NOTE: About 10 years ago, I submitted a response to "The Global Challenges" Foundation to their request for designs to replace the United Nations. Below is their latest Email Update. Shocking, really. Needless to say they didn't like my design. Now I see why. It would have diffused the control structure and authority they appear to be implementing... sounds more like the WHO. I am sure most of the world (including Anons) are unaware this was going on in the background. It sounds like "Ben Fulford" material but it isn't... it is quite real. Use your own discernment.

Global Challenges Foundation From:info@globalchallenges.org

Thu, May 30 at 9:43 AM

Web version New explorers of the challenges of our time To meet the challenges of our time, we need new explorers to take us forward.

We are thrilled to announce that our board member Johan Rockström has been awarded the prestigious Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement. The prize recognises his contributions to environmental science regarding planetary boundaries and tipping points, highlighting Dr Rockström’s dedication to a liveable planet.

In other exciting news, the Stockholm Center on Global Governance (SCGG) has opened its doors at Stockholm University. This international and interdisciplinary research centre is poised to become a leading institution in the study of global governance. I am proud to serve on the SCGG board, furthering our commitment to impactful global collaboration regarding global challenges.

Looking ahead, the UN's Summit of the Future (SOTF) is set for September. This high-level event aims to forge an improved international framework to address existing and emerging global challenges. The Global Challenges Foundation is eager to promote the importance of a safe and just transition through meaningful reform of the international governance architecture.

Jens Orback Executive Director

Reading recommendation: Sustainable population, climate change and technological shifts The Global Challenges Foundation supports the Institute for Future Studies' "Sustainable population in the time of climate change" research project. The project examines Earth's sustainable population size and its impact on climate change and land use. It references economist and demographer Thomas Malthus and highlights how technological advances extend agricultural limits but also reveal new constraints such as climate change.

The project's final report summarizes findings on sustainable population, noting the linear relationship between population growth and climate impact, and the importance of economic growth and technological development. Presence at UNEA-6 and the SOTF assembly for Africa Our representatives Linda Burenius, Anja Olin- Pape, and Anna Möller-Loswick participated in the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) in Nairobi and in a "Global Policy Dialogue" in Abuja, Nigeria, organised by the Stimson Center and the Savannah Center. The trip was successful and led to many new contacts in the global south.

Priorities at UNEA included how environmental governance can be strengthened and the establishment of contacts with African organizations prior to the SOTF. The Foundation participated in a workshop organised by the International Crisis Group to develop the EEARTH early warning mechanism in the Horn of Africa. “The future is not something to predict, but something to build.” This quote is attributed to Franco Ongaro, former Director of Technology for the European Space Agency. Renewed exploration of Earth's boundaries and social transformation with the Earth Commission

The Foundation will continue to support the Earth Commission's groundbreaking work. This group of international researchers from the natural and social sciences has launched the Safe and Just Earth System Boundaries for climate, biodiversity, freshwater, nutrients, and aerosols, providing a comprehensive assessment of Earth's limits, published in science journal Nature.

The Earth Commission’s second assessment will refine and expand this work, including new Earth System domains such as Novel Entities (toxic substances) and the Ocean. This phase will focus more on the just transformations needed across society and emphasise the justice, governance, and economic requirements for these changes. Finding the right ideas: new reports on global governance
The Foundation is providing funding and support for four separate reports tackling the need for global reform.

The Stimson Center's Preventative Measures for Money Laundering and Corruption presents solutions such as universal jurisdiction and bilateral agreements, and Strategies for inclusive multilateralism discusses how to benefit from aligning policy to the UN Secretary General's Our Common Agenda.

A report published by the International Peace Institute (IPI) asks Can the World Bank Deliver on Climate Change? while testing the Evolution Roadmap through Loss and Damage.

In Towards a Planetary Commons Approach for Environmental Governance, the United Nations University Centre for Policy Research (UNU-CPR) provides recommendations for environmental governance ahead of the SOTF.

A survey conducted by the Institute for Future Studies, provides insight into the public's views on potential institutions for future generations. Find out more in Potential Institutions for Future Generations: What Do Current Generations Think? Custom


The Global Challenges Foundation works to raise awareness of global catastrophic risks and to strengthen global governance to handle them. Address: Grev Turegatan 30, 114 38 Stockholm, Sweden Contact: info@globalchallenges.org © 2024 Global Challenges Foundation. All Rights Reserved.


