SemiSocio 57 points ago +83 / -26

Just enjoy some normal living my guy. If the plan is still going cool, awesome, WOW AMAZING. But you all really need to just stop refreshing and over thinking everything. Hug your kids, fuck your wives, buy yourselves something nice and when they come for the guns, blow heads open in a blaze of glory before one gets you and sends you to sweet, no longer a slave to the flesh, oblivion.

SemiSocio 0 points ago +3 / -3

Hopefully released into the ocean. I have a vast dislike for children, especially non american ones coming to america.

SemiSocio 0 points ago +3 / -3

They die before they become tax slaves, souless garbage, college fuckwits, part of the horde.

A month of torture vs 60 years of it.

A death young is better than a life tired.