getting saved but still continuing to lie, cheat, be complicit in child rape and torture, murder and selling your country to the highest bidder sounds more like satan worship.....GOD loves TRUTH.....where is the truth from these "many have gotten saved?"
Jerusalem is a literal city, the capital of day this will happen.but not 1/20/2021
Im gonna say that GOD hates pedophilia and people who do these acts, do them to HIM.
Read all of Pompeo's tweets, understand that he is communicating his intentions to the world. Trump is stepping aside and transferring power to the military with Sec of State at the helm until the evidence is presented and persons arrested. At some point in the future, Trumps victory will be confirmed and he will be inaugurated for his second term, or first term of the restored Republic
DAMN.....I just checked the offical list and YOU are correct......well...fiddle sticks..BUT the search yielded some good finds nonetheless
Telegram AMerica First
Telegram America First
If there is no literal resurrection, then all my hope is in vain.....but it could be a layer of the onion....
It just changed to the correct time!
I guess I did a poor job in wording to garner
I hope this spills over into the public school system. Im in rural America and we have a HS History teacher that is a Revisionist and he is Socialist
iPhone notification just popped up with option to update....I declined.....could that be door to block EAS that's incoming soon?
I assume 1/20. The populace will need time to digest and be able to vote with clear understanding of what has transpired
120 days till a new election can be held?
ok, so my brain has exploded as I grapple at the idea that Q maybe a quantum computer that somehow predicts the future and the two scenarios for how the end of this system are now intersecting...............good slamming into evil....Revelation type apocalypse......and we are simply along for the ride....
but it would be so glorious if Jr was lurking around in the shadows directing the show
Does this open another door to no transfer of power?
How does this play into the landscape of America/Eagle not being mentioned in Revelation? Are we free from the Beast system and still aligned with Israel to assist with the flight into the wilderness(Petra)?
3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 1 Thesaloinians 5:3
I have a weird vibe on the discussion of timing of tweets and's Biblical....when Revelation speaks to birthing pangs...contraction intervals get closer together as the moment of birth/presentation approaches. Just a thought
19th is National Popcorn Day...coincidence?
The Lion of Judah.....lineage of Kings
somebody deport this ass