Pray for me please 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by TheGreatPumpkin ago by TheGreatPumpkin

I want to start a sub stack. Something to help maybe get just one normie to see the light. My problem is severe a.d.d. I struggle with staying on task yet I feel like I need to do this. I need strength and focus. Satanism is getting too powerful and I have to do something. Praying isn’t enough. I have to. Please pray for me.


Why would he be against the patriots and WhiteHats? He wouldn’t. The enemy killed his Uncle, Father, and supposedly his cousin. Do you really think he will be on their side? Wake the f*^% up! He is not a stupid man. He is not Joe Dirt the Third. Dirt-dir-thurd he has a medical problem that impaires his speech. The man is a genius just as the rest of his family was. RFK jr did not kill himself let’s just say!


I want the positive and the negative. Opinion and fact. Any resource or sauce you may have or be able to point me toward would be great. I study to shew myself approved. I will do my own research. 🫡 🎃


Just a dumb thought to counter an argument. Don’t get too caught up in the text. Please use logical thinking. 🎃

Does anyone have a link to yesterdays fisa hearing with good audio? Thanks in advance.


Do you still have the Jan 6 files?


I took one hour away from GAW.win and I am having the worst withdraws imaginable! Cold sweats. Hot sweats. Fever. Chills. A headache big enough to make the man in the moon cry! It’s something else frens! I need another hit of that hopium! Cmmon man! Help a frog out? 🐸 but seriously, I love you guys! TheGr8🎃 sittin back watching the 🎥 all comfy like 😋🤩🥳!


RFK jr., Larry elder, ect. Redpillers are joining the race. This tells me that the 2024 election cycle is going to be the Great Awakening. These guys do not plan on beating Trump. No way. I am confident the reason for them running is to reach the people not paying attention and waking them to the fact that Trump is their guy. From vaccines to racism, they are going to help expose all the shams we have been dealing with for over 100 years now. Get your popcorn stock built up. Your gonna need it! 🎃. Edit: Also know that it would be bad optics to censor a presidential candidate. That would be election interference. Highly illegal. It’s on like Bill Clinton on the Lolita Express!


Help a frog out fren? Runnin low on nem crumbs. WYG?


Without us, nothing works. Planes, trains, automobiles, produce, meat, gasoline, electricity, water, all commerce in this nation depends on the hard working patriots that make it work. We have them by the eggs if we would just be courageous and unite! Strike!

Who’s in? I need to see commitment.

If they steal 2024 do we keep waiting on the plan or do we unite and do something? I’m seriously asking an honest question. I trust the plan, but history shows that no revolution has ever been won by people sitting back waiting on a plan. No, they always unite and push back. Look around the world. Take France for example. They are not waiting on a plan. They have had enough. And looking from the outside it looks as if they waited until it is too late.


We do nothing. Sounds too easy, but it is true. To fight back and grab complete control of the narrative all we have to do is resist. No streets. No protest. Hear me out. If enough patriots would just refuse to go to work for one week we could shut the entire country down. Nothing works unless we make it work. Power plants require people to make it run. The majority of people that do actual work that makes everything around us “work” are patriots. America does not run if we strike. At that point the money grabbers will become paranoid that all of their precious profits are dwindling. There is no one to replace us. These are skilled jobs. Computers cannot do what we do. So it’s called checkmate. If only 10 million patriots would strike against the government, the entire system would fall. Then the normies and all who are not already reprobate In mind would start asking questions. They would wake up because it now effects them. We the people truly have all the power. It’s called a peaceful revolt. We just refuse to keep feeding the beast. They don’t want to take an oath to defend our constitution then we refuse to allow them to get their precious ice cream. Truckers, electricians, mechanics, nurses, construction workers, police officers, factory workers, food and beverage folks, ect. When enough people start doing something the collective hive mind naturally wants to follow and do what is popular. Once they see that enough people are fed up with the status quo, they will start asking questions and they will also revolt. Don’t worry about how you are going to eat or pay your bills. You either trust in God or your faith is weak. Every revolution in history was won by courageous men and women who were willing to risk everything. The founding fathers pledged their fortunes and lives to make America great. Why are we sitting back waiting for something to happen when we have been told numerous times, “we have more than we know” and “power was returned to we the people”. “We the people have the power” everything revolves around money so, do you want to freak out those evil entities that believe they rule us? Stop their flow of money by shutting everything down. When a labor force goes on strike, the company then has to negotiate and find a way to please them in order to get their money rolling in again. They don’t just hire a new staff. It’s not that simple. The point is United we stand. United we can effect change. United we truly have them by the you know what’s. It’s time to reclaim our independence and show these evil scum in DC who they actually work for. Show them who really runs things. Someone will say, but their gonna arrest a bunch of us. So be it. Sacrifice. It is for the future of our grand children. Arresting us will not fix their problem. It will only make our movement bigger by making martyrs out of peaceful people who are just fed up. Optics are important. You have to know when to call a bluff. So, I declare this Independence Day as the day Americans began the movement to regain their independence! Starting July 4th we start in waves, a strike. We need enough patriots committed to uniting. Start with 1 million. That would make a huge impact. Then we slowly grow it. Until we have one full week where 10million+ refuse to work. It would cripple the entire system. They would see who really has the power. It would expose so much. And I guarantee once we regain all 3 branches of government, we could make sure nothing like what we have witnessed the last 100+ years ever happens again. No more wars! The world does not want to be at war. Evil people want war. We can make sure evil never has a place in our government ever again. I say they have to pass a test to prove they are patriots and give them term limits. This would work folks!


