So I have been listening to the Shiva livestream and lurking here reading about "bare shelf Joe" and I have an idea. Now that Sleepy Joe is looking to be widely hated I wonder should we start to ask people why did they vote for Joe IN THE PRIMARIES. Cause here's the thing I don't think they did vote for him in the primaries. Maybe it would at least get the gears turning a bit on whether our candidates on both sides are elected or are they selected.


So Captain Graham Hood's speech was really good everyone should watch it. He mentions WHO is leaning toward classing Marburg Disease as a class 4 potential pandemic. Marburg disease is transmitted/becomes active by traditional vaginal sex, it apparently can kill you. Now the only point I want to make is: it is really convenient as a scare tactic if you wanted to discourage people from trying to have kids. Why would you want to do that? It's not as if, hmmm, I don't know some people, who took some sort of experimental treatment, may notice that they can't have kids anymore?


Sorry in advance, this topic is not that important, but I just see a lot of involvement with not so much knowledge over on the YouBoob which I know lots of you have abandoned already. Anyway there are quite a few conservative influencers covering the VS story about how the angels are cancelled and they hired Megan Rapinoe and the comments are just full of how VS is going to lose money and blah blah. So I just want to tell everyone what I know. VS the company was already losing money, not so many people are aware of that. Over priced lingerie is just not the top of anyone's lists these days it seems. To make matters worse the CEO of their parent company L.Brand Leslie Wexner had a personal relationship with Epstien which further hurt their image. IMO this is the attempt of a FAILING company to turn things around and probably the only direction they could go considering Wexner connections. I know it seems like another attempt to cancel normal sexuality but that is probably not the main reason for the change.


Today's local talk radio had callers who claim that companies mostly big corporations would rather hire new people than those that were laid off. Some hypothesize that it has to do with possible back pay and benefit reinstatement, making it cheaper to just get new workers. If this has happened to you or someone you know we actually know how to handle it. BLAST them on social media. Scream at the masses. Tell them that even though they fly their pride flags one month of the year they really and truly do not care. How many of the same corporations ran those little feel good Covid propaganda pretending to give a crap? I don't know, but what I do know is that if these guys who got screwed over by big corp. ask the government to step in and fix it we are all just going to be more screwed.


How's This:

"Environmental Disaster! Trees cut down by the millions as both Democrats and Republicans print fake ballots following the passage of HR1 in the house"

if you like it and have the subscription consider passing it along


Ok sorry for the click bait. So for those of us fighters in normie space which includes me (ya got the news so I come over a lot) cause I know ya'll are smart but the military I just I can't leap into belief. Anyhow we are concerned. We are worried that as the more time goes on and if the habbening doesn't habben that you will abandon us. Ok so to the meat and potatoes, the only way Q works is if you do nothing, nothing at all, you have to give up. Now from what I have seen is that you guys are actually doing better than TDW on the doom thing. But I mean you aren't doing nothing right? You are fighting the information machine. You are making phone calls even though with the passing of HR1 in the house it looks bad. IDK, Q as psy-op to discourage violence makes no sense. Q as psy-op to make you complacent and leave work to others does, however I don't see it. Happy March 4 I don't think anything is going to happen I think it was all so they could vote HR1 in the middle of the night and not do it today while everyone is watching. We gotta kill that thing in the senate. Fuck


Hello I know we all love Titty Pussy and here exercise hour but it has come to her attention that she has been betrayed! Expect instead of her workout an emergency announcement calling all Libbies to come to her aid. This is all super serial the rat is going down!

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