No this stuff hasen't been released before yesterday, these are the docs that everybody wanted to see, Proves how Dirty the Dems are without question, plus it shows Dirty FBI, Dirty RINOS too, this is the Trump Card.
same with me 3 years, been saying this too and some are just starting to notice, we know from Q what is possible to release since the other side will see it too. I really think there is a lot about to happen, the things that did not seem right was for the other side to see, Q said not all crumbs are for us. The deniers will see the truth soon.
I don't want to pop the expectations but...anytime we had a Divisional Strength of Guys in one place there were always choppers flying day and night it seemed.
Should also see (or hear) fixed wings keeping air security, 20 or 30 thousand Troops in a small area is a big juicy target for evil makers or total nut cases from above. Usually they call it part of a training or support exercise.
Fren you have a Good Heart, I agree with you. I understand that the more I read and was typing about bullshit the more I reinforced it on myself. I suspect that many doomers are from the other side and are not awake yet or perhaps intentionally attempting to disrupt any good news . In time that will change as truthful things come into the light. Thanks
If you haven't already, listen to X22 tonight episode 2378, he does a really good job explaining what is happening. I've been neck deep into this for 3 years and he keeps coming up with what I have, hope we both are right.
They are all getting scared, now they are starting to understand We Are The Real Majority. YT is letting stuff stay up that relates to covid, Q, Anon, etc. in the last day or so. Three days ago they would ban you for having anything like that. Maybe they are rewriting their software to hide and trying to stop the bleeding. Never trust them again.
A comment was made on BTN news that if Joepedo doesn't get inaugurated, before DJT removes him the current impeachment will stand and follow him into 4 more years. When Our President does return to the WH, he may have the World's Record for impeachments until we can get all of the swampers out. May God Bless DJT and Our Country.
Totally Agree, many have taken flack at just saying the Truth, even here, Stay Strong WWG1WGA