TheWhitestOfFangs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why pepe peed his pants though? 🤷🏻‍♂️

TheWhitestOfFangs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Including, yes. But it was mostly done in counties where Dominion wasn't even used so...

Either way - that's not the point. Corroborating or negating the claims/information about Epp's wife is.

TheWhitestOfFangs 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm here again in case anyone might have looked into this. Someone posted a "This is Ray Epps' wife and she works/ed for Dominion!" shit. Now I don't care about the Dominion crap, it's just a diversion as the steal was done in the good-ol' fashioned way with paper ballots.

However, the coincidence does suggest a further inspection. I start assuming this is just a random person with proper name, despite some mentioning of "Ray Epps" in the profile. To corroborate something, the birthday would be the first to look for - did anyone happen to encounter this information anywhere?

TheWhitestOfFangs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thing is though, it doesn't say she went to Switzerland, but rather that she was there already:

"She frequently travelled around the country from her home in St. Gallen, in northeastern Switzerland, to protest vaccines and masks as a “demonstration tourist,” her daughter said."

Not suggesting it is true, but if she was there ahead of all of this, it could work...

Edit: So the mother, Dr. Ortrud Sonnabend-Memmert, was living there before. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:5cKg5EYAlXAJ:https://www.local.ch/en/d/st-gallen/9008/dr-med-sonnabend-ortrud-und-wolfgang-mQpvnoiBKGCjG0HVRVkLHw+&cd=8&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca

TheWhitestOfFangs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Salsa: https://archive.ph/D5fqh

The daughter is called Ute Lehrer. Her mother (83) was a retired pathologist and died late last year in Switzerland.

Other than the old age, which is obviously a risk - one would assume a pathologist wouldn't be stupid or mindless about this kind of stuff. So what's the truth? what really happened?

TheWhitestOfFangs 3 points ago +3 / -0

someone mentioned the teeth, and although they don't show in the images, I also noticed something different with the teeth. Maybe not the teeth but the mouth area for sure...

TheWhitestOfFangs 4 points ago +4 / -0

But seriously, how fast can you stuff your face like that? he's need to chug ice cream and coca-cola 24/7 and I even doubt that will be fast enough. There are also biological limitations...

TheWhitestOfFangs 1 point ago +2 / -1

I really do appreciate the warm welcome, but this is a "Pro-Q community" and I believe all the Q bullshit is the worst thing that happened to the MAGA (and more generally, the populist) movement. I am, at this point, beyond the point I can be convinced otherwise and although I truly believe you're all here with good intentions, have some ability to think and research, and are warm and welcoming - but I cannot agree with the basic underlying principle of this community. I have no interest coming as a guest and shitting all over the place.

TheWhitestOfFangs 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was sure someone has already brought this thing up and there's a thread about this Trudeau strange look. Once I realized there wasn't, I had to make one.

But I'm not going to bullshit you around, I had no intent on staying. Just wanted to get some opinions/ideas which I assumed I'd find here.

TheWhitestOfFangs 7 points ago +7 / -0

Is this a body double or something? What happened to his face otherwise? it can't be just makeup and lighting.

To further support my argument, I compared similar postures from the same two appearances: https://i.imgur.com/ZYQC0Mn.png