TobyAwake 2 points ago +2 / -0

How about that old 32" flat screen tv in Kamala's office.

TobyAwake 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't their rockets come back to Earth on their own?

TobyAwake 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have some friends in that area. They are not a fan of Demmings.

TobyAwake 3 points ago +3 / -0

The write ups on VAERS describing what happened to people when they got the vaccine are terrifying. Here are some excerpts from different patients written by doctors:

02:45 PM walking , dizzy, rapid heart rate, mild chest pain. Directed to ER in hospital, CT Chest -- normal, EKG -- normal, Lab test-- normal. Xray Chest results -- basilar atelectasis, Hyperinflation of lungs. Blood pressure 171/109. No treatment given in ER -- f/u with PCP 12/18/20. 08:00PM nausea, headache, vomit 1x. 10:00PM fever 104.00; Tylenol extra strength dose. 12/17/20 6:00am temp 99.00, Tylenol dose extra strength; body aches, fatigue, mild headache.

shortly after patient received vaccine became flushed, bottom lip went numb, vitals were in normal limits. 911 was called emergency staff came and patient went to ER to be monitored.

17 minutes after vaccine, suddenly had a , crushing squeezing chest pain, very severe lasted 45 seconds. after 45 seconds continue to have moderate chest pain, light headiness, diaphoretic, very hot. NO fever, elevated BP

Associate received vaccine at 12:15 pm and was monitored for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, associate went to check out table. While at check out table, associate fell to ground and was experiencing seizure like activity. Supportive treatment was administerd and associate was transferred to ED.

11 minutes after first dose of Covid Pfizer vaccine, patient became unresponsive, pale, diaphoretic with possible seizure activity. Patient dropped all belongings, leaned to the left side, with eyes rolling back in her head. Episode lasted about a minute. Patient could not remember what had happened. Vitals were BP 110/60, HR 64, RR 22. Patient was advised to go to ED for further evaluation but she refused.

Responded to notification of potential adverse reaction after receiving COVID-19 vaccination. Pt had been escorted from observation area to emergency area with PA with c/o tightness in throat. On my arrival, pt was eupneic, p/w/d, ambulatory, NAD

EMS @ 1108, en route. ? EMS on site @ 1115, report given to medic. ? Pt left with EMS en route to ED @ 1116. ? Report called to ED Charge Nurse @ 1121. Patient presented to vaccination clinic. Patient received her vaccination at approximately 1021. Patient reports symptoms onset at approximately 1038 with tightness of the throat and difficulty swolowing. She described it as a swelling of the throat sensation. She states she had a sensation moving from her head to her toes as in a "wave ".

The patient symptoms seem to continue with the numbness tingling around the lips after administration of the Benadryl. Hand tingling of the right upper extremity also continued although it was decreasing. ? Her symptoms of the tightness of the throat remain the same. She did not develop shortness or breath or chest tightness or pain. ? At this time I feel be prudent to evacuate the patient to higher level care.

Patient complained of feeling dizzy, anxious, shortness of breath. Did have some pain with injection. Did have mask on while waiting standard 15 minutes.

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA": Acute onset of tongue swelling, throat tightness, and diffuse erythema approximately 5 minutes after receiving COVID-19 vaccine. Patient transferred to emergency department.

Bad taste in mouth starts, shaking of hands, tingling starts again in stomach and back. Chemical smell. @1345 Pt complained of mouth itching, EMS activated and will transport to Medical Center. Shaking of hands.

Within a few minutes of receiving the COVID 19 vaccination, patient developed lightheadedness, shortness of breath, headache, and some nausea. She did get some redness to her neck and upper chest. No recent illness. Had elevated BPs ranged from 158/103 to 207/126 . Patient prescribed EpiPen and prednisone and discharged.

Received text from coworker that he was dizzy and seeing spots and that his blood pressure had been 120/80 and then spiked to 160/100. Coworkers taking him to ER at Hospital for evaluation.

