RememberKosciuszko 1 point ago +1 / -0

Adrenochrome is laughably easy and cheap to synthesize, does not require any killing of humans to do it. And actually yield quite the mediocre psychoactive effects according to trip reports from forums written by people who actually took it. Just saying. I don't deny that there is pedophilia and most likely human sacrifice among this fuckers. But I highly doubt that adrenochrome is a goal of this. Maybe some side kick to all of this, but not the main goal. Why go to such lengths when their salaries and shady dealings profits allow them to basically get TONS of this in almost 100% pure, easy and manageable powder, orders of magnitude better quality dope? It's not even listed on any schedule and 100% legal. Just get some push over to buy it for them and voila.

RememberKosciuszko 1 point ago +1 / -0

This channel peddles BS.

Those adrenochrome papers are most laughable.

Nonexistent companies. People do know that you can simply get adrenochrome by exposing adrenaline to air, ALTHOUGH it will be low quality?

Synthesis is easy, prices are quite low. And people who took it and written trip reports says it's actually mediocre as fuck.

Adrenochrome BS pushers should do some basic research.

RememberKosciuszko 2 points ago +2 / -0

In Gdansk, Westerplatte is of the most, almost sacred importance.

It's the place where Schleswig-Holstein started shelling and basically Second World War...

One of the first major things Polish kids learn about modern history/war period in schools. Many poems and songs were written about this place.

RememberKosciuszko 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is some nice old European architecture in Podlasie and other regions that didn't get destroyed by Second World War or got rebuilt.

Look up Branicki Palace in Bialystok and surrounding park if you didn't already or Tykocin Synagogue. St. Roch's Church in Bialystok and Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, also in Bialystok. Wawel Castle in Krakow (although it's Małopolska; close to Śląsk), old castle of our kings and former capitol city. Look for some ol factories in Śląsk. Royal Castle in Warsaw is also worth a look. In Poland most fascinating architecture comes down to castles, palaces and churches, sometimes factories - like the rest of Europe. You won't find it in US.

Śląsk is really industrial. Old and new factories, active coal mines. Kinda dirty air - to the point it is visible (although barely) if you visit it after some time in more clean regions - Podlasie has the most clean air if you'll ever need this type of rest. It's sometimes called "the green lungs of Poland".

Mazowsze is all about lakes, lakes and lakes. If someone doesn't want/or can't go to the sea but needs some water or fishing/angling, that's their place. Capitol city is also there, but Mazowsze isn't a small region and it has many more rural places.

RememberKosciuszko 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok, my wording might imply that a little. Sorry. Since I mentioned I'm a skeptic, I just see this as more viable option now than foggy research(timestamps)/planefagging etc.

RememberKosciuszko 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where did I say it?

I just came forth with idea and proposed some action, that's all.

RememberKosciuszko 1 point ago +1 / -0

Further down there's a list of links to news of supposed "governments resigning" across the world which was stickied here on GAW and half of them were debunked in the comments by nationals, me included...

Vatican Flag shown there is total BS

RememberKosciuszko 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm halfway through this and noticed supposed Vatican Flag and a link to "alternate history wikia" which explicitly states that articles in it are fanfiction...

I want to read the act or anything of the sorts.

RememberKosciuszko 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lmao. If you don't want to try to help your president that's fine.

RememberKosciuszko 2 points ago +2 / -0

What is there left to do? Try any means possible even if they seem to fail outright. There's always a chance, of at least red pilling people in the process (Kamala lawsuit has the potential). That's what fighters do. Till the bitter end even if it's single platoon against tank regiment. What if there's no plan? Hope for the best prepare for the worst - that's what I keep hearing here. Exhausting legal options falls into the former. And by the way. Even after adjusting 75 million upwards for a fraud, cut this number a little, I would say at least a third. Old people, disabled people, so on and so forth. It's not like every Trump vote is a battle-ready trooper. What if the military isn't on citizens side? I know it's harsh pill to swallow, but top brass and officers in many cases aren't. Biden has at least some, if not full, control of the military. They're already rolling into Syria. NG shenanigans - sleeping in a garage with single porta potty. "Part of the plan. Optics." - are you willing to bet your life on that? I'm not saying it couldn't be true. But it might be false.

RememberKosciuszko 2 points ago +3 / -1

At least they do something and try instead of rolling over, exhausting any means possible. It's logical step for anyone who doesn't want to give up and isn't convinced there's any plan - people calling for legal motions in this case.

RememberKosciuszko 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know honestly.

I know that covid is bullshit (as it: it exists but isn't as harmful as the narrative pushes) and those particular vaccines are incredibly dangerous due to abysmal knowledge which should be gained through YEARS or even decades of research.

And I don't doubt those fuckers like to play with weird symbolism.

But the fact that it's called luciferase has SOME logical basis, not just because someone made it up on a whim without ANY reasons. It gives of light. It occurs in some insects and plants. Lucifer means "light bringer" so there is SOME reason for name.

RememberKosciuszko 2 points ago +2 / -0

Luciferase, that's for starters

Second, it's called because it's a bioluminescent agent. It gives off light. Lucifer means "light bringer". Edit: and it is naturally occurring.

Third, I don't know if it's in the vaccine or not.

But last - if it's there, I don't see much of a reason. Supposedly the mechanisms which allow luminescence are also helpful in other chemical processes, but I won't pretend that I know this for sure.

RememberKosciuszko 2 points ago +2 / -0


In what strange time zone you live?

Or you started at 5:40 and live in central Europe

RememberKosciuszko 3 points ago +3 / -0


So what you're going to tell about those who rip it with their own hands and proceed to burn/stomp on it? Quite a few photos of such acts by declared satanists.

