Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I went to a massive store tonight that was packed with people in California's Inland Empire. I'd say about 20% or less of the customers were wearing masks. A positive sign. People are done and don't care what Newsom says anymore. Plenty think the recall was rigged and he cheated again.

Rubieroo 11 points ago +11 / -0

Also: there's no reason to be terrified of the mRNA injections. Just say NO and mean it.

I liked the professor that released a statement today saying he isn't planning on getting exemptions to do what is completely within his rights to do (he was talking about masks but it applies here too). It's enough to say NO. Exemptions are like asking permission to even have a right that we already have.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I tried lufenuron a couple of years ago to be sure there are no side effects, btw. A friend had a persistent issue with what looked to be fungus so I bought some and tried it.

It's a good thing to have on hand anyways - very multi-functional. Candidiasis is a pretty common problem for one, and if you're in proximity of any dangerous fungus - it'd make a good preventative. All fungus has chitin exoskeleton (cell wall). No chitin? No fungus. The stuff I bought was on Amazon, for pets.

Rubieroo 1 point ago +3 / -2

Biden didn't get in. He's been dead for a year.

Rubieroo 12 points ago +12 / -0


DC. London, and the Vatican.....we KNOW.

And the whole thing with Switzerland being the army for the Cabal, for the bloodline families (none of which care about eachother)....

Rubieroo 14 points ago +14 / -0

:D Okay, as much as I loved Mel Gibson and Mad Max..... Terminally kicking NWO ass would be great. They deserve it for sure. Who would not love that? It will happen.....THEY will lose.

But Mad Max is not the plan that Q laid out :P I mean, if things went on long enough rampages against the Cabal would happen anyways - even here in CA people are ready to downright stalk these Cabal creatures. Too many know to track the Paysuers.

Q: Law and order.

I do believe that public "intervention" will be pre-empted by the alliance led by the Q team.

Unfortunately the military IS the only way. Be nice if justice reigned.....but you and I already know so many judges were purchased. And prosecutors. Justice can only succeed if judges aren't criminals,

So dang...this is what it is. Lawful, and right, and true. What else could happen once the entire structure (worldwide) was controlled by pedophilic cannibal Satanists? Now THAT will be a reveal, eh?

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I cannot imagine knowing what they know. All I can do is pray for them and support them while they work WITH us. Because without We The People this would not work.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, but He did not want for us to get trampled. Which is something a lot of believers ignore and are injured by.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am going to leave behind the Romans reference for a second. Long way around. Bear with me.

What did Jesus say? His followers would cast out demons. Does the Church (on the whole) do that? NO. (we cannot hide behind the Church.....we must do it).

This is how you take the authority He gave you: CAST OUT DEMONS IN HIS NAME. And by the way, you must say His name. If you call Him Yeshua or Jesus, or what you understand His name to be. Refusing to cast out demons? Not biblical. So tell me: are the people who pick at you doing that? ;)

He said we would heal the sick in His name. Learn to do this. Praying Medic is a great resource.

As for Romans: in this country (the United States) we honor and are bound by the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and lesser but valid: the Bill of Rights.

So...in this country the over-arching authority is the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, which amended the Constitution. So anyone that violates the over-arching authority...God is against them.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was in high school and thought it sucked. I cannot rid myself of the notion that a corporation is bound for Hell. At some point, if not at the start.I remember when corporations were granted "person" status" I do think in hindsight that was a significant act pushed by Satan.

I don't even trust the idea of making a Christian group massive anymore. WHY do that? It's all subject to corruption, and I say that knowing that some groups are not corrupt.

I honor groups that grow without meaning to, until they need larger buildings to house all of the friends. But this is where talking with the Lord comes in: is it a large corrupt thing? Or a holy growing body? There will never be a replacement for conversation with HIM. Our Father.

It's just a structure that can be had. The solution? Has always been the same: talk directly with the Lord. The Holy Spirit can take care of you quite nicely, thank you. No need for a big group to validate.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

When I was in high school I (as a cynic) went to the Crystal Cathedral. I saw up front all of the pastel Rolls Royces. Huge row of them. That turned me off, because my teachers were Jesus movement. Hippies. Went inside and saw Schuller in the middle on a throne, with the cross to one side. Ticked me off.

I went prepared to hate that massive amount of money spent and yeah, it was crazy that way. One thing I thought was interesting? Birds flying around the whole time. Kinda charming. The whole time? Sparrows and other little birdies were just zooming around.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +3 / -1

3.5 is my understanding, but I am actually talking about neither. What I'm saying is that while the days of the antichrist referred to in scripture will come....those days are not now. PRAY. Because if no one gives a rip? Kiss it byebye now.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Consider though, that there are those who are soft, weak, or who just do not understand: they're on our side. They will not go into a provoked civil war. They want us to win. They just do not understand.

We are already where we need to be, fren ;)

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm impatient too. But I bet the Q team is way more impatient than we are, because they know what is at stake.

I wait on them. I serve the REAL commander in chief. Which (IMO) is right now hidden from us in the Q team. I trust because they gave me reason to trust.

Rubieroo 2 points ago +2 / -0

By the way, you really inspired me to think on what I have seen. Which is not anything good. Christians who have gone along with Cabal measures because they MISUNDERSTAND scripture and think Romans tells us to do anything govt tells us to do?!?!

WTF? Sorry for the F but....wartime warrants it.

And then there's the boatload of posts I get that say "Jesus take me away" or "Sit back, the rapture is coming". Jesus did say "occupy until I come". So they say "Close the bar door, I'm in!"?????? Or do nothing to obstruct the Nazi World Order? I think they need to have a look through Dietrich Bonhoeffer's works. He tried to kill Hitler and was the one who said that all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act.”

I m horrified and expect the Church to learn from this. God have mercy and help us :(

On a brighter note: things are about to get better. Dark to light. We've been in darkness.....and still are to a large degree.

Weird side note: I have never had a good opinion of SoCal's Crytal Cathedral and Robert Schuller. Just....the money creeped me out. I met his son recently. He came out of retirement when all of the churches closed during the rona nonsense of a year and a half ago....2020. He set up a street church because he felt it was wrong for the Church to not gather.

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know what it will look like. Friend, I will tell you that "fireworks" are 100% guaranteed!

Mainly because I cannot imagine the Internet vanishing, replaced by something else. I can't imagine tanks and soldiers guarding my town, which is not huge. I can't imagine people unable to talk on the phone, and out of food going door to door, (or vice versa with patriots offering provisions). Can't imagein truckers stalled because gas is $300/gal because of a currency CRASH.

Can't imagine lights out for more than a week combined with the other things, nor our currency being replaced. So...all I can do is kinda wonder and prepare ;-)

Rubieroo 3 points ago +3 / -0

One wonders how long they've been raping children and torturing them into oblivion? Since Egypt? Before that?

My guess is - at the very least, thousands of years. It's not like Satan and the hose of Nephilim had no one to cooperate and pass down the accumulated knowledge over centuries. They're just more efficient now.

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