First of all, this post is not a self-promotion. It is being provided as a service to us all. I will try to be brief.

Science has been able to measure the energies Human Beings emit for a very long time. This is not new science. We can measure brain waves, heart waves, biological markers, enzymes, proteins, cell functions and DNA… to name a few. This is all within mainstream science. Emerging sciences carry this a lot further but I will avoid these emerging sciences in this post.

When you think and feel you generate measurable energies. These measurable energies do not stop five feet away from your body. These energies continue and coalesce into an electromagnetic field of energy on earth… and beyond. It is akin to light. Light we observe from a planet 10 light years away happened a long time ago and just now reaching earth for us to see it. Human Energy generation is similar.

Imagine if you will, 4 billion people and trillions of animals generating energy… because they do. This energy amasses into a huge field of energy. This is akin to air. Both are like gigantic pools we all swim in. You can’t opt out. There are no exceptions. We do this with a “Trinty” of Human Energy generated by our thoughts, our feelings and our actions (mind, body and soul) or our (Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious) … we have many ways of describing them.

Ever done a soil sample to see what elements and chemicals are in your soil? All farmers are familiar with this. A sample is evaluated by a spectrometer that detects the unique frequency signature of each element or chemical. Yes, all matter emits a frequency that is unique and science can detect it. Brain wave measurements do the same thing. You have Gamma, Alpha, Beta, Theta and Delta waves… all can be measured by their unique frequencies. All emotions have measurable signature.

We live on a planet that us shrouded by a field of energy that human beings generate. This is not arguable… it is a scientific fact. Think about this! If I (whomever I am) want to cause several billion people to generate FEAR then the result is a global field of fear energy. Although you might not be aware of it consciously… your subconscious is fully aware and connected. You are affected. You can’t opt-out. It is 100% inclusive. This little-known fact makes it easy for the masses to be controlled. If I can create an event in one country that destroys the place then I can change the electromagnetic field we all live in.

One fundamental of The Great Awakening is acknowledging this field exists, we are generating it and there are people on the planet intentionally manipulating it. This is fundamental to understand. Have you not noticed how the global power-brokers are bombarding us all with propaganda and real events to cause us to panic, hate, fear and be angry? Why do you think they are doing this? It is intentional. We can’t control them (at least for now) from causing the events but we CAN control our reactions to them.

Once you realize how this manipulation is done you will no longer have the intended “knee-jerk” reactions they wanted us to have. That my friends, is a huge Great Awakening. It makes us uncontrollable. We take our power back.

This is the reason that we are constantly encouraged (manipulated) to fight each other instead of unite. It is a trick and a very potent one. The Great Awakening is about changing the planet’s frequency away from all the negative hate, anger and fear and flip it to compassion, love and gratitude. It is a paradigm shift in energy on the planet that we control. We have been causing it all along and didn’t realize it. We have been tricked into sustaining a very low-vibrational energy field. This is how they control the world.

This information is not woo-woo doctrine. It is well known in the scientific communities but never spoken out loud. The Great Awakening is about waking people up to this simple knowledge. This is the way we create a nirvana on earth. It is the exact way we created the world we have now. We did that… but we were tricked and manipulated.

This forum is not to be used for self-promotion and advertising. We all applaud the MODS for eliminating these types of posts. Yet, this information is too important NOT to get out. I wrote a book years ago (600 pages of science) that was way too complicated for the average person to digest. So,I scraped it and changed it to a dialog and description of a big family called “The Atom’s Family” whereby the science can be more easily comprehended. I beg everyone to get a copy and read it. It is only 164 pages.

I genuinely believe this is the “keystone” needed to change the world. Please download or get a printed copy of “The Human Primer” by James Taylor.

I live deep in the countryside with 164 people in a small little town. We don’t even have a gas station. This book is my contribution to help us achieve a better world for our children and ourselves. It will be a great catalyst for enabling a Great Awakening. I strongly believe this is the time to propagate this knowledge. So, I again beg everyone to read it.

My genuine thanks and regards to all the Great Awakening folks here and around the world. It is time we took back our power!

-James Taylor (author)


First, I'm NOT a racist... far from it! But... an observation that sounds very racist.

