Rufinator 1 point ago +1 / -0

I suspect this will go down like the Sirius and XM merger hearings did. A satalite version of a service still needs to compete with the terrestrial ones. Starlink still needs to compete with AT&T, Spectrum, Cox, WOWAY, etc…

Rufinator 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’m betting it’s linked to the Chinese spy who was working for the governor.

Rufinator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, but all that was needed to get tons of useful Idiots to support net neutrality was to tell them at without it their porn would be slowed down…

Rufinator 3 points ago +3 / -0

No idea about that, I was referring to his penchant for dirty tricks (which isn’t always a bad thing).

Rufinator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Aside from the fact that I’ve not seen anything about birth control in the Republican platform, I got my phone while living in a more liberal area… I suspect this was meant to go out to Dems who are turned off by Harris, cause honestly most of that shit seems alright to me.

Anyhow, there is just something fitting about the Kamala Kamp Krazies using Nixonian tactics to campaign

Edit: I cropped out there number in case that would be considered doxxing. If a mod oks it I can post it if there is some sorta research going on with this stuff.

Rufinator 2 points ago +2 / -0

They would be hoping that after an attack people would rally around the incumbent… I don’t think they realize that people are more informed now than in decades past and will 100% blame Harris

Rufinator 2 points ago +2 / -0

What are they spraying? I’d be OK with it if it were something like DDT, but sadly the world decided peregrine falcons were more important than people (particularly Africans) back in the day.

I bet even if it’s not something designed to sterilize the population it’ll still be toxic as fuck and not effective against mosquitoes.

Rufinator 1 point ago +1 / -0

So my Grandmother was a life long Democrat till Regan… and it was the Pro-Life stance that got her to switch initially.

It was after becoming a Republican that she started to realize things like how Democrat economic policies hurt the working class instead of helping them…

So while some may initially switch because the rigged selection process opened there eyes, now that thier eyes are open they will hopefully see how messed up so much of the democrat platform is.

Rufinator 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think the boom will be on Monday or a Tuesday in the form of Harris not getting a post convention bounce outside the known shill polls.

Rufinator 13 points ago +13 / -0

Most interesting is that most the people who said Trump didn’t hesitate, and a few were even enthusiastic.

Though I can’t really fault the guy who’s response was “Who are you?”

Rufinator 1 point ago +1 / -0

And I guess this is where I get confused… those kings who screwed the pooch, was it devil worship or worshiping a false idol? Are false idols demonic by default? Given that today democrats seem to do it as a specific rejection of Christianity, the I don’t think that’s a stretch… but what if ancient people who didn’t out of ignorance rather then rejection?

Rufinator 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean I have no doubt there are many satanic democrats, but the ancient people that worshipped this stuff is what I get hung up by. I guess I’m wondering if a false idol is demonic by default.

Rufinator 4 points ago +4 / -0

What would they be hiding? Cause of death seems obvious enough…

Is there the possibility there were drugs in his system and they are covering up some mk ultra shit?

Was the shooter trans and they are trying to hide that?

Was the shooter not who it’s been said it was?

Rufinator 3 points ago +3 / -0

So Harris is weak on the border, weak on law and order, and weak on the economy. Well, nothing will help her on the economy, but to choose an open borders sanctuary state governor who let BLM rioters run, erm, riot. He brings nothing to the ticket.

Also, not that I think it'll make a difference as the media will bury it, but doesn't he have a history of alcohol abuse?

Rufinator 1 point ago +1 / -0

While I do think this was a setup, I don’t think the deepstate is as in control as we think. I don’t believe they directly hired this freak. What they did do was create the conditions to encourage an antifa type to try and do it. From media portrayals to political dog whistles. Even though the stripping of secret service protection didn’t happen, that it was proposed plants that seed in people’s mind.

I’m sure if we could look at security details from the past few months, we would see tons of security failures at previous events… just that they aren’t visible because nothing happened until now.

Rufinator 4 points ago +4 / -0

Party registration is meaningless… I had an uncle who was very very liberal, life long Democrat voter. He was registered as a republican so he could vote in the primary and pick the canidate he thought the democrat would beat… basically the Niki Haley gambit before it was trendy. I liked to tease him that it meant he was technically a Trump voter.

Rufinator 4 points ago +4 / -0

Given who this is coming from, I think he’s mad they didn’t cover for Biden better and wants to tune out cause they let the truth slip out.

Rufinator 12 points ago +12 / -0

Might be by design… every well known democrat is toxic, dare I say radioactive. Often in polling a hypothetical candidate will do better than any of the actual ones… they may be hoping an unknown candidate might get that effect in real life. (I doubt it though)

Rufinator 9 points ago +9 / -0

Will this impact the lawfare against Trump’s lawyers and people like Gulliani as well?

Rufinator 14 points ago +14 / -0

Something does have me scratching my head… and I may have this wrong…

So there snap elections were called by Macron after Le Pen’s party won some EU elections. Why did Macron call for a snap election though while his opposition had the momentum? Seems like a recipie to just lose more.

Rufinator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is this planned? Or just a sign that most journalists plagiarize off eachother? (Not that the two are mutually exclusive now that I think about it.)

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