if the white hats managed to flip or otherwise gain control of the various prosecutors including Jack Smith, Alvin Braggs and the Fani the Vote Rigger, it might be the perfect trap. Soros, Pelosi and all of their ilk would believe the indictments to be indicative of their allegiance to the cabal, but if in fact the prosecutors were and are recording evidence of treasonous acts related to any pushing and support of these efforts to take down Trump it could be the first big dominos to fall !


with all of the information out there including recent twitter link/video posted on GAW by brain_dead (here: https://twitter.com/WallStreetApes/status/1695278608481443949) I have to wonder, did these evil moloch worshipping psychopaths kidnap these missing families/children?

as reported in the linked video there's oddly no loud outcries of family members looking for their loved ones as if to suggest the entire family is dead or otherwise missing.

it wouldn't seem that hard to point many in the area toward certain directions to get them to all board a boat or other vessel to lead them to what they thought was safety. for the adrenochrome of the kids or just to take the land by eminent domain?

the alternative, that all of the bodies on land were cremated to ashes by the fire seems unlikely no matter what theory of fire/destruction we go with. it seems logical, as suggested by the floating bodies (alive and dead), that the escape route would be the ocean

if there's any truth to this let's pray that the white hats via space force or other means captured it all and will serve justice


not sure how to connect with Scotty mar10 or if he'd be ok with others modifying his short videos, but I'd like to be able to "playlist" just the song portions of his videos through my big screen tv so that I can play music at gatherings on the big screen. hoping some normie types might pay attention to video portion while listening to great music.

If scotty set this up I'd gladly pay for a format that could easily be played on my tv. youtube? I have Roku and DVD/Blueray. not sure of other options without getting AV guy here to set me up and that would also be readily marketable to the Patriot masses.



There have been some good posts about protesting peacefully and keep keen eye for glowies and antifa squids, which advice I applaud and echo. Personally however I can't bring myself to get worked up enough to physically protest because I firmly believe this is all a show. I do also believe that the show requires patriots to act, but not convinced that physical protests are the key. Helpful no doubt and perhaps I should physically protect, but can't help but think there must be something more impactful we can do.

Having read through some earlier posts I came across at least one where it's alleged that on March 21st patriots are going to protest with there wallets. I don't think zn exact dates matters, but should be soon. I say take all of your money out of your big bank! This seems a brilliant idea that forces the cabal's hand. Will they disallow bank withdrawals or live with the dire consequences? Either response does some very serious waking up of the sheeple. And don't get me wrong, it won't be painless for us either, but I think we can agree that this house of cards needs to come down.

Once the sheeple get word of the bank runs they will join in because they're selfish narcissists, or maybe just because it seems the logical thing to do. Either way this will hopefully prevent the cabal from using withdrawal activity to blackball persons as "extreme far right terrorists".

Coincidentally, as a result of the latest bank debacles I looked into a safer place for my Citizens Bank deposits which are significant enough that $250k FDIC ain't cutting it. Anywho, I had already been planning to transfer the lion's share of my funds to a local bank that has a "DIF" insurance in addition to FDIC which is designed to cover 100% of all deposits.

This is an excerpt from a promotional email a bank I use sent to me that got me on this train:

"Almost a century ago the Massachusetts Legislature formed the DIF to ensure that Massachusetts community bank customers were 100% insured. The DIF continues to covers savings banks and co-operative banks in Massachusetts, including Everett Bank. Take comfort in our assurance that your deposits are fully covered because there is no safer place for your money than DIF insured community banks like Everett Bank. Once again......"No depositor has ever lost a penny in a bank insured by both the FDIC and DIF”."

I can't speak to your area and local banks or other places to park your money, but I say let's make our voices heard VERY LOUDLY by withdrawing our money from these cabal run banks and burn the MFer down!

Good luck pedes


as if they didn't realize the outfall of allowing hoodlums to run around with face coverings

To prevent robberies, “we are putting out a clear call to all of our shops, do not allow people to enter the store without taking off their face mask,” Mayor Eric Adams of New York City said. https://t.co/KbmBdyENjj

— The New York Times (@nytimes) March 7, 2023


it's becoming clearer to me that this war isn't about actually beating Putin, although the cabal would very much welcome such an enormous victory, but instead about covering the cabal's tracks.