Over the past 50 years I have noticed social trends that lean towards the black culture. Not stating as good or bad just exposing a trend. I have a deep understanding of the black culture. Their way of handling conflict or disagreement tends to be physical. A sort of "Street justice" way of handling things. And yes, Jerry Springer fueled it even further. It was sort of an injection into our social fabric.

Now add into this mix, pissed off rednecks, agitated religious zealots, and 10 million 3rd world country folks and well, we have a freaking mess. This has been generational and intentional.

We find ourselves in a position where we are being bombarded by ruthless acts of violence. It is normalized. We have reduced our social structure to adopting a violent response to resolving conflict.

Only one response can stop it and that is force. Control. Absolute smack down. That was and is the endgame.

Let me remind everyone... the planet has a resonant frequency that is caused by human energy. It fluctuates based on the average human demeanor and energies we generate. Consider this: If you want to control the world would you rather have confused and angry mobs to crack down on or calm, peaceful rational human beings that solve problems rationally?

That is where we are. Adults in the room please take charge. (Human Primer Logic) Read The Human Primer

Alt media frenzy in play! Stuck in "fast-forward" mode. Slow down please. Rapid Fire is killing my brain cells. Anyone else getting thoroughly saturated?


First, dave ole buddy, lighten up on the adds dude. We we will force the lectures into primary school's' curriculum... whatever you need man. I mean, we love you and all but please just downshift a bit. Even so, to the point...

Dave has been selling this cyber-attack thing for a while now. Well he could be right. Akin to firing the first shot. We have it all...right? We never stopped collecting & monitoring...did we? We will know immediately who the perps are. Bam! Everything goes dark for a week. (Round 1) Another trap clamps down. Caught again in the act! Round them all up on the spot... with us all still in the dark. Should take about a week

(Round 2) 5 days in you fire up the EBS system and announce what's happening... one of which will be "all MSN platforms and broadcasts are shut down." Applause . . Round 3... we wake up to televised perp-walks. The military is in control. Millions of the connected critters panic and start to scatter or dig-in. Indeed a moment where they actually won't be able to walk the streets. Real visceral fear.

The greatest show on earth. Popcorn, beer, some MREs and a big screen.


Wife not old enough for Medicare.

First: Insurance is suffering from "shrinkage" just as much as potato chips. Not near as much in the bag.

Second: The way I see it, I can purchase an almost decent policy for my wife (worse coverage than in the past) OR.... I could make payments on a brand new, high-end Bentley (including insurance) for the same money.

I don't need a Bentley. Yet?

Being healthy, no insurance, is the best answer. Yet?

This is ridiculous. So much for retirement. Social Security doesn't even cover the cost of healthcare. Gees.


This verbage is in their new "Terms of Service" Contract. Anyone have any insights here?

"You retain your rights to any Content you submit, post or display on or through the Services. What’s yours is yours — you own your Content (and your incorporated audio, photos and videos are considered part of the Content).

By submitting, posting or displaying Content on or through the Services, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such Content in any and all media or distribution methods now known or later developed (for clarity, these rights include, for example, curating, transforming, and translating). This license authorizes us to make your Content available to the rest of the world and to let others do the same. You agree that this license includes the right for us to provide, promote, and improve the Services and to make Content submitted to or through the Services available to other companies, organizations or individuals for the syndication, broadcast, distribution, repost, promotion or publication of such Content on other media and services, subject to our terms and conditions for such Content use. Such additional uses by us, or other companies, organizations or individuals, is made with no compensation paid to you with respect to the Content that you submit, post, transmit or otherwise make available through the Services as the use of the Services by you is hereby agreed as being sufficient compensation for the Content and grant of rights herein. "


I think most of us are both confused but not shocked regarding Israel. Here's why...

First... our Spidy senses, whenever the controlled media + orgasms by government the war-mongers...in concert with the immense pressure built-in our social fabric to never speak negatively towards the jews... well, Anons KNOW something is up.

Secondly, it matches old, worn-put playbook moves to start wars and A) we don't want anymore wars period! And B) we recognize the foreplay as complete bullshit!

Speaking more clearly... we ain't buying this crap. They can "Wag the Dog" all day long but we see the dog, the tail and more importantly the wagger! They are ones screaming the loudest 7/24.

