SovereignsEmber 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are also coming of age inquests. It goes back to english law when an heir sues out his livery and shows he can handle his own affairs. This is one of the presumpsons the State holds against we the people, that we have not come of full age and thus need our affairs "administered". US Code literally defines a person as a "born alive infant at any stage of development". https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title1-section8&num=0&edition=prelim

SovereignsEmber 5 points ago +5 / -0

State Constitutional Amendment to abolish property tax. We the People. By the consent of the governed. https://x.com/SovereignsEmber/status/1872854641790075216

SovereignsEmber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Law does play a part in a society. In our early history of this country most people understood law and how we could use it to organize ourselves. Over the years it has corrupted with the dirty bar. I do agree that we are in a new age and things like bills should be placed in the public square for the people to see and make their voices heard. We have been too complacent which has, in turn, allowed our politicians to be corrupted without consequence. It's time to take some power back, and it starts at the local level.

SovereignsEmber 5 points ago +5 / -0

I agree... we need to liberate ourselves first before we turn our attention to others. We have lost so much in the way of our own freedom over the years to where now all states have adopted "UCC"... "CODE" as Law. This was done in the 50's and 60's and all states adopted it by the 70's... that is how recent all of this has happened! This fact alone is why we are such a suppressed people without really realizing it. None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

SovereignsEmber 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here in lies the double edged sword of the peoples right to contract. Originally, Americans understood what the founders had given them, namely the sovereign rights of kings. What was the sovereign right of a king? To create law. The founders literally gave us the sovereignty of kings. What this meant was we the people had the ability to create our own law for our own houses in our own courts of record. Here was the difference though... everyone had this ability and when your sovereign law encroached on mine, we needed to settle our disputes with a jury of our peers. Quick fact: original common law grand juries were 25 from the peerage and not 24... Why do you think?

All of this to say, we the people have the right to contract with anyone else no matter how one sided or even immoral it may seem to you. I respectfully disagree with the root being usury and think it to be more related to the fact that the corporate government has been administering our estates (all we own in law, including our bodies) by calling us persons (or infants) and not people. An infant cannot hold title until they have come of age and claimed their estate.

The roots are, in my opinion, the unlawful "acts" enacted by the government from its inception against the people. Two major ones being the 14th and the 16th amendments. I do agree that money as debt is a major one as well.