling wizard.
It’s an...odd amount of Q hating. Seems like a smear campaign to demoralize the one group of the base that still has hope...and TD fell for it.
But isn’t he legally president then..?
People keep saying that shit and I don’t get it. “Trust the plan” doesnt mean you sit like a retard and never move. It just gives you a glimmer of hope to keep hope and keep fighting. Tons of “qtards” were in DC. How many people saying “omg passive retards” were in DC? All the anti-Q people are miserable and threw in the towel. I dont see how that’s any better.
I’m not really super into Q (im here because the don has been compromised by who even knows and its miserable to go on and this is way better), though i did watch a very convincing video that has me wondering BUT ANYWAYS, it seems like if you’re not for having another fail at storming the capitol RIGHT NOW even though last time all it did was hurt trump, you get hit with the “LULZ QTARD MUH PLAN”. Like no, I just dont want to fuck trump AGAIN in his final days where he can still take action. There’s a lot of nuance but the don is really fucking annoying and impossible to get through to right now.
Anywho there is a serious Q smear going on (ON THE RIGHT SIDE) and I can’t help but wonder why.
Mehhh I wouldn’t put too much faith in “reality” shows.
I didn’t even consider that being a reason they’re doing that whole terrorist bill (conveniently after the 6th) and there’s talks of reeducation camps. It makes so much sense that I can’t believe it took this long for me to put it together.
If Biden is inaugurated, they know there will be violence. Funny, they’re making more “deterrents” for standing up for your country than they did for committing election fraud.
I LOVE the don but jesus christ people are freaking out over there. “HE BETRAYED US!”
It’s like they don’t realize that Trump was addressing the entire nation (if not world), including his worst enemies, and this was not a personal message to the centipedes on the donald.
Regardless of how you feel about the 6th, it royally fucked Trump over. He has a huge mess to clean up after everyone else goes home and moves on with their lives. And I get it, COMMIES AND TRAITORS BAD, TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK etc etc but Trump is not in a position where he can act so brazenly when he talks about it. They’re trying to impeach him, they want to invoke 25A, they branded his base as terrorists that they want to punish to the furthest extent of the law, they’re even trying to ban MAGA rallies. These aren’t nobodies-these people have power and influence. This needs strategy to get through.
I don’t know what Trump is doing nor do I know what to expect. I know people are desperately clinging to hope, but I can guarantee you that if he is invoking the insurrection act, the last place you’ll hear about it is from his mouth during a five minute speech about the wall (which is the first time he addressed the nation since the 6th/7th). That would be a TERRIBLE idea. Right now, it’s in his best interest to give the appearance he complies and agrees with the election certification. That does NOT mean he is not nimbly navigating behind closed doors. That does NOT mean he won’t strike when they least expect it. At the same time, he could have actually conceded. Given the circumstances, the speech today would have been no different if he conceded or if he was still fighting.
Do you know if there’s any where to look these up? I’m not doubting, just interested in hearing what happened as I don’t know any details about them.