ThreeGuysGameStudio 5 points ago +5 / -0

Audit would be great. How much anyone wanna bet Chicago doesn't get nearly the voter turnout they claim?

ThreeGuysGameStudio 2 points ago +2 / -0

Usually I ignore this type of stuff, but ok humor me: what is the theory here? That Q's post was unrelated, but Spaceforce referenced it to indicate they are on the Q plan? Or that Q in 2018 was referring to Alan B and General Ray is pointing that out? Whats the play from Q team? What does this subtle reference accomplish? Ty! Considering there is a Q post for every minute of the day+, I'm having trouble seeing the logic...

ThreeGuysGameStudio 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually debt-based money creation is very good for economies, especially creating a way for the poor to rise up if so inclined.

The scam is the fact that the Government outsources debt-based money creation to banks, and allows them to profit by charging interest on it.