And just like that literally everything exposing the criminal enterprise just disappears with blanketing cover.

All that to say this, "stay vigilant, undistracted and unafraid" to call-out what we see and clarify this charade for all the sheep in our lives.

However, this is not the play we were expecting for saving Israel for last. Anons pay attention and let's sniff-out what is going to be exposed in this Israel episode. Any ideas?

  1. Covid Twitter files
  2. January 6th video files
  3. Weiner laptop Insurance files
  4. Clinton Foundation pay to play audit
  5. Epstein, nexium+++ networks and blackmail files
  6. China high ranking official whistleblower (3 disks)
  7. Wikileak troves
  8. Pandora off shore tax havens files/audit
  9. Uranium One
  10. Nonprofits child trafficking orgs, (so many)
  11. Biden crime syndicate (just started)
  12. Climate change hoax exposure (real science)
  13. Bioweapons Ukraine++
  14. Election fraud (military intelligence)

Folks, talk about high caliber Ammo!!! Indeed! NCSWIC

Remain calm. Be patient. You see the plan. It is going to be Biblical!


Folks it is simple. Hunter won his sweet deal with the mere threat to blow his whistle. You don't think Dad armed him with the leverage? Think again.

All involved... had no choice. Swamp playbook. Not only are these people sick but have to survive within a very sick system.

Blackmail leverage is SOP in DC.


Instead of what is happening let's visit what has not happened. All the smoking guns evidence:

  1. Remember the sworn testimony in Italy regarding the actual guy who testified he changed 2020 votes en masse from Trump to Biden? He told when he did it, how he did it, who he did it with and who told him to do it. Remember this? What happened? It was the biggest smoking gun to date... how did the world ignore this? We must demand answers!!!!

  2. Remember Anthony Weiner's laptop insurance file? He had all the goods on all the bad actors in his orbit. Where is it? Who has it?? How did the world ignore this? Time to demand answers!!

  3. Remember "Frazzlerip" with Hillary and Huma? It was real. Where is it? Who has it? Time we demand answers and hold those who know held accountable!!!

  4. Remember the chinese guy Steve Bannon introduced who had 3 CDs that contained the entire covid pandemic plans? The entire list of corrupted US assets, the blackmail they hold on each, even the bank account numbers and balances of the bribes? Where is that? Who has it? It is time we demand answers!!!

  5. Remember the 10s of thousands if hours of Jan 6 videos given to Tucker? Where is it now? Who has it? Time we demand answers!!!!

  6. Remember the Panama papers? It exposed trillions of dollars in hidden accounts by the top elites? No taxes paid? Time we find out who has these incriminating facts and why nobody is being prosecuted!!!

  7. Remember Epstein? They searched all his residences... they found nothing? Where is all that evidence? Who has it? Tons of guns smoking there. Time we get answers.

...I could go on!

My suggestion: Americans completely shut down our country by not working, don't pay taxes... essentially stop all government functions or commercial business operations until these are addressed and questions fully answered to our collective satisfaction. The world stops until we get the answers! They can't arrest us all and they cannot ignore us anymore!


Tucker was one of the extremely few trying to tell America the truth. Amazing he lasted this long on Fox. Man do I miss him! Anybody else? Or am I alone in feeling the loss?


Question: If this really is a movie... then can we go ahead and cut to the end?

We've seen enough. We don't need to see every aspect of our society go down in flames to prove the point. So if it really is a movie then skip that script.. we don't need it. If it isn't a movie (or if it is) then the insane constellation of players causing and enabling this obvious insanity need to be forced aside. Immediately! Sane thought is not a mystery. We need sane folks running the next show... like starting in the morning.

Second Question: So can we do that or not? When?


There are strong signs that lots more people are waking up. A full blown paradigm shift is being invigorated by masses of energy (human generated) whereby the entire energy grid shrouding the planet is shifting ...generated by us, en masse'.

The planet is finally paying attention worldwide and the overwhelming number of us are sane. Insanity isn't tolerated en masse'. In this we find agreement. A unity. Energy that aligns in absolute coherence. A sanitizing and fully energized moment. Imagine that amount of wattage and frequency shift!

So shift your anger to relief. The final episode will (unfortunately) not be for everybody. So if you encounter them...well, if they aren't packing or swinging, don't get triggered and just acknowledge they are in too deep. Feel deep sympathy for them...but fight only if it is real danger, them swing hard.


