RobertScot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ceragem master v3... It's a wholistic massage table/machine that, when used once a day, will restore your health. It combines eastern philosophy and western technology, by using JADE stone rollers and infer red heat set on a track, will use the combination of a good alignment and deep tissue massage (and heat) to increase blood flow without increasing blood pressure... I could go on and on, but since I'm posting this here... It works. You know because way back in 2001ish, they had a couple hundred locations around the us and where giving away free massages every day. Hour after hour, a new group would switch out. People started getting health and in turn, happy... so many people that "they" started to notice. "they" sent people in with preexisting back conditions followed with lots of law suits... drove most of the Ceragems stores to shut down.