My fellow frogs, lend me your flippers.

This night I have sent letters to both my state Senators, urging to help eachother do the right thing and save this our US of A. My most excellent frens, I would encourage you to do the same.



This is the link with which to find the contact info for your Senator. From there you will need to put in your info, proving you are a constituent. That is up to you and i know many of you wont, and that is fine. I decided, as i did with my congressman many years ago, that them knowing who i was, was a small price to pay for my voice to be heard. Ive since held conversation with their staff and met both my old and new congressman, and the new Senator (one of them). In talking to staff, ive found that it can be as few as 4 voters reaching out on the same issue can have influence on a representative, especially if it is articulate and non-threatening.

What you say is up to you. For convenience, I'm including a letter sample for the nominees. My encouragement to this is to say not all of them will listen to you, but some will. An extra letter or two can help grow a backbone in those who sway in the wind.

You dont have to say exactly what i wrote, but maybe it will inspire your own words.

Senator X,

I appreciate you and you staff taking the time to look over correspondence from your constituents.

I wanted to share my concern with you, which comes from my family as well.

In short, we believe supporting the current President is a priority in preserving our Republic and we formally request you do the same.

His appointment selections, including DNI nominee Tulsi Gabbard are good for the country and we urge you to support her, and Trump's other nomination picks.

For too long the Federal Government has NOT been doing the will of the people, and has been frittering away our hard earned money on worthless endeavors, racist policies, and outright unlawful projects and fraud. President Trump may not have a personality to suit everyone's taste, but he IS doing the will of the people, and you should too by supporting his nominees.

Thank you and God bless.


One of the Frogs


When we win 2024, for the dept of justice and any military tribunals, PLEASE put in charge, TIGERS & LIONS, NOT weak pussy cats.

The last thing America needs if for justice to be delayed any longer, or for traitors to get off, or get super weak punishments.


So this is my take on the whole Flynn thing. Take it for what you will.

There have been a lot of good posts recently trying to disect what Flynn has said recently, most notably when he was on X22 and gave Dave a good tounge lashing. Frankly, I think that interview hit a lot of us pretty hard.

Some of us have backed up and tried to analyze it, rightly so, as Flynn has been described as a lot of things. From an inner circle member (doubtful), to a paytriot, to an outright fraud (likewise doubtful).

Honestly, the way I look at it is this. Regardless of good/bad, Q/anti-Q, the message he's been putting out is a good one: Don't wait for others to save you, do something to save yourself. For those of you who went through boot, I get the impression of a drill instructor in the way he's hammering on what needs done. You may not like it, you may not think it is a good way to do it, but it is what is needed to get the digital soldiers motivated to do what needs done to accomplish the mission: save the world.

Self reliance and responsability resonates with Americans, or at least it used to, and it should resonate with us. It goes back to rewarding effort, like fishing. If you've not heard it, I grew up with the axiom, give a man a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, he eats for his whole life.

IMO, I think what Flynn is trying to say is that we need to learn to fish... but politically. (more on this in a min.)

Yeah, I still believe the military is in control, yeah, I believe Trump will win, and at the global scale, things are gonna be ok.

However. That's at the federal level, and the US is one of the only countries in the world that is not governed top down. Ultimate authority is with the person. Then the city, then county (or burough if that is what you have), THEN State, and THEN Federal.

When Trump takes back the White House and straightens up the FED, he is pretty much done. Yeah, people will be arested, the fed will hopfully be dismantled and most of it shut down for good, but that is it for his part. I know, that is a gross oversimplification and entails a lot of work, but to the point I'm trying to make, were gonna go with it.

That will solve some of the issues, but guess what? We still have corrupt City officials. Corrupt County councils and school boards. There is corruption in our state legislators and DAs and AGs, and Governors, and Judges....WHERE DO YOU THINK ALL THE CORRUPTION AT THE TOP CAME FROM???

So when Flynn comes on and says (paraphrase), "the Military isn't coming to the rescue, You have to rescue yourselves!", THIS is what I see and hear him talking about.

