In 2008 the UniParty got John McCain to bring on recently elected Governor of Alaska to be his Vp. Most thought it was because she was seen as a Rising star in Conservative politics in the GOP. While true, there was a Deeper financial reason as well as long term political one why she was chosen. First the financial, Sarah made some Huge strides in getting More oil revenue Back into the hands of Alaskans via the Permanent Fund Dividends that Alaskans receive each October. The oil corporations along with the Rinos in the Alaska legislature greedily covet that cash flow. By removing Palin when they did it allowed her Lt. Governor Sean Parnell to finish her term. Parnell is a corporate lawyer for ConocoPhillips, he reversed course on the tax revenue legislation Palin put in place. After Parnell was ousted, Bill Walker came in, a milk toast former republican who ran as an independent. He further eroded Alaskans pfd amounts while increasing the Legislative take of the PFD pie. Following him is Mike Dunleavy whoo came in as a Trump lite like DeSantis but quickly showed he had no balls for the job. Instead of trying to warn Alaskans about the dangers of Ranked Choice Voting in 2020 he said nothing as he was beholding to Lisa Murkowski. Alaska is about to go solid Blue. Thanks to Ranked Choice Voting More Democrats have been [S]elected for the state legislature as well as locaal municipality elections. The UniParty controls Anchorage but to flip the state Blue they need the MatSu Valley which is Red Trump country. But thanks to the voter registration hack of 2020 and Rank Choice voting this flip is near. Now to DeSantis, by drafting DeSantis they attempt to divide MAGA by denying Trump votes, look for the Rinos to attempt to adopt Ranked Choice Voting for the GOP nomination process, as DeSantis couuld possibly take enough votes from Trump along with a few others to deprive him of getting 51%vote tallies to win outright. When ranked Choice kicks in Ron can leapfrog over Trump and get the nomination. The twofer in this by removing DeSantis from Florida will create a political vacuum as there is no one to replace him allowing the UniParty to Select his replacement which will be as milk toast as they come and Voila Florida turns Blue again.
I was thinking about What it would take to accelerate the vote counting in AZ? Simply have President Trump to announce on Truth Social that If the AZ swamp is hellbent on Stealing the governorship from the Rightful winner Kari Lake that when I announce my bid for 2024 that I'll be choosing Kari Lake as my VP. That should start the counting and they'll finish by midnight tonight.

IMHO with this raid upon Our President's home at MaraLago and the passing of the Inflation Act giving the IRS 86k shock troops meant to harass us. They have by their actions have Forfeited Any and All claims to our income(not that they had any legitimate claims anyway) thus it is time for All Americans to Stop Immediately Any and All federal tax payments henceforth and until such a time that this illegitimate Administration resigns and President Trump restored. Until that happens do Not feed their beast. If 81 Million Americans Stopped feeding this monster, the sooner it starves and dies. 86,000 agents are going to have a very difficult time getting money from an angry and armed populace.
My wife and I have been discussing/praying about making the move back to the lower 48 from Alaska. Initially we were planning on driving through Canada but with Canada nipping at Australia's heels for Looking the Most like Nazi Germany we instead thought let's take the ferry down to Washington state and bypass godless commie Canada altogether. Then I heard and read about Washington state being the first state to create Covid vaxx camps for anti-vaxxers like my wife and I. We are both in our early 60's and this news is very disconcerting. Any news regarding this as well as prayers for direction and discernment would be appreciated 🙏
I just want to ask you all to please keep Mike Lindell and his company MyPillow in your prayers in the coming days and weeks as he lives in a Democrat controlled state. These democrats have been awaiting such a time as this to punish Mike for all he's done to expose their great steal. Mn Governor Walz will gladly comply with whatever orders that comes down from the despot that is Joe Biden. With an anti christian attorney General (Ellison) they will slap millions of dollars in fines for non compliance and shut down his plant in Shakopee and put all 2500 employees out of work and likely put Mike in jail and in solitary confinement. Dear Lord put a angelic guard round about Mike and his fiance and protect My Pillow and all of his employees in Jesus name we pray 🙏 Amen
I work for Bass Pro Shops in Anchorage Ak and yesterday 6/5 corporate sent out updated mask guidelines. If you've been jabbed or if you've had covid and thus the Natural immunity to fight it, you no longer are required to wear the face coverings. Also they are Not requiring us employees to provide Proof of Vaccinations or proof from your Dr. it's all on the honor system. Sadly there are still a few that still wear wear it out of Fear of those scary variants lurking about. What a glorious day it was not to havd that plastic face shield on anymore at work-We are Winning!