posted ago by SSConservativePride ago by SSConservativePride +60 / -0

Ok sorry for the click bait. So for those of us fighters in normie space which includes me (ya got the news so I come over a lot) cause I know ya'll are smart but the military I just I can't leap into belief. Anyhow we are concerned. We are worried that as the more time goes on and if the habbening doesn't habben that you will abandon us. Ok so to the meat and potatoes, the only way Q works is if you do nothing, nothing at all, you have to give up. Now from what I have seen is that you guys are actually doing better than TDW on the doom thing. But I mean you aren't doing nothing right? You are fighting the information machine. You are making phone calls even though with the passing of HR1 in the house it looks bad. IDK, Q as psy-op to discourage violence makes no sense. Q as psy-op to make you complacent and leave work to others does, however I don't see it. Happy March 4 I don't think anything is going to happen I think it was all so they could vote HR1 in the middle of the night and not do it today while everyone is watching. We gotta kill that thing in the senate. Fuck