THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD Cmon guys. Take some of that 3.2 Mm and lawyer up. The emergency edict is blatantly in contravention of the Charter in the absence of some evidence other than truckers giving food to the homeless and sweeping up after themselves. Talk to Peckford’s counsel. This should be in court tomorrow morning.
“POTUS” says will take questions then some low level hostess says no, then those in attendance allow themselves to be herded out like complient bovine. THIS IS ALL THEATER I can’t believe anyone much less a Governor would tolerate such discourtesy and disrespect. Not to mention the total and humiliating emasculation of a sitting “POTUS” Putin is laughing at these idiots.
The Ottawa Chief of Police resigned today. It’s a logical inference that he is implicated in this, or other false flag events. Particularly given his history