I agree and I'm keeping the faith. Faith in God and faith in the truth that I know - the fraud is real. The president is a fraud. Our representatives are corrupt. Nothing that happens or doesn't happen today or in the coming days changes that.
Just show them these videos. Makes things pretty clear that it was a false flag.
This. It just needs to be very contagious. Doesn't need to be deadly if the media blames every death in the world on it and no one questions why there are zero cases of the flu this year.
The tests they use are hyper-sensitive and skewed to produce false positives as well.
Former agnostic here, I think I became fully Christpilled about a month ago due to the events of... well, you know. Everything.
I realized I had been putting up a barrier between myself and God my whole life, but as soon as I took that barrier down and reached out to Him through earnest prayer, I felt his presence. I made a commitment to pray every day and consider myself a true believer now.
You are on the right path - don't stop!
You're right, this is only meant to be the first step. I think my goal with this letter is to use it an immediate response to the chaos on inauguration day. I don't want to let my friends start up another echo chamber of lies trying to justify what they see happening.
Honestly I don't know. I think by the letter of the law the commanders of the armed forces are obligated to follow orders from POTUS (Trump), but there are many leftists and apolitical types in the military and lower level commanders may not follow orders they believe to be unlawful.
I have heard nothing about it from my chain of command. The only thing I've seen was the SECAF/CSAF/CMSAF letter that was blasted out to everyone on Weds or Thurs, I can't remember exactly because I get so many fucking e-mails.
He doesn't have control of me and he never will.