Seraphim 2 points ago +2 / -0

You say Department of Energy...I hear "Offworld technology."

"You are learning. How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible? Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here. Q"

by v8power
Seraphim 2 points ago +4 / -2

Truth. Don't trust a damn soul on this planet, except for yourself...embrace your inner introvert and explore the Great Within.

Seraphim 1 point ago +1 / -0

btw, your username reminds me of the Missing 411. Freaky shit- worth a cursory examination, especially if you read the books.

Seraphim 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't believe that it will. And if the "lesson" were to last longer than a month or so, we need to start relocating into a geographic region of neighboring States and getting political control of all local Governments within. Then we could pull a "California" style fuck-you to any of the Civil Rights infringements that our Federal Goverment demands. Mind you, in that scenario...if we don't concentrate our numbers into the same general geographic area, we're fucked. We either hang together or hang separately- we are no good spread apart as angry little red dots speckled over a giant blue continent...that continues to become bluer due to reproductive/demographic/evolutionary preference. Numbers don't lie.

We need to keep Red as Blood fucking Red- it's our only strategy for survival, the only concept that will allow our Way of Life to continue. Together we are unstoppable. Apart, we are nothing. It will require old-school Republicans to accept weed smoking Libertarians...and deer-season Fudd Hunters to accept new school auto-weapon, silencer equpped three-gun shooters. Baptists will have to live and let live with the young folks who want to try Ayahuasca shamanism- and etc. My only caveat is that so called Pro-choicer Libertarians will have to go fuck themselves...because individual rights begin at the moment of conception. Once human, always human.

Seraphim 2 points ago +2 / -0

Demographics are Destiny.

We are vastly outnumbered in the reproductive pool...vastly. While Conservative families struggle to raise one law abiding citizen, radical (brainwashed) communist pawns pop out 5 children on the taxpayer's dime. This is not by accident- consider it a selective breeding program. The only possible way to bring that entire population of diehard Democrats back to reality- to make them see the light, get their shit together and to ally them to the Patriotic side- is to show them the awful truth. It will be incredibly painful for every human on this Planet to know the truth...but within that pain, it is expected that they will find acceptance, resolve and newfound respect for their own Constitution. They will say "Never Again."

Seraphim 1 point ago +1 / -0





Seraphim 3 points ago +3 / -0

As soon as you stop fucking your sister

Seraphim 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe our Military is strong enough not to give a fuck whether or not it looks like a coup. Maybe our population needs to get the fuck shocked out of them to notice something besides that hilarious animated video on their Fakebook feed.

Once they show the evidence, there will be virtually ZERO resistance to the forces of justice.

Seraphim 2 points ago +2 / -0

Go get wasted and rail the bride's BFFs, in alphabetical order- from Angelina to Zahara. Be fruitful and prosper.

Seraphim 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nobody is telling you to stop struggling or to stop fighting. What we are telling you is this: Don't lose hope. Not yet. When the time comes to surrender our current strategic ambitions...we'll need to all be together- in one geographic region, in control of a group of neighboring states. That's Plan B. It's the only way for our breed to evade extinction in a fail-safe scenario. Make sense? Hang in there, Brother. Keep working- as hard as you can. Make as much money as you can. Enjoy it as much as you can. Be strong and love life as much as you can. Find yourself a good woman and have 17 kids.

If you want a sad story, I could tell you mine- but half of the people here would probably tell me that it's fiction or an attention-whoring lie. Suffice to say, I know what it feels like to be broken and helpless...to be alone. But I found my way through. And we all will find our way through this darkness.

Give it a little time. If nothing happens, you have nothing to lose by embracing the taste of hope- nobody has asked you to stop fighting. Nobody has asked you to stop making money or to stop prospering. But quite the contrary- all that is required is that you fight harder in this ideological struggle. To be the best that you can be. If this tactic doesn't work out, there are other peaceful, law-abiding strategies...and simply promoting them more vocally to a larger audience would probably make me a target for assassination.

Seraphim 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lux in tantis tenebris lucet.

"A light shines within great darkness."

You are that light. It was always you.

(and me, all of us. We're all that's left to fight for truth, so fight we will.)

Seraphim 1 point ago +1 / -0

God Bless, Anon. We are in this together until the end.

Give them hell.

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