It seems as if a great number of people in powerful position have dual citizenship. How is it even possible for someone to have dual citizenship in the first place. The oath starts out....

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen"


Doesn't that mean that they are no longer a citizen of their previous country? It's become clear that that's not what they think. I think that we should make it illegal for anyone that is not a natural born US citizen to hold ANY political office including state and local level offices. I think they have sufficiently demonstrated that they cannot be trusted to put the needs of the US first.


I can only imagine how heavily medicated Biden is tonight. I expect that he'll be crashing hard tomorrow.

Soros Still Trying To Help demoncrats Take Over Texas. (yournews.com) 🧠 These people are stupid!
posted ago by The3rdKey ago by The3rdKey

My congressman is firing up his re-election campaign and asked what I thought.

I didn't send you there to make deals with democrats. They are truly evil, and I mean evil in the biblical sense. They don't want anything good for our country. The democrats and most of the republicans have sold their souls to the globalists for personal gain and all globalists will soon be removed. The republican party is now the MAGA party and we're done compromising.

My best advice to you is to start getting your face and voice out in the alternative media and be the warrior that I know that you are. For what it's worth, I'm sorry that we sent you into those hell holes when you were a seal. We, the people, didn't know that our government had been taken over by the globalist cabal back then. You are not expendable. Every drop of your blood is sacred and precious to me. I sent you to congress because I know the kind of man you are. I WILL have your back if you stand up and represent the great state of Texas and our precious republic.

It doesn't matter if you frens agree with my words, but please consider reaching out to YOUR congressman and share your thoughts with them. This is our country and I think that it's important to remind them of that.



Some of you that have been around from the very beginning will remember that there used to be hidden links on this site. I've checked back from time to time over the years and they were gone. Well they're back now!

Click on "News" from the menu. Now go down to the white part where the "Made In the USA" shield is. Now select all of the text in that section like you were going to copy it to past it somewhere. On the row above the shield and all of the way to the left there is a hidden period that is actually a link to a Trump video. Here's the video it links to.


Here's another one: This is on the home page near the bottom and the link says 1913 when you highlight it. This one takes you to a page talking about the federal reserve act.


And yet another on the row just below the 1913 link. This one is just 3 dots and it goes to an FBI application to seal a court case that I haven't read through yet. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/22140212-fbi-application

Happy digging!!

AmeriGeddon (www.justwatch.com)
posted ago by The3rdKey ago by The3rdKey
Texas Oligarchs (www.merissahansen.com)
posted ago by The3rdKey ago by The3rdKey
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