Note: Be sure to really go and read the articles/sources I've linked here because they spread WAY out into relevant info I can't cover here for brevity - Like Clowns in America and Radio/TV/State sponsored Propaganda pursuant to elections etc.

In PART 1 I introduced you to the Network Election Service (NES) and briefly mentioned its origins. As someone who grew up watching a ton of action movies, where some intel agent was doing clandestine work in a foreign country, and even helping to manipulate (aka interfere in) an election to suit the direction the good ol USA wanted, I guess in hindsight it was pretty schmucky to think that this sort of thing didn't and couldn't happen here at home. Funny how that works...and how we keep having to remind ourselves that, "Oh yeah...if it's on the screen, and it's not home movies, it's propaganda in one form or another, shaping our perspective/public opinion to govern our mente."

Okay...back to the "machine" - Let's do a quick recap on all of this flipping around of NES and name changes in this Wikipedia article: As of 2018, member companies ABC News, CBS News, CNN, and NBC News contracts with Edison Research to conduct exit polling and a quick turnaround of nationwide vote tabulation. Starting in 2020, Reuters has used the NEP for U.S. presidential election results and exit polls. Fox News and the Associated Press formerly were part of the Pool, but left in 2017 due to plans to conduct their own exit polls and other experimental alternatives to gauge voter sentiment. These two networks have since joined AP VoteCast.

AP VoteCast - Why is AP and Fox breaking away from the NEP group? (My guess is money)

As you can see, there's a lot of emphasis regarding elections placed on statistics and exit polls. I had no idea THAT was something to really look at. In my naivety, it just seemed like more libtard double-speak, like the bs you'd hear in a corporate meeting about "low hanging fruit" or something. Boy was I wrong. These Exit polls and statistics are BIG BUSINESS, with all the big universities, think tanks and corporations focusing on the data associated with it. That's a whole other HUGE rabbit hole you can go down, because if you start digging on names of some of the these organizations & their affiliates, for example, you very quickly turn up a pile of "very Chinese" and "Zionist" names, in concentrations greater than the average pop. as well as ties to the RAND corporation, intelligence agencies, and the scope of elections meanders from being a USA thing, to a GLOBAL thing.

We all know that intel agencies have literally helped overthrow a number of govts over the years via election manipulation. It's as if it's something to be proud of...from the Shah of Iran to more recent times, Venezuela. For example, US gov’t-linked firm is source of exit poll claiming Venezuelan opposition won election and Trump advisor John Bolton admits planning US coups in Venezuela and beyond In the first link just above, the connection between media and Clowns in America is clearly spelled out. And again...Edison Research is at the heart of it.

In addition to Venezuela, Edison has previously conducted suspicious polling in Ukraine, Georgia, and Iraq – areas of the world that have been deemed highly strategic by the US State Department and targeted by Washington’s relentless meddling.

...There's a ton of info regarding the business in Venezuela, but let's reel it in and focus more on the US elections. Let's shake things down because it looks like Edison Research keeps "circling back around" whenever I start digging on the progression of the NES.

This archived page says the following:

Since 2004, The National Election Pool (NEP) and Edison Research have conducted the only national exit polls in the United States. The NEP is the source for projections and analysis for every midterm election, presidential primary and presidential election. Our 2020 general election coverage included election day exit polls at over 700 voting locations, in-person early-voter exit polls, and telephone surveys with absentee and early voters all around the country. In total, Edison Research interviewed over 100,000 voters in the 2020 general election.

In an effort to improve quality, streamline data collection, and expand election coverage in 2018, ABC News, CBS News, CNN and NBC News ended their arrangement with the Associated Press for vote tabulation and now partner with Edison Research for these data.

For the 2020 General Election, Edison Research provided the NEP with a fast and accurate vote count throughout the nation, providing data for all statewide races and all House races. Race projections were made in all 50 states for statewide races, ballot measures, as well as all 435 House races.

So it appears that all fingers point to Edison Research (at the moment) - for the final say in our elections. Clearly, election rigging is a global affair and there must be a HUGE amount of money involved if you look at all the companies, universities and affiliates associated with this type of statistical information as well as exit polls specifically. Again, I had NO IDEA that "exit polls" were that big of a deal...I figured it was just something the MSM did as filler data.

So...Now that we know WHO "stopped the count" and that we've shined some light on the [DS] intel agency/mockingbird/MSM operation they've got running ALL OVER THE WORLD - I gotta admit, it's quite sobering...AND it would seem to me that the ONLY resolution we have right now would be to put our faith in God and HOPE that the Q Plan, with the military (Global Op) is going to put foot to ass and in conjunction with Space Force, guard our elections from the [DS] chicanery in November. I mean, what other choice do we have?

As I mentioned in PART 1, there's WAY more to this story than I have room to report on AND there's only so much that I can personally do, so please - grab a shovel and share what interesting things you find and share it with us in the comments or create a new post.

For instance, there was a whole other realm of information surrounding the League of Women's Voters and their role in voter suppression after several of their people cracked under pressure, didn't "want any part of getting in trouble" and the fantasy that they were going door to door doing exit poll data collection proved to be a crock of chezvous. (Look in the VoteScam Book)


NOTE: This is a WAY bigger dig than I ever expected. It's probably not an easy read...but I'll do what I can to break things down into bites. This is PART 1.

Back story: In this thread I remarked how I was listening to this essential talk by Jack Otto where he was discussing the history of the khazars (and Prussians via Hessians) and he mentioned the NES - News Election Services - That immediately made my ears perk up..."What is this so called NES and who is behind it?", I thought...

