EOs are vital to directing a federal bureaucracy to implement the President's policies and align with his will. Can a future President countermand Trump's EOs? Of course he can, and it is only proper.
FDA's faux deliberation is supposed to repair its image?
My guess is that Trump will use the kerfuffle to reform H1B and other categories of legal immigration to make them fair and beneficial to American citizens. I have no problem bringing in the best and brightest who want to resettle in the US and be profitable citizens, adapting to America's historical values and culture and contributing in major ways to the American economy.
Reinstate the requirement that immigrants be sponsored by productive Americans and that they prove they will not be a burden on the system. No criminals need apply. No chain migration and no birth right citizenship. If a person enters or stays illegally, they and their next two generations of descendents are banned from applying for legal admission. Make it a privilege to be let in, as it once was. And a serious crime to do so illegally.
Trump needs to eliminate all funding of NGOs providing "services" to illegals, including advice on how to best sneak into the country and/or game the system to remain here. Then start prosecuting the most egregious cases. (See 8 US Code Section 1324).
Then he needs to direct the IRS to examine all NGOs (regardless of purpose or who sponsors them) for strick adherence to the charitable purposes requirements for tax exempt status. If they are violating the law or not otherwise coloring inside the lines, they lose their tax exemption (and corrupt politicians lose their contributions/kickbacks from these so-called NGOs).
Then he needs to eliminate all Federal funding of all NGOs PERIOD!!! Taxes confiscated from taxpayers should not be used to fund any private organizations -- if I like a charity or organization I can contribute my own money to it and I can deduct that contribution if the organization clearly meets its charitable qualifications (see #2 above) or if I otherwise want to support the organization without it being tax deductible. My money, my choice.
This is simple and straightforward and should trouble no law-abiding person. And this is a great way for DOGE to cut hundreds of billions of $ from the budget and stop a giant amount of fraud and criminality at the same time.
Sorry for the long rant, but this is the lowest of low hanging fruit and already part of existing law and within the President's powers.