Putin's "special operation" is focused on preserving the crime scene while the cabal wants all of their useful idiots, other witnesses and physical evidence blown to smithereens. the conflict buys the cabal time to bury and destroy evidence


lots of puppets around the world seem to be getting upset with their overlords that they were put in harm's way and not warned or made aware of the plan


like many others here, i read a lot and particularly analyze comments associated with posts, stories and tweets. i can tell you from reading a fair amount of Twitter comments that there are many normies and libs out there that have yet to believe the Twitter files are legit.

today's hearing, if nothing else, confirmed that the various Twitter files involving some of the most damning communications with Roth and Gadde are legitimate. they didn't refute a single communication raised in testimony

another one for the conspiracy theorists


an earlier post for discussion was misinterpreted, and i take blame for not being clearer. I'm not trying to rehash the old "why would Trump promote the vaccine" when we are convinced it's harmful. instead the crux is, do we really know the "vaccine" (gene therapy, what have you) alone is harmful? the data is so scarce regarding these injuries that i posit, could the "vaccine" (all of them) alone without any booster in fact be safe? could it be that the boosters are what is injuring people. perhaps the pharmas put the poison in the boosters but didn't or couldn't do so with the "vaccines". most people that got the first jab got at least one follow up booster jab it seems based on my real life experience and what i read/watch.

the discussion and data I'd like to see is whether anyone knows or can speak to how many folks who ONLY took the vaccine (regardless of whether it was a single or double shot) were actually injured or if all/most injuries involved at least 1 booster


I myself have speculated that what could be happening in this movie we're watching is that Biden wil be 25th'd and because Kamala isn't eligible (this eligibility opinion may end up in the courts) that speaker of the house will become president. before it's time for the speaker to be anointed president the house will use the new rule to recall a speaker (I'd think McCarthy would be in on and supportive of this speakership swaparoo), and install GEOTUS. many have argued that Harris is eligible and/or that constitution doesn't allow this or whatever. here at GAW we see real info so i took it upon myself to do a little research just to answer the question of whether Harris is eligible. if anyone wishes to, or already has analyzed why and where the constitution allows or doesn't allow the bypassing of an ineligible VP please feel free and let the community know what you dig up.

links to my following statements/arguments are at the bottom.

Obama's BS/faux birth certificate claims he was born in Hawaii and his mom was born in Kansas while dad born in Kenya. this is the one he produced to try to quiet GEOTUS. perhaps Trump was teeing up this Harris scenario back during his "birther" days. i don't doubt anything these days ao certainly wouldn't doubt that Trump and Nikola Tesla could have time traveled. Anyway, back to it. Harris story conversely would seem to indicate, based on wiki, her parents were both foreign born with her mom from India and dad from British Jamaica. so we're talking apples and oranges when one says she can be president because Obama was. he allegedly had a US born parent making him allegedly a natural born citizen by any standard I've researched. requirements to be president include "natural-born US citizen", which seems to mean she had to have been born to a US citizen without having had to go through a naturilization proceeding after birth or so Cornell article opinion suggests. USA Today, a known purveyor of garbage, "analyzed" whether Harris could become president and determined she could, but this article also seems to acknowledge that her parents were not citizens when she was born in CA. instead the article defines natural born citizen differently. lastly, the constitution apparently doesn't have requirements of eligibility for a VP, however the 12th Amendment does read that a VP must meet the eligibility requirements of the Presidency. how enforceable is the 12th A over the constitution? can Harris's status as a natural-born citizen still be challenged or is it a case of laches where this eligibility needed to have already been challenged to have reserved this right? all good questions. me thinks it's far from black and white and I lean toward her not being eligible.

so what say you about whether she is a natural born citizen and eligible? I say nay, and welcome back GEOTUS!

https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2011/04/27/president-obamas-long-form-birth-certificate (see pdf link to certificate within)

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamala_Harris (see early life section)







think about it seriously. how much cover would he have if he were in fact being a great actor. quite the verbal WWE type show the boys (Trump and BO) gave all the world with all the birther shit and everything else. BO's brother being such a patriot seems odd too unless he acts to not like his brother. we know the plan has been in the works since well before Obummer. BO being a white hat is so ludicrous to most that it'd be a brilliant play. and whatever scandals and such BO was involved in might have had some collateral damage but that's expected by a double agent involved in such a massive operation. there's no real pedo activity or other depravity I'm aware of with BO that is without question....hot dog party at whitehouse and fast and furious come to mind but not certain how much of a hand BO had and even if he had, you don't convince the cabal you're one of them by being 100% clean. maybe big Mike is his Robin, kek


glaring questions:

how was he allowed to buy Twitter if there's so much damning information against the cabal?

are these twitter files really the biggest bombshell to be uncovered?

if we are to believe Elon is an enemy of the cabal and these twitter files aren't even close to the worst of the Twitter files, isn't Elon setting himself up for being "suicided"?

if Elon is a white hat and a known enemy of the cabal he should want to disclose the worst communications first to best protect him from being suicided. can only imagine what sick shit is captured within twitter comms related to pedophilia, adrenochrome, frazzledrip, murders, etc.

not much of this adds up to me at this point in the game. i hope this isn't a cabal plant trying to appease anons and others that are becoming aware of the corruption throughout our world. too many on GAW are putting their hopium eggs into this basket. i remain hopeful and believe good wins over evil ultimately, just not sure this is a white hat op. if Elon uses Twitter to save Brazilians from a corrupted election that will certainly bode well for the Elon is a white hat

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