So seeing the Planned Parenthood free abortions at the DNC, a friend of mine commented “Of course, they need to feed Moloch.” And I know there are plenty deepstater types that will have moloch idols at there fancy clubs and parties.

But how should we, from a Christian perspective at least, look at this?

I’ve always been of the understanding that Moloch doesn’t exist and they are just pissing into the wind with all of this, but I’m not entirely sure I have it right anymore.

I’m starting to lean towards there still being no Moloch, but the left using it as a way to reject God means Satan is just there like “I’ll take that!”

But is there any credible thought that Moloch is a demonic entity? That the Canaanite’s were worshiping one of the devil’s servants, and now the globalists are as well?

Not sure why but the thought has been bothering me lately.


So, we all know that the convictions yesterday can not stand up to scrutiny, but how long will this take to sort out?

Granted I’m taking the judge being told no bail means Trump is free until the sentencing so that might make things less urgent, but can the file the appeal now, or will they need to wait until the sentence is given?


Not entirely election related, but this does line up. So while we are all thinking of 1776 and American independence, I'm starting to see a lot of similarities today to the leadup of the French Revolution... oppinions on the proper fate of our "elites" asside, the truth is the the French Revolution went badly for all involved by the time all was said and done.

So what am I noticing? Well, unlike the American Revolution, the French revolution was preceeded by several economic crisises.

First the French economy was crushed by debt following foreign wars. Next some horrendous weather wiped out crops causing bread prices to soar. Also French industry was being crushed by foriegn competition, and protectionism wasn't an option due to treaties. Flooding further devestated agriculture.

So in the months leading up to the violence, food prices were rising and jobs were disappearing.

There were elections, but the populist leader (dude known as Necker) ended up doing nothing but giving some weak assed speeches and was completely ineffectual. Hearing (or at least thinking I heard, might have been a nightmare) that Kevin Mcarthy and Mitch the Bitch McConnell are keeping there positions made me think of this immediately.

If we do go into a French Revolution style uprising, after the initial joy of seeing certain figures get what they deserve, well, then it will get ugly. Now I know the economy today is very different, but if anything the complication of the Bidet regime's energy policies is only making things worse.

Any history minded posters here have any thoughts?


So, been reading about the possible railroad worker strike starting Friday, and while I’ve got some essentials stockpiled, just wondering if anyone here with logistics knowledge knows what goods will be most impacted if this strike happens?


Seeing that Piglosi is hell bent on getting us into a war and China sees how Biden has weakened us, yeah I’m not surprised by headlines like “China prepared to invade Taiwan “.

But how capable are they given that they are out of money? I mean like the Dems want to sacrifice our troops to distract from the Bidet economy, I’m sure China feels the same about the Evergrade collapse, but how likely are Chinese troops to execute orders if they aren’t being paid , or possibly equipped and fed?

Also given the unrest, if they were to attack in thier weakened state, how likely is India to take advantage? (I doubt we would see Tibet being freed, but maybe they would claim some of the disputed area in the Himalayas for example)


So, lately I’ve seen in a couple of places people comparing the current conflict between Russia and the Ukraine to the Holodomor. (For those not in the know, it was a famine created by the Soviets to crush Ukrainian independence movements in 1932). Following this I’ve been seeing various media about the Holodomor popping up in my various news feeds.

After unrolling my eyes I realized something…

Until now I’ve only known about the Holomodor from my personal research and knowing people who’s families fled Eastern Europe during the Cold War. (I grew up in a neighborhood with lots of Slavic and Polish families). Zero mention in pop culture or even academics. Of course our commie dominated education system would never talk about commies being naughty…

So, now that Soviet crimes against humanity are being brought up to demonize Russia, is there a chance this could backfire on the deepstaters and inadvertently Red Pill younger people that communism is a bad thing?


So here is the deal… I’m a federal contractor in the defense industry who works on a military base. They threw down with an 8 Dec mandate to get vaxed, but are leaving it up to the contract companies to administer that stuff. There was no mention of a religious exemption and I know that if that option isn’t given I can file a complaint with the EEOC… but while I’m waiting for my company to figgure things out there is a second concern…

It was said that if someone is granted an exemption then they must get tested for COVID every 3 days at their own expense. This strikes me as excessive and an attempt to coerce us into taking the death jab. Given that, does anyone think a case could be made that this testing requirement would be retaliation for getting an exemption? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

(As it is I am fortunate enough to be in a position that I could retire today… and am ready to just pack it up and quit contributing to this corrupt society. I just want to make the process of getting rid of me as painful as possible)


Ok, so it’s a safe bet that the AZ audit will uncover massive fraud. And the consensus seems to be that that will trigger audits in other states, let’s say GA, WI, and MI all get there audits and show Trump won.

What would happen next? Would we see court cases to reassign delegates? A state by state legislative solution? If this lead to military involve The Who would pull the trigger so to speak?

And should I keep more than two weeks of emergency food and water handy?


So the dude is an aged hippy and was being a vaxhole this morning. And asked when the rest of us would get our shots. I said I wasn’t planning on it, and cited that is experimental and that moderna a is linked to Gates and his Malthusian views make me really untrusting of it.

His response?

“Ya gotta have more faith in the science man...”

I couldn’t help but chuckle.

(And yes, he’s an evangelical athiest)