Shekelgruber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only God has the right to determine which FERTILISED, CONCEIVED eggs perish NOT MAN and certainly not in a fucking laboratory outside the womb. Conception is HIS domain alone. You are not equal to God as your attitude implies. That is where you fucked up and what you will answer for on the day of judgment unless you sincerely repent.

Shekelgruber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Embryos are precious LIFE yet are treated as disposable parts of the selfish, satanic IVF process. You cannot abide by such an abomination and call yourself a Christian

Shekelgruber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Keep sacrificing kids to indulge your selfish mores, Godless shitstain.

Shekelgruber 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are plenty of contemporary sins not explicitly mentioned in the Bible but definitely implied. IVF is an abomination and an affront against God due to the murdering of embryos in the process. You're no Christian if you hold that this is acceptable under any circumstances.

Shekelgruber 1 point ago +1 / -0

God blessed me with a child through natural conception, not in a fucking lab surrounded by loveless roastie eggs and faggot jizz.

Shekelgruber -6 points ago +1 / -7

You weren't meant to have them. If God wanted you to fall pregnant you would have naturally without undermining the sacred act of conception the same way faggots and worldly materialists do. These are the people you are now associated with.

Shekelgruber 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not sure if a vaxxident victim. He looked pozzed anyway

Shekelgruber 1 point ago +2 / -1

It was flying so fast it literally melted THROUGH the steel. Science.

Shekelgruber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Laser beams follow a straight line. They don't bend with your alleged curvature of the earth. They don't hide behind bulges. One should not be able to see a laser source 40km at the same altitude of there is curvature but we can. You can throw up all of the unproven theories you like for why we can see laser beams around corners without abnormal manipulation but they're subjective with no empirical basis. These observations are empirical. Seeing mountains in full view hundreds of kilometres away from a plane via infrared which should be completely hidden the "bulge" is further empirical evidence that you simply can't explain away through claims of refraction.

Shekelgruber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol and suddenly he's an expert in laser systems. Fuck off, shill. If you were, you would know that a standard laser beam does not refract along the imaginary curvature of the earth. The ONLY reason you can see the origin of a laser beam from 30km away is that there is NO curvature for the source to be hidden behind.

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Shekelgruber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, sweetheart - laser light doesn't refract under normal atmospheric conditions, especially enough to make visible a light source behind 500m of alleged curvature lol. These experiments have been repeated over and over again with the same result. There is no curvature because we're on a flat plane.

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