Can someone please start investigating everything you can find about this man. From the video he posted it looks like a Trump Supporter but they deleted his facebook. Obviously it is most likely a false flag but we need to stay ahead of this. They are going to obviously use this against us. Hackers get to work.


Queen Consolidated

Oliver Queen is righting the wrongs of his father and his father was a business man. He is saving the city from the corrupt and he knows who is corrupt because he got a list from his dad. His dad was corrupt too by taking advantage of the system. Sounds pretty similar to Donald Trump. He knows who is corrupt and how they do it because he at one time was part of that system or his father was more so. That isn't even the crazy coincidence. The Business is called Queen Consolidated in the show but they chose to have Q Consolidated as the logo. And the building looks pretty similar to the Trump Organization building.

The Trump Organization

How often do you see buildings looking like this in the front? I know they aren't the only one's but still just another coincidence to add to this crap. I love arrow and it's my second time watching and the more I watch the more I see similarities. Probably nothing to this but either way I recommend this show if you like seeing the corrupt get taken down.


I went to the website and it looks like it is $45 to watch it. Is there a livestream somewhere for free?


Is the Trump coin that Dan Scavino posted about on telegram actually legit and free besides shipping?


I am glad I found this page though. Does Trump still have a plan? Yeah I do think so because before I knew about Q I supported him and just by listening to him speak and seeing how the media treated him I knew something was off. First I thought it was just because there was an agenda and they wanted him out (Which technically is true) But then when I saw people actually believing the media when I thought it would actually make them change... I knew something was off.

So If anyone needs true solid hope. Please remember that a lot of you here probably can relate to this story 100%. Q most likely is a real thing specially since Trump acknowledged it with his signs and everything. How long will this plan be I don't know but it doesn't matter. We are awake and nothing can change that now. The pain we endured for 4 years will be for something greater.

I think Project Veritas honestly will be a big play. That video he reposted today that was a week old made me realize that the "Twitter" videos he released about @Jack were kind of just smoke. He said two people from federal agencies would be recording everything over the next couple months and I think that means NOW. When the twitter videos came out I forgot about what he said because I thought that was it but since he made a point to repost it today... The great awakening will happen and I think we already planted something in our fellow American's heads regardless and they will wake up and see.

So please know you were not wrong, and Trump really was the greatest president we have ever had and this awakening fight is not over. Whether the deep state are satan worshipers or not isn't even my focus. If they are then yeah even more reason to want to take them down. But I know one thing that's certain. Just them controlling our country like this is enough for me to believe in this fight.

Also, Trump is too damn smart. He's not done and I know you don't want to hear this but TRUST me it's okay if he was done. Seriously. In the end we really don't need a president. We just need something big to happen that changes the world and I think Trump definitely started it.


I was at work and didn't have time to come on here and ask immediately but I knew he made a thing about it. Any theories?


Anyone else remember him saying that? I tried to google and it doesn't show up ANYWHERE. Not on google, not on youtube.


Lol I know about the text in the code but damn they really did a good troll to have it on the 16th as well


Like what the hell. I'm starting to see the true reason behind facemasks!! It's happening but I don't think those 35,000 troops are ours.



902: SEALS. Where there was once darkness, there is now LIGHT. Sea to shining sea. Godspeed. Q. (Giving them the okay to go in)


For Green. Q —end— (No idea)

I’ll link the tweet in comments


HE literally just tweeted about making Martin Luther king jr a federal holiday! Wasn't it already a federal holiday? I think he went back to the old constitution by ending the corporation. Remember that rumor?? They just had papers he was signing today and they announced they would say what they were tomorrow and that they were really important!!



I googled and all I found was a Chinese Tekken character named Marshall Law. Also sorry I have no info on who started the trend.

This was the first video I saw when I googled Marshall Law. Think we need people to investigate this because I’m the worst.



I'm new to this since January. What was the significance of Dark winter again? It sounds familiar!


See all these bomb threats and people getting evacuated? The deep state was going to have bombs blowing up at inauguration all over! Who were they going to blame it on? MAGA. Thank you Military for being 5 steps ahead.


What is Q1112 or the 11/12 date?

Has anyone thought that the whole purpose of the bible was exactly what Q is doing right now? I haven't read the whole bible but I always hear about how everything that is happening in the world is just like it did in the bible. What if Q modernized it for us since God knows the bible plan was already compromised and hardly anyone in the world believes it? Future proves the past.

The question we should be asking is "Who is Jack talking to?

We don't need to know. All we need to know is that Jack knows who that call was with and he's shitting in his pants.

China China China

That number has had a significant meaning in my life for forever and I’m just curious what that Q says but I’m new to this and have no idea what I’m doing. Can someone please link me to Q 1129 if there is one. Thank you!


I love this place and will continue to come back but do not lose focus. Our fight is still out there. Remember to not start arguments on social media. Inform but do not harm. We are needed outside this forum as well. We play a pretty important role in all of this. The silent majority was our biggest mistake. Too long have we just shook our head and continued to scroll. We know the truth. We felt it before we even learned of Q. Embrace your role. Speak up.