Well...Little did I know, when I said I'd do some more digging and maybe even do a post on this, just how DEEP and PERVASIVE this topic would really be! Holi Stromboli! Finding out WHO exactly is responsible for naming the winner of presidential elections (and everyone down ticket as well) is PURPOSELY a well guarded secret, hidden from the public, and a constant moving target in order to prevent tracking and remain hidden in a maze of crap. It goes without saying that the Deep State not only controls the intel agencies and the MSM but also the company(s) that reveal to the public the results of an election.

I can't help but feel in my gut that, while history might not repeat itself exactly, it SURE DOES RHYME. It's quite interesting to note that the NES was formed in 1964, not long after that fateful day for JFK on 11/22/63. It seems that only 29% of the population believed the lone gunman story - leaving 71% with knives still out for the real perps, in the court of public opinion. In order to get the public to accept the lone gunman lie, a deal was struck between Congress, the intel agencies and the MSM - that if the MSM kept pushing the lone gunman lie, repeatedly, they would be permitted to name the winners of all future presidential (and other) elections.

The US government does not tabulate a single vote. The government has granted NES a legal monopoly, exempt from antitrust laws, to count the votes privately.

THAT is a very big reveal. Let's break it down a bit. First, What is the NES?

By means of an unofficial private corporation named News Election Service (NES), the Establishment press has actual physical control of the counting and dissemination of the vote, and it refuses to let the public know how it is done.

In 1964 it was born News Election Services (NES), a consortium of ABC, CBS, NBC, AP, and UPI. In 1994 NES merged with Voter Research and Survey (VRS) to become Voter News Service (VNS), which included CNN and Fox News. In 2002 it morphed again to become News Election Pool, (NEP).

What is the News/National Election Pool? {As you can see the target keeps moving, as they keep changing the name and hiding who they are...}

ABC, AP, CBS, CNN, Fox, and NBC, have created the National Election Pool to provide tabulated vote counts and exit poll surveys for the 2004 major presidential primaries and the November general election.

These six major news organization, in a joint decision, have appointed Edison Media Research and Mitofsky International as the sole provider of exit polls for the most important political races of 2004. The AP will tally the vote.

I don't know if you remember the chicanery of the Bush/Gore election, with Florida at the center of the controversy, but quite a bit about that AND historical information pursuant to election fraud and manipulation were outlined in the heavily suppressed VoteScam book by the Collier brothers. Their personal history and fate are interesting...I would highly advise at the very least perusing the entire book via Archive.org here - It reads like a spy thriller, except it's true. VoteScam

Incidently, the daughter and niece of the brothers, Victoria Collier did a writeup called, "A Brief History of Computerized Election Fraud in America" had some interesting additional info.

While researching, I also stumbled upon the old, DISINFORMATION book, You are being lied to where on pages 145-148, the NES and other organizations are outlined and discussed.

I discovered this little nugget from the State of Mass Ethics Commission (It's long and details the mechanics of telephone conversations, compensation to employees FROM NES to State workers and the ethics involved etc; EC-COI-92-23 - There's confirmation from a State agnecy on NES that mirrors what I've defined above.

With the slight of hand tricks constantly moving to stay hidden, the name of these CLOWNS (and as you will see, I really DO mean clowns) - changed yet again. Here's the progression:

NES-> VRS-> VNS-> NEP -> Then, AP & Fox Split themselves off when AP created AP VoteCast Service w/Fox vs NEP with remaining orig players) but the common denominator here is Edison Research, who feeds BOTH of them their data. It seems there's no honor among theives & it appears that NEP and AP Votecast are fighting to see who comes out on top of the exit poll wrestling match.

Fox News Breaks With AP And Top TV Networks For Election Day Polling (Circa 2017)

Now, before I break off into PART 2, I want to leave you this little quote from your boy Joe Biden, which echoes (arguably) Joseph Stalin in saying,

It’s no longer about who gets to vote; it’s about making it harder to vote. It’s about who gets to count the vote and whether your vote counts at all. It’s not hyperbole; this is a fact. "


If seeing and hearing him say it is more palatable, here's the video I kicked up: Who counts the vote?

More later in PART 2




Regardless of your thoughts, opinions or assessment of what happened on 7/13, I think it is important to point out that our beloved Commander in Chief has been taking "all those slings and arrows" for us since the beginning. EVEN IF - This was simply serendipitous happenstance and unplanned.

For those of us who have studied the Q drops, we already know that Q has done some DECLAS on attempts against our CIC in several of the drops. This may or may not be known or clear to many here, so I thought it would be helpful to point to SOME of those drops. keep in mind there's most like a LOT more attempts we may never know about...

I think it's important that normies get a glimpse under the veil - to witness AT LEAST ONE of the many times [DS] operators have tried to take him out. Special thanks and gratitude to the Patriots for holding up your oath, guarding him and keeping him safe. (And thanks for guarding US and keeping US safe - RE: U1/SOAF Some of us know and are deeply appreciative!)

Here is a collection of drops ; Specifically 4829, 1798, 1591, 586 but 4535 is also noteworthy, specifically along the lines of what I've seen since 7/13 and sharing of information that doesn't fit into the mainstream:

Why is 'free thought' ridiculed, challenged, and threatened when a person is opposed to the 'mainstream-narrative'?

How does the average person, who is under constant financial stress (by design), find time to research and discern fact v fiction?

Do people [human psyche] tend to follow the ‘majority/mainstream viewpoint’ in fear of being isolated and/or shunned?

‘Mainstream’ is used for a reason [dominate trend in opinion]. [If majority of people believe ‘x’ then ‘x’ must be validated / true]

(I didn't post the actual drops for brevity here)

Here's the shooter dead on the roof... (twitter.com) FIFTH GEN WARFARE
posted ago by TaQo ago by TaQo
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