California prisoner here, the support for Trump I see where I am at is insane, our district supposedly went blue for the first time in forever. No one here believes we suddenly went blue, they screwed us. Our people are not lost, don't give up on us. God bless you all.
I had an encounter that was very similar when I was 18. The only thing I was told was "Get up, Patrick, Patrick get up".
I am fully in the fight now and often wonder why me but I assume we will one day find out. God is real and he loves all of us.
I think its possible that it just ends with their arrests and executions. I said we must avoid war, I never said bloodshed. The only way forward is death, its just a question as to who is going to die. I believe a civil war will result in the destruction of the people of the United States, I would be more than willing to fight but damn I just don't want too. So much destruction is down that path.
I am a Catholic and don't care for his life, but I do care for his soul. If anyone reads this, please pray for him, regardless of the outcome. We are supposed to pray for our enemies, even the filth like the deepstate. Carry on brothers and sisters!
That sounds so nice, sorry for the late response but I can defiantly reach out, so many people around me are fast asleep and its hard to cope sometimes. God is amazing though I am so glad to hear you say that.
PRAYERS PLEASE THOUGH, I could always use them:)
I remember the caravan we had that was like 3 miles long. It went all the way to long beach if I can recall.
I expected us to lose Cali as a whole but I do not believe that our district went blue. I now suspect Cali went for Trump. Hang in there, I think California may flip as well if we investigate here.
Fuck you Barack, you will get what is coming.