MSM and Libtards are really trying to push the Q-Anon's are crazy conspirators and violent message. I even saw a so-called conservative reporter repeat this kind of stuff on OAN this morning. Our People follow the rule of law and the Constitution Peacefully, the only bullshit posts I have seen really look to be shills or libtards all talking the same thing. Be Cool, Be Patient and Stay Alert.
I really thought that China already in the process of buying most of Greenland's Natural Resource Rights, which they tried to keep very quite. That is why DJT wanted to intervein, before they got a foot hold there. I read much literature from Europe that was warning about China's plans, and DJT's move was welcomed and strategic. Libtards blasted him as crazy and foolish, (they always call you what they really are.)
What if Barr was a good guy playing bad guy who appointed Durham and Durham is really going to have some indictments ready for Jan 20th. Or maybe DJT already has them in his hand, would be interesting. I really wonder why he isn't even mentioned at all anymore, seems like DJT may have his work waiting to deliver it. When DJT keeps quite he is usually up to something.
Be patient, I was surprised this week when two of my life long friends that were really brutal with their words and silence called me and we talked. They are starting to realize that they were fed a line of bullshit, and they are really hurting too. But they are still very confused, I had to be really soft spoken and hope they get out of Dem word 100% altogether. Good luck to you guys.
Good Point, Part of All Assets being ready?, Many (evil) people are worried, actually scared and what happens when you corner many evil dogs, just about anything is possible. The One I trust is DJT.