SNOWBREAKS 3 points ago +3 / -0

I do indeed now feel responsible to do just that.

Its a shame they got my Twitter account, I had a bluecheck with 21k. They changed my age to 12 years old and the banned me for not being old enough (No joke I have the emails and screenshots)

But I will still move forward with this information, come hell or high water.

SNOWBREAKS 11 points ago +11 / -0

It really is low vibration assault man.

CNN is so difficult to watch if you're red-pilled in even the smallest way. Their lies and manipulation is just SO BLATANT

SNOWBREAKS 9 points ago +9 / -0

After I got banned on Twitter for literally no reason - I just started looking everywhere but there and boy did shit get real obvious REAL quick.

I think we're about to catch the fattest W ever

SNOWBREAKS 16 points ago +16 / -0


SNOWBREAKS 27 points ago +27 / -0

They're doing the whole "According to reports, the capitol siege may not have been totally what it appeared" type of shit.

Plus They're getting their assholes turned inside out for having Sullivan(BLM Instigator) on Anderson Coopers show and like sucking his cock. His arrest was announced very shortly after the interview aired.... almost like it was... a plan?

SNOWBREAKS 36 points ago +36 / -0

Yep. They're being trepidatious but my parents who are completely blue pilled called me and told me "Wow, Snowbreaks! You were right! They just reported On CNN about the set up at the capitol!"

Couldn't believe it. Its now so clear that they're trying to get ahead of the story cause they are aware it's gonna come out big time

SNOWBREAKS 34 points ago +34 / -0

I've always just seen all that as victory steps taken by the enemy

Never did I believe that there were benevolent actors above it all letting them hang themselves with their own rope. Just seemed too good to be true.

I guess this explains the rumors of "Trump making Gorsuch, Kav and ACB promise not to rule on an election related case in 2020"

SNOWBREAKS 26 points ago +26 / -0

Youre too kind. I was calling u guys names literally 4 days ago.

Stop being well mannered Patriotic heros and tell me to go fuck myself of something ?

SNOWBREAKS 11 points ago +11 / -0

I'll wear it with pride sir

SNOWBREAKS 20 points ago +20 / -0

This ACTUALLY makes sense.

Considering everything that's popped out and has been totally buried by the MSM - I have gone from thinking youre all schizophrenic; to making bags and bags of popcorn for the whole family.

I dont see a world where atleast something along the lines of a mass announcement detailing the crimes of these bastards occurs.

The biggest wake up call was when I saw CNN coming out AHEAD of all the investigations to report the SET UP BY ANTIFA at the capitol. There is no universe where CNN would try and clean up public misconception in favor of truth and reality unless they were in red alert defcon 5 and trying to buy leniency from the Storm.

I am a rational man. I believe you now.



SNOWBREAKS 2 points ago +2 / -0

You people are either master trolls or you're schizophrenic.


deleted -1 points ago +2 / -3
SNOWBREAKS 2 points ago +2 / -0

What does CLAS refer to?

What does SOC tweeting have to do with anything? Cause he tweeted the same day as the Ban occurred?

Is that June 4th reffering to something that's gonna happen then?


deleted 0 points ago +1 / -1
SNOWBREAKS -1 points ago +2 / -3


SNOWBREAKS 1 point ago +1 / -0


I genuinely can't tell because anyone that reads what I'm saying and says I'm pushing "passivity" either didn't read a single word I wrote or is just .. idk, insane?

Genuinely asking.

SNOWBREAKS 2 points ago +2 / -0

I understand what you're saying Patriot. I swear I really really do. I've been balls deep in this shit since I watched "Zeitgeist" in 2007 and found Ron Paul. One thing youre leaving out though of your quite comprehensive understanding of where we find ourselves now is: We are NOT CHINA. CHINA did not have the foundation we do. They didn't have Ben Franklin, Washington, Adams, or a constitution in the way we do.

Not only can this approach save the country- its completely infallible. Completely unbeatable.

But it takes a serious groundswell of patriots to wake up and start moving. Never have we been able to actually make that happen. From the IRS getting caught targetting conservatives, to rhe Gulf of Tonkin incident that started the Vietnam War... People/Patriots in America have just been too prosperous and too comfortable because of the divine gift that the constitution gave to the concept of Sovereign Citizens.

The evil ones have overplayed their hand. Trump forced it because he was NOT SUPPOSED TO WIN. They would have continued their "slow boil" strategy if we didn't come out en masses and put a true Patriot into the highest office in the land.

Unfortunately, the network that POTUS heads is just so corrupt and unconstitutional, he was hamstringed. Imagine if we took back that network through "trench warfare", getting down in the dirt and electing that Patriot town council member, that Patriot sherif that will uphold our right to observe elections, that Patriot local legislature. They would be FINISHED. Thats why the 4Fs designed the constitution to put the true power in the hands of the people. But remember, as Franklin said.."Its a republic...if you can KEEP IT."

We haven't kept it. We walked away. It made us so prosperous and it made so much happiness for us that we stopped with the remedial and tedious custodianship that the founders told us was necessary - in order to simply enjoy the benefits of this beautiful system.

Trump has woken us up, and forced the evil ones to accelerate their plans. The great awakening is HERE! We need to grasp it and organize. Not sit around waiting for someone else to fix the problems while we sift through Q droppings like mad Men.

Time is now. Never shall there be another. MAGA

SNOWBREAKS 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's nobody on Reddit to "help".

This is a site of intelligent PATRIOTS that are bereaved right now because of what has been happening. I'm simply trying to inject some reality into the discourse. If we can organize here, we can organize for an Idaho state legislature election.

Its simple, and it's true. We've heard about it forever. The good thing is- the brazenness of the crimes those demons in government have committed are waking up the whole country. Let's not wake up just to go back to sleep while we wait patiently for more Q droppings. Let's get up and really get moving.

Thats why I'm here, not on Reddit.

SNOWBREAKS 1 point ago +1 / -0

And its incumbent upon us to MAKE IT HAPPEN!

The 4f put the meat of the power in the local levels of government for a reason. They can't use Dominion if Patriots run the legislatures. They can't steal an election if we don't let them illegally coral us in a corner so we can't see the ballots. They can't threaten us with arrest if we have a Patriot voted sherif that wil protect the constitution and the citizens rights when they try and illegal force us out of rhe counting room.

THAT is where our battle is. Get up, campaign, and lets go nuts to butts on this shit now

deleted -1 points ago +1 / -2
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