The Great Awakening is part to drain the swamp, save the country, save the world. Yes

I would challenge us, though, that the other side of the GAW coin is to get WE THE PEOPLE back into local politics. To take back the reigns of our destiny and clean up what we can clean up. Local government, school board, advisory committees, community events, builders associations, community foundations, being involved. By not doing these things, this is in part how we've ended up where we are now. Civic duty.

Along those lines, I want to share that a based Anon co worker of mine has just announced a run for County Council. I've been asked to be part of their advisory team. This person is totally MAGA, Q follower and ready to shred the deeds of the local team evil. They are backed by state reps, existing councilmen, school board members, businessmen, it is crazy. The only way they won't win is pure ballot box stuffing, and it is all paper ballots.

People are tired of the school crap going on, the push to give money away like it is nothing, the prefferential treatment, the attempts to turn our county into somthing akin to chicago. It won't be easy, even our little tiny county has rinos and bad actors. but this is how we're getting involved in the fight.

You can to, and there is a lot more support for MAGA, Q, conservative values, and justice than the national news lets on. No, it won't be easy. Nothing worth it ever is.

Lets support our troops, support trump, and do our share at the local and state level.


Ok, think through with me, this is actually pretty simple.

So historically when the middle east flairs up, there is a story or narrative to go with it. Something to bind the action together. Like any good action movie, even Rambo and Predator had a storyline that kept it together.

For some reason, all this conflict has is what, Hamas hate Israel??? And we're supposed to think that is justification for them to send hundreds/thousands on a suicide attack, knowing full well the backlash for such a thing?

Has anyone from Hammas stated what the objective was? Revenge for their leaders death? The death of his brother? Attack to release prisoners? Someone made a bad batch of Hummus? Anything?

Why would seemingly intelligent terrorist operatives perform a raid with crap for support, and no real objective other than suicide by lead poisoning and for their homeland to be glassed?

I mean yeah, Israel. But in my mind do they have to have a reason? Well yeah, actually. This isn't some craptastic phone app with lots of action, good graphics and no plot whatsoever. Makes no sense to me.

Has anyone release a video, like in the 80s and 90s? At least then they knew to release some sketchy dudes in the desert with AKs shooting a reporter, or saying scripted lines about infidels or capatilist pigs.

Its like their writers took the day off but the director still called for places, and then action.

Maybe they didn't want to recycle an old script, but also didn't want to wait for the writer's strike to be over and thought no one would notice or question it????

Thoughts? (please don't tell me they released a VHS and I just missed it)


I don't recall anyone addressing this, so sorry if it is duplicate post.

So one carrier fleet is overkill to show military presence IMO. Two fleets, that is a bit much isn't it? So my question is, what is Trump thinking?

Stability in the middle east? yes

but who is he trying to stabliize?







SA is a strong Trump/Real USA ally. Did they request support/protection so they wouldnt have to get directly involved?

Prevent Iran from escalating?

Taliban requested passage to jump in the fray, is it time biblically?

Are the Abraham accords breaking down? Remember Israel didnt want to join at first, Trump had to stay 3 days to get them on board. (Unscheduled)

Maybe Trump didnt realize the extent of their DS infestation?

Israel counter attack on Gaza, to what extent? Just reclaiming land? No

Revenge? Kinda yeah, ok.

Resource grab? Getting closer, but eh, how hard up are they for oil and stuff?

. .

Trump messaging. Seems to have some comms injected, but not really clear on pro/neg Israel? Obviously anti Israeli DS, but what about country?

Sounds more like just trying to stabilize the region?

Sorry for rambling, not sure where this is going except to stimulate more conversation.

They may be Faux News, but this one is a badger! Get em!!!! (rumble.com) ๐Ÿคข These people are sick! ๐Ÿคฎ
posted ago by Rooks ago by Rooks

...and he was talking about Resident Biden pushing CBDC and more mask mandates (him and his wife are conservative normies, but apparently inquisitive). I told him i didn't believe either will work long term, we'll reject it.

We discussed for 5 -10 min or so, we talked about the corruption, and he had been digging a bit into Covid origins and such. He got jabbed for work, but no boosters.

All season this has been going on. We talk a few minutes at each game (our kids both play).

