Hi folks.

I've been a lurker here for a couple years now. I'm writing this out of necessity, since some family members are fighting me on the subject of covid vaccines. in mid November, my employer sent out an email saying they were reviewing OSHA's ETS, and that they would update in a week as they knew more. They've been fully recommending all employees to get a vaccine and boosters, so I'm not hopeful. They also have been tracking the vaccination status of employees, but I have not told them anything. As we know, this ETS was sent to the 5th(?) Circuit court. My employer has not sent anything since it was revoked, meaning they are scared of losing their workforce and of getting sued. This job is in my dream industry, and I am eligible to move up the position ladder in two months.

I also had an interview this week with a small company that I know opposes vaccine mandates and will do what it can to fight for its employees. The job is related to my educational background, but I would be required to move 100 miles away, take a small pay cut, and the job has more travel than desired. I'm concerned about the effect of this change for me and my young family that I must provide for.

So I'm asking you all to predict the future: Should I:

Stay with my current company, and hope neither they nor OSHA will require employees to inject poison in the future.

Jump ship while I have the opportunity to a company that respects personal rights and belief in our Creator, even though it is a job with less pay and more time away from home.

Bonus: I've been working in my free time on a white paper intended to be shared with friends and family members who shun our personal decisions. The topic is covid vaccines, masks, covid in general, and I've recently wanted to add a section on discrediting mainstream media. I will share it when it is complete Please send me links if you have them. Regarding covid, I'd like only research document links from academic sources, and page numbers if you have them. Anything discrediting the news works for me.