RememberKosciuszko 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, started to learn it approx at 6 years of age so yeah ?


RememberKosciuszko 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well... I won't answer the question cause I don't really know BUT

The thing with abortion is an old play by ruling party for manufactured outrage honestly which only lefties didn't figure out yet

From the day they took power there were already numerous protests because they were meddling/trying to meddle with abortion laws. While lefties and feminists were outraged in the streets, the parliament was doing some crazy shit, happy that no one looks at what they're doing, probably being thankful to lefties for their stupidity.

Last years was two times.

First in spring, they HAD TO just look at civilian project (in Poland, if enough citizens back some project for a bill and you find a parliament member willing to introduce it, you can basically create a bill by yourself) for anti-abortion bill. Lefties went into outrage, protest at Capitol and all. While they were at it, the government among many other things broadened the capabilities of police force to ridiculous extent, when they already could do MANY things.

The second time was Constitutional Court ban. Outrage was tremendous, hundreds of thousands of people FOR WEEKS.

What did government try to do LITERALLY DAY AFTER THE RULING? Mandatory vaccines. Wording was so screwed up it could allow them TO FORCE EVERY SINGLE POLISH CITIZEN TO GET A VACCINE. But fortunately Senate shot it down, made them do proper changes and vaccines ended up completely voluntary. But government successfully did few other things that night.

But, the point is. Almost all lefties were completely unaware, because muh abortion.

It's their old trick for manufactured outrage and it works, because young stupid lefties and media swallow it balls deep. Fortunately many lefties grow out of being lefties in our country.

RememberKosciuszko 4 points ago +4 / -0

And that one instance (I mean, not only Down's syndrome but life altering impairments in general) was banned, BUT it sparked one HUGE problem

Now doctors are very, VERY scared to do any prenatal examinations, I'm not sure exactly why since I'm no doctor, but one of the reasons I heard is they don't want to risk prison time in case something goes really awry.

And that's a huge problem, because such examinations are sometimes essential and life saving, both for child and mother. And you can't really blame the doctors - it's government who screwed them over. Now govt needs to do some hefty legal workaround and no one really knows how.

So there's that.

RememberKosciuszko 1 point ago +2 / -1
  1. To be fair - health minister also resigned at similar timeframe but out of completely unrelated causes to the second one. Basically some corruption in his family and shady deals were unearthed.
RememberKosciuszko 4 points ago +4 / -0

They banned only one of three possible ways to abort a fetus in Poland

  • pregnancy because of crime (rape and all) - it's still here

  • when pregnancy creates too big risk to the mother, her health and life - still here

  • when there is rational suspicion that child will be severely impaired or maybe even not born alive (Down's syndrome all other tragedies) - that's gone

And it's not really the government who did this, but Constitutional Tribunal (something like SCOTUS but not really - we have Supreme Court and Constitutional Tribunal/Court separately) ruled it's against constitution

Anyway - for good or bad it was is not up to me; they have many more things to set straight in their policies either way.

RememberKosciuszko 3 points ago +3 / -0

Never been by the sea. I'm more of Podlasie (lots of forest and farmland; lovely people, funny accents; the butt of the jokes similar to Florida/Florida man ?) Mazowsze (really nice lakes) and Śląsk (coal mines and funny accents, a little different dialect/language actually) guy.

Podlasie is cold as tits man. One town there is ALMOST ALWAYS the coldest in the entire country, despite snowy mountains in the south (the other end) of the country. There's some glacial leftovers underground or some shit underneath this town.

RememberKosciuszko 16 points ago +16 / -0

Yeah he resigned because of Belarus riots and Polish reactions to them. We wanted to help general public and lead the EU response to the crisis, but Lukashenko (Belarussian dictator for 26 years, he basically once again fucked over the elections and people have had enough) said "fuck off", ordered the troops to the Polish border and that's it.

He just failed his job as Foreign Affairs minister by unwillingly leading to escalation of animosities (although we love our Belarussians ❤) and had to resign out of "courtesy".

You figure out if it's the "plan". Cause I'm a skeptic in general so yeah.

RememberKosciuszko 4 points ago +4 / -0

Our governments are really too different to properly compare.

Duda basically pens most of things that they bring him, although one time he was against some major changes in justice reforms and firmly stood his ground and shown some balls, because they were trying to pull off some majorly worrying shit.

RememberKosciuszko 3 points ago +3 / -0

In our country President is really a figure head, realistically just giving final signatures on bills. Look more at Ministers. But in current ruling party Kaczynski is de facto leader and pulling all the strings - and he became a minister just a few months ago after few years of rule. Minister of Justice and General Prosecutor Ziobro (something like AG) is the only dissenter out of all ministries and at least in small amount not under Kaczynski's heel.

Ruling party is pro Trump, pro USA, anti globalist and euroskeptic, but they need to change their ways with many things, like welfare (500+ program, read up about it). It's not that lavish - only Polish families with kids get it, but still.

It's the only thing that keep them in power. This single one welfare program and despise people have against their opponents - but after ruling party shenanigans this argument slowly looses it's power.

They tried to push for mail in ballots for presidential election half a year ago or so, although with PROPER checks. But it was done in a way that privacy rule (who voted for who, sacred secret) could be too easily broken, and general public uproar prevented it.

All in all - they need to change their ways or they won't get reelected. Duda is just a figurehead. Look at Kaczynski, Morawiecki (prime minister) and Ziobro (being Minister of Justice and General Prosecutor puts him in a dangerously powerful position, he basically can decide to investigate the shit out of anyone he likes)

RememberKosciuszko 36 points ago +39 / -3

And it's from fucking August lol.

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