When are “we the PEOPLE” going to stop taking orders from these individuals who think they have the right to enact laws against “we the PEOPLE” that they themselves do not have to follow? We hired them. They work for us. Time to take a stand and pull out that old saying from the 80’s. “Just say NO!” Say no to our employees! Say no to taxes! Say no to their unconstitutional laws! Say no to their overreach! Say no. Just say no! If enough of us would stop paying taxes all at once, there would be a crisis that they would have to scramble to cover up. What are they going to do? Arrest 80million people all at once? How would the optics of that look? Like a civil war? Government vs. the people? Folks, if we could all take a collective stand, we could end the treason in a matter of a week. If 80 million patriots would just protest for a few days they would have no choice but to listen. We could halt the entire economy within 24 hours. Crash the dollar and bankrup the fed? We could do that in 24 hours. We could take back our sovereignty in 24 hours by collectively shutting down all commerce within the continental US in less than a day. One day and the stock market would crash. The millionaire and billionaire bunch would freak out. Who holds the true power? Without us their money is worthless. We learn to farm. Learn to sew. Learn to do things the old fashioned way for a short period of time and watch the demons start begging us. The question is, when do we the people put or foot down and demand accountability and freedom? Enough waiting for the PLAN! We are the PLAN! WE THE PEOPLE! 🎃


It really turns my stomach every time I have to look at IT. Nobody likes the smell of pumpkin guts! 🎃

I must penetrate zeee cabinets!


To the best group of intelligence analysts on the planet. The Great Awakening would not be possible without you frogs. 🤘

Gitmo ? 🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
posted ago by TheGreatPumpkin ago by TheGreatPumpkin

Anyone know if they finished the expansion of courts at gitmo yet?


I just posted every segment of event 201 on my FB page. Ridicule if you want, but truth is, I am doing what I can in hopes to wake up just one normie. Hoping just one will take the time to watch. I will keep posting quality memes on Twitter. I will keep sharing truth even if it gets me censored. Then I will create a new account and keep my ass busy fighting this war against an invisible enemy. (Satan) I refuse to just sit back and give up. If those men would have given up and let the Flag hit the ground at the rampart, we would have never known what freedom really is. We cannot give up hope. We must fight for future generations and stand. Doing all we can to keep standing. It is greater to die on your feet than to live on your knees. Too many Americans have become soft and passive. We must be as courageous as our founding fathers were. Greater than the founders were the pilgrims. They risked everything, when all seemed lost. Yet they knew that with God, they would prevail. And prevail they did. They faced worse than what we are facing now. Our battle just happens to be more spiritual. So we must connect with our creator. Pray. And fight the good fight! Wwg1wga! NCSWIC! God wins! Your grandchildren depend on you! TheGr8🎃


You know what to do memers. We are the news. We may be censored for sharing truth, but the facts are that this Dali Lama thing is waking normies. So instead of just sharing pedo arrests on Gaw it’s time to take it all mainstream. Go back and start from the beginning. Let’s make it trend and force people to wake up and unite. We have the power. We are the news. We are the majority. We win. God wins!


Thanks to the Q op, our President has the biggest army of intelligence officials and he doesn’t even have to pay them one cent. Take this indictment for instance, Trumps lawyers do not even have to work. No research they do will match that of the anons and the citizen journalists who will pick apart every jot and tittle of this indictment. They just have to set back and gather info from us as we point them in the proper direction. I mean this POTUS (GEOTUS) has millions of patriots, with brain and common sense, to dig dig dig. It’s what we do. And we are good at it. Damn good. Just know one thing. Just as Q stated, POTUS IS 100% insulated. We the 80+ million are one huge army and we are armed to the teeth, I might add. Not promoting violence just stating that we have it if needed, unlike the enemy. We have the brains. They are mentally challenged except for a few on their side who, due to evil, are very smart and cunning. Reguardless, Q has lead to the biggest collection of intel operatives this world has ever known. And it is all thanks to you anons. God speed and God Bless! Wwg1wga! MAGA! USA! TheGr8🎃

He is too busy playing Joe while Joe rots In gitmo? Me thinks so.

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