Just released: DNA tests are in.

Dr. Fauci & Alex Murdaugh have the exact same DNA.

...explains a lot!

Testing to begin on thousands of bureaucrats, Intel Officers and all of Congress.

It is going to be a DNA Storm freinds.


General Kellogg on Fox today. He sounds like Kamala Harris… he thinks we are all idiots. He says, “Now that we shot the balloon down we must ask ourselves some tough questions like what is next? …what will our response be to China. That’s where we are.

Dude! Retire. Stay out of public. To remind you, retard, you ask and answer those questions long before you shoot it down. Who trained you man? And arguably worse, “what is our response”….this was our response you moron!

There is no real counter-argument to this event. Stop arguing. They broke two iron-clad laws, everyone knows this… so we shot it down -just like they would have. Do it again and we will shoot earlier next time… so don’t try.

…and thanks, now, goodbye TikTok..


My wife has been sick for two days. Now running 102.5 fever. Must take her to a see a doc.

HERE IS THE WARNING. If they try to force her to get a covid test or worse, a vaccination... WELL PLEASE ANTICIPATE THAT I WILL BE THE NEXT NEWS ITEM. Just sayin.


Besides just Ben Fulford, I have had this same questions about other sources like David Willcock, etc... that leads us all to a two-fold question.

  1. Why is it that sources on both sides on the good/evil dichotomy have chosen one, single person to give very secretive information (intelligence) to? Why them? Why only one person? One channel?

  2. Given the nature of Ben's posts (and others like him), then one side or the other would likely be very pissed (for instance in this post The Vatican)... so how is it that he can even still be alive? The only logical answers are either he is just being used to create (deliver) confusing propaganda OR he is a sole-source channel to get out the truth occuring behind the scenes (on purpose).

We safely assume that the occurances he reports on are very fluid thus changes quickly and would render his reports as less than 100% on-target as the situations mature but even so, some of these claims can't change... such as things like Putin, Trump etc are actors, clones or stand-ins because they are dead or in prison. Or of course, it is all just complete bullshit.

Most of us are looking for this type of intelligence to explain what is really happening (hidden from our view) and make sense of the things we do see. So what some of us will try to do is sew the dots together and get a better scope and clearer picture. For example, the esoteric info from David Wilcock, very esoteric info regarding off-planet activities from sources like the Wingmakers (Dr. Neruda interviews) and planet based intell from the likes of Fulford, Simon Parks (and similar)... all tied back to mainstream sources like Tucker Carlson and Jessie Watters. Then filter in all the so-called whistleblowers. It is hard to take any political players from any country as anything by manufactured bias so we take most of MSN sources with a grain of salt... except those who back it up with evidence. Tucker and Watters do provide some of this.

All this leaves even the most dilligent and dedicated researchers confused and with more questions than we started with. We know only a fraction of what we find is actually true... but is that 10%? 50%? 75%? And which parts? We just don't really know for sure. This leads us to a very vulnerable position and that is WHO (on earth) can ever come forward to give the planet truth that we can asbolutely depend on WITHOUT being seriously cautious that we are just being manipulated in the end due to all our confused states and visceral desire for answers. I don't think it will come from religions orbits, nor political orbits or from any present global organizations currently in place.

Anyone else share my perlexed disposition on this?

-The Human Primer


Right now, we exchange USD for crypto. What if the currency collapses? How would you buy? Can’t spend USDs… so what do you do? Gotta eat!

The only way it could work (a transition) is to allocate bitcoin to everyone… if you have it and we don’t! We need something to trade with … to exchange. Hey I’m not giving up my land or house for it! So what funds this transit? A fair estimate of global assets held by and controlled by… all the folks that met in Davos last week! Safe estimate that’s about 3-4 hundred trillion!!

They think they alone run the world (their own proclamation). No problem, Yea, we get that. But sorry, we’re taking it back to fund a much better model. We’ve now seen yours and it sucks. Seriously sucks!

Trump put the legal framework in place to seize it all before he left. So no worries about survival… there really is plenty for all to build a much better place than what these deranged folks ARE doing.

Precipice? Views aren’t bad at all. The criminal mind isn’t the architect nor the artist of the view on the other side. Excited yet?

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