Stc1111 14 points ago +14 / -0

So my partner woke me up in 2016. I was already kinda awake to the idea that the govt and career politicians weren’t honest and good, but I was a SJW. I went to a liberal college and studied with all liberal people and professors. I marched with BLM a few times, for Bernie, for the climate, for veganism and feminism. But when Trump won my partner who did all the same things as me said, let’s at least hear what the man has to say. And the more we listened the more obvious all the holes in the narrative became. I dived in info wars, vigilantcitizen, all the rabbit holes. The symbolism and evidence was everywhere and everywhere we looked pointed to 2020 specifically being a part of their great “plan” aka reset. It’s creepy to me in a way because my partner said for years “2020 it’s supposed to go down”

So needless to say when it all did go down we were ready. It was so obvious. Painfully so. At first I did believe Ch sent a deadly virus to actually kill us all, but I saw the actual motive behind it. Then we realized shortly after that it was a scam and were able to relax about the actual harm. But yeah from the beginning it’s been so obvious and its crazy to think back on it now.

Now I don’t listen to infowars or really any site than this one because it’s not good for you to constantly hear about such horrible things, tho I know hearing f about them is the easy part.

Stc1111 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol omg again! Every time I comment. How does this encourage new people to join the sub?

Stc1111 0 points ago +2 / -2

Yess would love to have this convo. Have heard this a lot. Love 45 but still want to be reasonable

Stc1111 1 point ago +1 / -0

Welp. If real, I guess more truth in the open. I wouldn’t have even considered the 5g possibility, but now I def am if they’re fighting against it.

Stc1111 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol relax I’m not a shill I finally got the courage to make an account after months of lurking. Just asking a Q not threatening your crypto dude

Stc1111 9 points ago +9 / -0

It’s how black is capitalized and white is lowercase for me.