I have never had much luck searching in this site and all my prints for this don’t bring up any results.
I am an RN and was able to search the medical literature.
I found the Joe Tippen protocol, but it doesn’t include ivermectin.
I found the NIH studies on Ivermectin, but they didn’t include fenben.
And no one talked about if it was safe to use alongside chemo?
It would be awesome if anyone has the time to search our site for the threads. I guess I’m just not doing it right?
Do any of the frogs doing spreadsheets have a way to organize this and tally our collective comments?
We def need to change the vernacular from MSM to either “Corporate” or “Controlled” media to further awaken our brothers and sisters to the lies they are listening too.
I am one little lonely frogette, but after seeing a post from @warclandestine about changing the name of the “msm” to the “Corporate Media” I need help from my frog friends to get all over it on the internet and help change the realization for our asleep friends.
#corporatemedia instead of MSM or legacy media. That moniker is the realization that corporations own and pay for the news they (our still asleep friends) are listening too.
WE are the news now, so the former “MSM” is dead upon arrival!
Thank You Elon!!!
I just don’t know what to think about him and this situation right now.
Besides, Russia loves Alaska and wants it back. I’d prefer Putin over Kamala anyday!
Think about it - President Trump would look so bad ass with that look. Anyone care to ask AI of some sort to do that? I honestly haven’t ventured into using it yet.
He was a country/backwoods kid with only his guitar, singing on his porch about the massive amount of ballots that flooded in. Are there any autists that can help me find it?
I know a lock is the best deterrent but I’m just pissed that I not only lost an expensive stethoscope (can understand that walking away) but even personally bought hemostats and medical scissors have disappeared from my own locker, and even other people’s expensive Danskos that they keep under the changing bench have magically walked away on their own.
I know this isn’t Q related, or any other relation to what this board is about - I’m just asking for opinions from those who might have insight.
I’ll understand if this post is deleted, but there is a wealth of folks with knowledge in HR and such here I just thought I’d throw it out.
I don’t think I would rat them out, but if maybe they thought I would they would just go work somewhere else?
Both sides of my family have soldiers and Generals who fought to gain freedom from England during the revolution. I am so proud of their effort, but feel so lost for letting their hard work slip away. Communism has been insidious and I dropped the ball in my generation. I could cry right now :-(