TeamSaiyanRace 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have not but that sounds like a pretty awesome game. Let's hope that's not what is happening lol

TeamSaiyanRace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah towards the end I found myself just watching the final seasons just to finish it. There were good episodes in between all the way to the end but there was a lot I didn't care for I will agree to that.

TeamSaiyanRace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks everyone! That helps. and I will try that link!

TeamSaiyanRace 1 point ago +1 / -0

On the website I thought lol. Thedeeprig.movie

TeamSaiyanRace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Damn that sucks. So Dan Scavino must not have a telegram then?

TeamSaiyanRace 0 points ago +1 / -1

I won't. I don't know. I'm not saying you're wrong because you very well could be right about Trump. I just get the vibe that something is still out there. I can promise you this though, I will not be making baseless claims on social media about it! You guys get it. We are awake to the media and the agenda they constantly force onto us. But most of my friends and even family are not.

TeamSaiyanRace 0 points ago +1 / -1

The one thing I wish I realized earlier was that Trump didn't need to win. That's the one thing I regret. I put all my eggs in that basket and was so down today because of how confident I was.

I'm sorry about all that man :( My Wife can't stand me either but now I just don't talk to her about it but I can see how it could easily break up a family. I'm so sorry. I'm so new to all of this luckily or that would be me as well.

TeamSaiyanRace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Okay this sounds like bait. What the hell. Can you just copy and paste what they said please lol

TeamSaiyanRace 1 point ago +1 / -0

That sounds promising to me although he never said good or bad luck lol

TeamSaiyanRace 0 points ago +1 / -1

The link clearly says "ibb.co" how about you google that and come back and apologize. Thanks

TeamSaiyanRace 2 points ago +2 / -0

All I read was "I'm the exact person I'm bitching about but I'm too delusional to realize I'm the one that has been lied to my whole life." You're right the military said they will protect the constitution no matter what and they WILL. Trump has no power anymore. They have all the power and Biden will not get presidency and you will have nothing left but a sad realization that you truly were the minority and that Trump saved your ass and you will be licking his shoes the next time you see him because that's all you will ever be to us: a cuck blinded by the mainstream medias cock in your face your whole life that you can't tell right from wrong. Piss off.

TeamSaiyanRace 0 points ago +1 / -1

Im judging on the fact that the site is used for strictly viruses...

TeamSaiyanRace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah I wouldn't put anything past them. They literally lied all 4 years and got away with it. Well nah not really. Reckoning is almost here.

TeamSaiyanRace 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah nice try. You are supporting the losing president btw. Their satanic cult programmed you via TV. They seriously do that but yeah we got your back don't worry. Not that you deserve it. Deport this person they just tried to send a virus do not click that link

TeamSaiyanRace 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know we’re supposed to be taking the high road after this but almost every single person that talks to me, talks to me like this. I gotta dig deep into my soul to not just go to ever single one of them and say “I told you. Don’t doubt my intuition ever again. You officially have no say for the rest of your life. Lol.” It’s been a terrible 4 years.

TeamSaiyanRace 2 points ago +2 / -0

This legit?

TeamSaiyanRace 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice! Do you mind posting it? He truly does. Unlike any President we've ever had!

TeamSaiyanRace 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's right! thank you. We definitely won't find it then. Very fishy. I'm definitely not getting that damn vaccine. Then again I believe strongly Trump has a plan of course.

TeamSaiyanRace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah the video ended with "Don't give up too soon." Pretty sure that's all i need

TeamSaiyanRace 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah I definitely know. I think it's mainly because I want everyone to be on the same page. Can't stand knowing how good of a guy Trump is and seeing so many friends and family just so set on thinking he is satan incarnated. I think they could be so far gone that no matter what Trump shows them they may still defend the devil over Trump. Unbelievable these people.

TeamSaiyanRace 2 points ago +2 / -0

Damn. Still other stamps they could have chose but yeah you're right. We already know he has blatantly done Q's for us on live television many times anyways

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