This is what i am trying to do at the moment. Hopefully we can get a good lawyer and go ofter them if we do get fired. Possibly even for segregating us from lunch areas. They try to convince us by telling us its to protect our families. However they can still carry it anyway. 75% to get heard immunity but even if the vax ratewas at 100% they can get it from a dog or a cat.
That is correct, im in California. Whats crazy to me is that we are segregated. We cannot eat in the same brake area as the Vaxxed. Its nuts. We have to test twice a week now and ive been trying to red pill here and there. I will tell them something along the lines of "Well im negative so i am more likely to get it from you vaxxed, since you can transmit it and are never tested"
I work in the Surgery Department at 2 different hospitals, hes right. We are supposed to face the patient if we need to sneeze. So particles go out the side and backwards(away from patient) I have till the end of Sep to get Vaxxed. Told them they wil have to fire me. Hold the line.
Edit: At one location i am one of a hand full of people that will not comply wit the Vax. At the other, about half the OR staff is not getting the vax. I really hope lots of people in CA do not comply. At both locations they are already short staffed.
My man, fellow APE, see you in the moon. Im almost 100% sure GME is somehow part of the plan.