Local news where I live (KS) is reporting an influx of people to the hospital due to overdosing on "muh horse medicine", something about not being able to calculate proper dosages and riddled with "animal de-wormer" I'm sure. I don't watch the local news (or any "news" for that matter), and the couple times I've seen it in the past I thought I had accidentally tuned in to CNN/MSDNC so that should probably tell you everything you need to know right there. Anybody else seeing local anti-Ivermectin propaganda?


Human nature being what it is, patriotic fervor tends to come and go.

In 1772, when it seemed to be more going than coming, James Warren reported to Samuel Adams from Plymouth about the towns he had been canvassing: “They are dead,” he lamented, “and the dead can’t be raised without a miracle.”

“Nil desperandum” (Never despair), Adams reminded his friend. “That is a motto for you and me. All are not dead. And where there is a spark of patriotic fire, we will rekindle it.”

I first heard of the Q movement sometime in 2018, and still to this day don't know a whole lot about it. Full disclosure, I wouldn't consider myself apart of it. I always got the impression that you were my kind of people (pro--Trump, pro-America, etc.), though. Coupled with the fact that the Drive By Media started to really hate you guys, and you know what they say about the enemy of my enemy. Fast forward to late January, and about a week or 2 before the 20th I started seeing this same thing going around (I saw it on The Donald, I saw it on a militia site that I'm on, and I saw it in a couple other places) that basically said "don't worry, whitehats in the military are getting ready, arrests will be made this week, the Pope is involved, things are going to happen that people once thought were impossible, that Trump was going to utilize the emergency broadcast system, and that all the hard work was done and all we needed to do was pray, and that everything was going to be alright" (I'm paraphrasing, of course). 'Q' was mentioned several times throughout, too. Obviously, none of that happened. I'm not trying to bag on y'all I'm just trying to figure out what the deal with that was, if anybody could clue me in.