TaQo 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's not an easy read...

Ask Grok to summarize it down to X number of sentences or paragraphs and do some editing so people will want to read it...

Not being negative...just some feedback.

TaQo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd be interested to know if the cartels are benefitting from the recent uptick in avocado oil...

Y'all know about avocados, right?

TaQo 2 points ago +2 / -0

FYI from Google AI twat:

The cost and length of time to adopt a child varies depending on the type of adoption and the family's circumstances.


Foster care: Can cost as little as $2,500, not including travel

Private domestic: Can cost between $25,000–$50,000

International: Can cost between $30,000–$80,000

Adoption agency: Can cost between $25,000–$60,000


Foster child: Can take 6–18 months

Newborn: Can take 2–7 years

International: Can take 6 or more years

“We knew that we wanted to adopt internationally. The wait for domestic adoption was just very, very, long,” she explained, noting that Haiti was one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere. The couple adopted Vivian at 14 months after they had two children of their own. Barrett explained that when Vivian came into their family, she was in poor health.


Uh...What? - Pick a lane...Did you have to wait a "very, very, long" time or something else went down?

TaQo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Switzerland at it again....

Is this the play?

  1. Import/flood euro nations (But certainly NOT Switzerland) with criminals, the insane etc like they've been doing.

  2. Send all the white men off to fight - and kill them off - just like ww2 Russia/snow/ice etc

  3. Take over the void left behind by whitey - fatherless children, women, property etc and control low IQ nutjobs/crooks they imported.

That's just the kind of thing these bastards would do...AGAIN

TaQo 1 point ago +3 / -2

Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. -Luke 17:21

Verily I say to ALL OF YOU HERE - Find it!

Once you find it - WITHIN YOURSELF - You won't have to believe ANYTHING - You will KNOW.

You will know you are eternal. You will know you cannot be destroyed. You will know what it feels like to view the world with the love, peace and compassion through the Christ's eyes - without judgement. You will KNOW.

Then everything else can just piss off because no fear tactics, worry or fearmongering will have any effect upon you...because you KNOW that you, the REAL YOU - the I AM - can never be destroyed.

Find out for yourself. Then laugh in their faces.

THIS is your ascension. You are a servant of God. Not the other way around. You gotta do it yourself.

TaQo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah. That guy's channel has some interesting videos.

He's brilliant when it comes to symbols...but does have a kooky streak to him.

But yanno...kinda like the pot calling the kettle black.

TaQo 1 point ago +1 / -0

What relevance does genetics, specifically, have on your eternal soul?

Does anyone have a choice of who their parents are? What their genetics are?

Are people with a certain kind of genetics doomed immediately after leaving the womb?

What significance does genetics play, within the confines of biblical genealogy, on your eternal soul?

Are some people eternally screwed right out of the gate?

This is why I said what I did. It's irrelevant, in light of what the Christ told us.

Those who identify exclusively with their body place a lot of emphasis on this.

Those who know otherwise, know it doesn't matter. Your mileage may vary, as they say....

TaQo 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why bother if the entire thing is fiction?

Please quote exactly where I said it was "fiction" ?

Are truths not conveyed and discovered through allegory, myth and storytelling?

TaQo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Secret window constellations....Looks like Virgo & Leo + what are those, the paths of the last couple solar eclipses?

The debt clock "busy" with all kinds of things going on looks like a freakin scratch off lottery ticket from the gas station...lol

TaQo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are you ready to kiss the IRS goodbye?

Fuck yes!

I REALLY don't want to be doing my taxes this weekend...

TaQo 1 point ago +2 / -1

x1000 fren.

Genetics, who begat who, these people, those people, judgement & damnation because you didn't get your head wet when you were a child etc etc etc is all horseshit because ALL of that is burned up into irrelevance when you go within & find the Christ that dwells within the temple not created by human hands. What I speak of is WAY beyond the mind/brain and words can NEVER convey the experience of the "I AM".

Going within & "meeting God" is exactly what the Christ instructed us to do. However, no church, Abrahamic religious group of any kind will point you towards doing this yourself. Just the opposite, with plenty of fear and stories of demons and the devil.

Just like EVERYTHING ELSE IN THIS WORLD - the truth is obscured and hidden from the masses. If you KNEW you could connect to the Christ within yourself, then what in the ever living hell do you need ANY of them for? (Hint: You don't...which is why they don't do it...They can't work on you and control your mind via fear if you're not there...and not there to drop cash into the basket.)

The bible is repeatedly taken literally...The entire book is allegory. The entire book is about YOU and your brain. Even though it has been molested over the years, the Eastern mystics who wrote the bible to begin with, communicated in allegory. The Greeks, who translated the basis for EVERY version available today, added their penchant for mythology. It's allegorical & coded to keep the aholes who have ruined all other information from ruining this too.

99.999% of people believe that the answers to every "ultimate question" is somewhere "out there" - like they can get the answer from a rare book or secret handshake club...But the "God's honest truth" is that it's not "out there", but within YOU and beyond the body, brain and mind. 0.001% (or less I'd imagine) will EVER truly seek and find the Christ within themselves.

A high percentage believe (I say believe because they don't KNOW) - that they will be rewarded after they die. That if they're a "good boy" - they'll go to heaven, which is supposedly on a planet or something, somewhere (just not here) and there's absolutely no need to pursue the Christ here (let alone BECOME the Christ!!! - NEVER THAT!!!) - because they've been told that, "Your reward is in heaven".

There's also a high percentage that believes that Jesus is going to come back to earth, riding a white horse or unicorn, and the Almighty is going to start Armageddon - an actual nuclear attack - but the believers are magically going to be sucked up into the air (spaceship not required) before the destruction starts. People (a lot of them) actually believe this horseshit!

And of course, many of the same believe that God is their servant and not the other way around! They think that it's God's job to come back to earth and "fix everything" - and that's one of the most retarded things going. The FACT of the matter is that YOU - yes, you - carry God's LIGHT within you. You're entire job in being here on earth is to spread God's LIGHT in this very dark sector of the galaxy. Got is LIGHT. YOU are God's servant here on earth - NOT the other way around! So get off your big fat ass and start living and spreading God's LIGHT while darkness continuously tries to snuff us all out. Besides, fix it yourself. People shitted everything up...start living, thinking and acting like you carry God's light and stop acting like a retard. Have some spiritual pride for crying out loud! (Go ahead quote the thing about pride and the fall bullshit wiseass.)

Stop beLIEving & start KNOWING. Learn to go within yourself. Don't be a pussy. No devil or demon is going to get you. You HAVE to turn off the never ending honkey tonk shindig of distractions, STFU for once in your life, stop giving your incessant monkey chatter brain your I AM attention, and visit God in the temple within yourself.

I am not pious. I am not religious. I am God's soldier here on earth. I am life itself. My body, like a light bulb, will continue to carry God's LIGHT until it can't anymore. And then, I will go on to the next "game" when the LIGHT within occupies another vessel and I will continue to fulfill my eternal mission. What about you?

TaQo 1 point ago +1 / -0

For sure. I have also been guilty of this as well...

As soon as you think you've got it all figured out...you turn out to be wrong...again!

TaQo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Some insights into silver and gold manipulation via JPM, BofA and the ones who started the whole thing...Bear Sterns, by the illustrious Joe Lange, read by the highly esteemed, Patrick Gunnels: https://www.youtube.com/live/yKdd23M-ZHQ


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