Here's the link to the article --
Just musing on what might be some strategies behind this latest development in BizarroWorld...
WH or BH, what announcements like this will serve to do (assuming they get out in the FNM) is not only instill PANIC in the masses, but also allow the military to take up positions in areas where the drones have been spotted. If I'm not mistaken the NJ Governor (nursing home mass murderer Murphy) initially told the fine folks of NJ that, while they don't know what these drones are doing, who controls them, etc, not to worry. I assume by now he's changed his tune. Still, the masses were preconditioned to have objects of unknown origin floating in our skies when the "spy balloons" were in the skies above us.
For tyranny (BH) or swamp dredging (WH), the military could be staged in NJ and Cali. Assuming it's a BH operation it could facilitate any number of actions or inactions (see below) including trying to blame DJT for this development. On the other hand, if it's a WH operation this might be to search for real, internal/domestic, wartime threats to the nation. Or, if this is part of a "movie", to allow, basically, what the BHs would want, but portraying them as incompetent at best, tyrants on the other end of the spectrum. Some possibilities are:
Dem leadership goes underground to save their skins, leaving the people to fend for themselves,
The Potatus calls for total lockdown (and red state governors could declare instead "hunting season") and tries to cancel the upcoming transition to new leadership,
Dem leadership remains vague while calling for US troops to go to Ukraine (yes, without Congress' approval) and Cali-NJ residents are left terrified, feeling betrayed,
Dem leadership calls for a military draft,
The Potatus and dems start calling to disarm all Americans so no one shoots down one of the metallic birds and lets bioweapons loose in the atmosphere,
Possibly have EM send out an army of "patriot drones" for an epic battle in the sky (as I believe an anon posted about recently), or
Perhaps we get to encounter real live "otherworldly" beings. (Hey, ya nevah know...)
A BH operation would be an attempt to forestall their loss of power and ensuing disclosures. A WH operation may include elements to break the psychological programming/brainwashing of those still trapped in the matrix. Either way, the idea that these metallic birds may be loaded with dangerous weapons and are propelled by nefarious individuals must be rattling the nerves of some sheeple.
Just some musings....
Any thoughts?
"Big Club" (billionaire) member Vinod Khosla felt compelled to weigh in on the controversy around the Potatus' most recent demeaning of Americans who disagree with the rabid left and instead support President Donald J Trump. Mr Khosla stated "Garbage is an understatement for MAGA extremists.".
Our soon-to-be new Vice President (God willing), JD Vance, had this to say --
"Will Kamala and her campaign return his contributions?” Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) asked Wednesday. “Or will they continue to insult half of the country for the sin of thinking Kamala Harris isn’t good at her job?”
I, for one, won't hold my breath on Ms Harris returning any donations.
Mr Khosla has also recently felt the need to rush to defend such upright individuals as those who perhaps, or so it's alleged, engage in eating house pets. Elon Musk slapped down Vinod's indignant denial of these abhorrent practices by reminding him that some individuals in that culture engage in cannibalism, too.
Here's the wiki page on the illustrious Mr Khosar. One wonders what rabbit holes await.
And his wife is on the BoD of Wikimedia Foundation, has a Master's degree in molecular biology.
It seems many on the left are truly in "dumpster fire" mode. Such vitriol from the party of joy... tsk, tsk. Just keep mouthing off, you DS turds, so everyone can see your true colors. Swamp Dredging is messy business.