SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

gotta be Rosie O'Donnell and maybe pencil neck too 😂

SocratesKnowsNothing 5 points ago +5 / -0

imho, this may be a white hat "poll" of the citizens. I absolutely refused to comply with the con-vid hoax, but was among the minority by far. as a test of the awakening I think the same hoax would/will fall flat on its face. this will be an indicator that the people no longer trust the corporate/CIA media or any of the 3/4 letter agencies. they are/have slowly but surely been delegitimized and rendered obsolete


SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

has your granddaughter been given any doses of vaccine? I suspect yes and that these issues stem from that. my first child was given hep B vax before leaving hospital and he developed acid reflux and was bloated. the doctors wanted to put him on some kind of meds, but by then I was awakening to the reality of vaccines. I said hell no to meds and my wife figured out natural goat milk formula that turned him around naturally (she wasn't able to breast feed any of our kids fully). between that and no more vaccines he's been healthy as a horse since as have his 2 younger siblings I'm so happy to say.

short of it is, try to cure the baby's issues naturally (do your own research), stay away from any vaccines (any more if administered some) and hopefully leave western "medicine" and pharmas in your rearview. the system is designed to harm kids and, at a minimum, make them dependent on constant treatments. break the chains

best of luck

SocratesKnowsNothing 3 points ago +3 / -0

basically this I agree! she is the perfect puppet that wont ask questions and is willing to go along with any outrageous plan the cabal wants her to

SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

almost as if we're watching a movie and the Biden actor is playing the antagonist. Great actor whoever they are (Jim Carrey). a bit unrealistic for those of awake, but working great on 90% of the population!

SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

great food for thought, thanks.

almost as if MAGA refers to getting back to these times of free energy and surrounding ourselves with beauty and unfathomable technology

gotta love the "tippy top" mention at 58:18 too

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

the white hats are providing an alternate and parallel system for those that are sick of the cabal system. an alternate reality. it's happening before our eyes and many here have already hopped on the Trump/white hat train as the deep state/black hat train is about to run out of track. general message is to not get caught on the runaway train.

I read this and think "me and my loved ones will survive". it would/will be a bit frightening for sure but a welcomed and necessary part of the process I think. we need real change and if the change isn't painful it's unlikely to be long lived

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump's parents don't have to have been natural born. Trump is natural born by your own description. Obama and Harris are not. So yes we should push this matter if necessary. Regardless of the ultimate court ruling regarding a challenge to Harris eligibility, there's a strong likelihood that an injunction could be granted while the court figures it out, in which case the SOTH would likely serve in the role of acting president and given the time required for the trial and any appeals, it's not unreasonable to assume the SOTH would act until a new president is sworn in in 2025

SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

per urban dictionary

The definition of "Blue Anon" is "a loosely organized network of Democrat voters, politicians and media personalities who spread left-wing conspiracy theories." "Blue Anon adherents fervently believe that right-wing extremists are going to storm Capitol Hill any day now and "remove" lawmakers from office, hence the need for the deployment of thousands of National Guard stationed at the US Capitol."

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

don't disagree that 25th is, or should be, another option. it does make me wonder though if a candidate were not looking for reelection, what the equivalent of the 25th would be for then to be replaced since the 25th is only applicable to a sitting president...a doctors note that they're crazy/unfit?🤔

SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

got any sauce regarding Seth walking to the ambulance. once upon a time I went pretty far into this rabbit hole but don't recall that. thanks

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

yeah, definitely something strange with Heche. I wonder if her movement under the sheet on the gurney was either the white hats saving her from the cabal or if she was already part of a white operation than their way of making the cabal start to question reality leaving them with lots of conspiratorial thoughts of a plot building against them. I think they are starting to realize NCSWIC!

SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've considered it a possibility. 2 things that jump out at me are how over the top his "hatred" for Trump comes across...almost unbelievable. and his past passion with vaccine harms...if I'm not mistaken he was initially involved in the movie Vaxxed and got a real smackdown by the establishment forcing him to disown/disavow the movie and any actions that might cause vaccine hesitancy

from my perspective, one can't unsee the evil of vaccines once awakened. could the white hats have taken this opportunity to recruit Deniro? Jim Carrey went thru the same vaccine awakening and I believe he's a white hat actor (likely even doing fair share of Biden double appearances)

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

do we know what all of the short sellers bought/borrowed the shares at ? in the $1 range ?

SocratesKnowsNothing 1 point ago +1 / -0

and that begs the question. were there no significant protests because J6 worked like pavlov's dog to quash any ideas Patriots might have had, or is it because most know NCSWIC 🤔. those on GAW fall under the latter but the majority of Patriots I believe are more aligned with the former. done by design by the white hats to keep innocent protesters out of jail? there's a good argument

SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

apologies for no sauce but imho not a worthy effort. if you seek out any recent interview with RFK jr he'll surely regurgitate it. the latest interview he did with Bill Maher is one example if you can find it

SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

just FYI, RFK jr consistently says he's "pro vaccines" but wants them tested properly and argues that none of them are. I've heard him take this stance time after time in interviews. imho, he's anti vax but playing to the masses to not be an "anti vax kook".

SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

isn't he just reading text messages exchange with only a bit of his own response in the first of 2 videos? who is "warning" him and wishing him a "safe flight" is the bigger question. whoever this person is knows full well the impact and emotional connection that statement has on Jack and those that loved JFK jr

SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

as in American and jooo?

perhaps intentionally letting his American passport be seen to deflect blame away from his true ulterior motives and homeland

SocratesKnowsNothing 2 points ago +2 / -0

indeed! yet to see a post that make me think, nah that couldn't be him

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