Next topic was ways to clense boosters, there was hope. We discussed mortality rates of vax victims, long term effects, etc.

Then we discussed Ukraine. He didnt think they were our allies, and i filled him in on their Nazi history.

Recently he brought up Canadian Nazi pride, and we went over (lightly) a summary of the plan. We discussed Russia being an ally for now, and biolabs.

Each week he told me he had looked up what we discussed before, or how he had known some of it, and I helped him fill in gaps.

This last week he told me he had known some about the military coup discussions in 2009/2012. Then he asked for some of my news sources. Among the links i shared, i sent him the URL for GAW.

Funny aside, he said, "hey, ive seen that, that Q, ive seen that before". He had seen a Q sign someone was holding at a Trump rally, he knew our logo when i showed him the GAW page.)

I count myself lucky, i met a tadpole and saw it grow into a frog.

A frog was born.

Maybe two, his wife is just as awesome.




**For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness...

Ephesians 6:12, RSV**


To start and for full disclosure, I didn't screenshot it at the time, and I don't rememeber every single detail correctly, but it struck me as so odd because of the circumstances, it was hard to forget.

Needless to say, if this strikes anyone familliar and you have a copy, please link it! So with that out of the way, on with my post....


In 2013 an article appeared on the Internet, and it was one of the oddest things I've ever read online.

Likewise, it was a reliable publication that had it up which lent it more weight. IIRC it was a post, Washington Post or New Yort Post. Anyways, the article started off discussing Obama having a second term. The disasters of the first term let several military leaders to believe the Union would be in big trouble with him on the second term. To the effect that, with a second term, it was discussed by several generals and other Intelligence officials, whether or not to stage a coup and forcibly oust Obama to preserve the Union. Several (at the time) recent decisions of Obama's had forced them to consider their options.

It went on quite matter of factly that while most thought it was a good idea, there would not be enough popular support from the public to support a military coup, given Obama's popularity at the time, no precedent for a military coup in American history, and the optics from the press who had been running cover for the administration. The article continued on that while it wasn't off the table, it wouldn't work for the time being and they would have to pursue different options.

It was an amazing article and was, what I believe to be, the beginning planning stages of the information war we are currently in.

I brought this up on GAW a couple/few years ago and someone mentioned having seen the same article, but they didn't get a screen grab either. If anyone else remembers the article, or better yet grabbed it, it may be good to have it as part of the historical record, IMHO.


Can any CA frogs confirm if the "Stars" are still out and about?

A lot of us are hoping this convenient strike was more than to cover for the resident, and was indicative of, perchance, some much awaited and anticipated early arrests...? Gitmo vacations?

Just another frog in the pond wondering.


Arnold Schwarzenegger puts out a newsletter, 'Arnold's Pump Club.'


The September 11, 2023 post can be read online here (note the names at the bottom):



In this post there is a short article titled "A Good Reason For Bad Breath", reproduced here:

Cold season is just around the corner. Between back-to-school crowding, colder air, and everyone staying indoors together more often, upper respiratory infections tend to tick up during the fall and winter. Although thereโ€™s no cure for the common cold, scientists are always looking for an edge in preventing infections. Good news: a recent study showed that supplementing a combination of garlic powder and onion extract decreased the risk of upper respiratory tract infections, namely the common cold and the flu.

More research is needed to understand why onion and garlic supplements could help ward off the common cold, but their effects on the immune system could be the reason. Onions and garlic are rich in sulfur-containing compounds (like alliin, in garlic), which may improve the ability of white blood cells to fight off unwanted germs.


Additionally, the article links to these fairly shallow, yet insightful, articles:




Conclusion: According to Arnold, a former CA Governor and therefore a Genius Level Expert on Diseases and Climatology (by Liberal standards), Colds and the Flu (and therefore Covid due to the nature it is a flu variant) can be combatted with common seasonings such as Garlic and Onion.

Likewise, not only is Flu season NOT caused by Climate Change, Global Warming, or Global Cooling, we don't actually know what causes it, but we have some guesses based on LOGIC & FACTS.


<Mic drop>


UPDATE: This was not meant to support Arnold, but rather point out the irony of the newsletter's content, given his political position.

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