Patient felt facial flushing, pounding in chest, burning and hot ears and blood pressure went up. Tingly in right arm and chest and hands. Symptoms resolved, after a few minutes but then returned.

She was sitting, and felt short of breath without wheeze or tightness in the chest or throat. She stood up, and then felt tunneling. Assisted to chair and floor. Pulse weak, skin flushed, sweating on torso. Face and Neck remained flushed and red. BP was recorded as 160/100.

Nausea and vomiting beginning at 2 AM the night after receiving the vaccine. Potential fever as well (I don''t have a thermometer to check). Symptoms have lasted over 3 hours thus far, still continuing.

Pt. became lightheaded, and clammy. noted heart rate to be 51, oxygen saturation 100%. after sitting for a few minutes, she felt better, but then became dizzy and had some chest tightness and bilateral hand tingling...Pt. repeatedly stated "I think I am having a panic attack". Due to the continued complaint of chest tightness, pt. sent to the emergency department for evaluation.

Immediately after the vaccine, I got severely nauseaed, got a yucky metal taste in my mouth and got super lightheaded and hadnt even gotten up. The agent helped walk me to a chair and I felt really loopy in the head. After the 15 minutes, I got up and immediately felt the whole room was spinning causing me to have to sit back down another 15 minutes. Closing my eyes made the dizziness much worse. On the drive home I threw up and my PCP called in Zopran to help with the nausea.

Patient had sudden onset of nausea . Patient was laid flat on the floor and given and alcohol.

Pt started to have a metallic taste in her mouth immediately after administration of the Covid-19 vaccine. She started to feel nauseous and myalgias.


Following first dose, patient became hypotensive, pale, and diaphoretic. Denies syncope. Patient went to nearby emergency department at Hospital.

@ ~5 min felt cotton mouth. Got up to ask if he could go early. Then at 10 min post injection, felt eyes feeling weird and he felt "high". As in lightheaded.

Fever , chills, Body Ache all over body, Joint Pain (worse in hips ) Injection site swollen The PT cannot life her arm

Vaccinator Nurse noted upon vaccination there was bleeding from site and immediate bruising. Extended post vaccination monitoring to 30 minutes and asked patient to not leave before being reevaluated. Visual monitoring in post vaccination space by this RN. ? Upon reassessment @ 1352 pt stated she felt the need to use her inhaler and chest tightness. Pt denies SOB and able to transfer independently to wheelchair. Pt began to cough and was immediately transferred to ED per FNP.

Nausea, tremors, and decrease in HR. Patient taken to ED. No epinephrine injection administered.

Within and hour and a half of receiving developed tinnitus in both ears lasting 6 hours. The night after receiving vaccine also developed orthostatic hypotension and started to pass out but caught myself with an assisted fall. Fever(102 F with temporal and oral thermometer) body aches/sweats/general malaise lasting close to 24 hours after receiving vaccine. Fever/aches treated with acetaminophen.

Patient received covid-19 vaccine. 20+ minutes later patient states she began feeling flushed and nauseous. Patient states she look at her injection site, and it was hot and red. Local reaction approx. 2 inches x 2 inches. Dr. ordered 25 mg oral Benadryl. Vitals stable at 1840 133/88, 66 for pulse and regular, SPO2 99% on room air, respirations 20. Patient continued having complaints of light headedness and nausea. 1850 119/79, 74, 99% RA. Dr. states patient may depart from clinic if able to sit up and walk out, patient given instructions go to ED in symptoms progress. 1857 120/82, 70, 99.4. Patient''s face becomes flushed and hot on left side, patient states she is shaky, and does not feel well at all. 1905 patient transferred to ED on 2L O2 for further evaluation and workup.

Nausea started about 8 hours after getting vaccine and progressively got worse over 12 hours

60 minutes after receiving the vaccine the patient became very dizzy and was unable to walk.

Hives within 3 hours lasted 12 hours. Left Arm edema and erythema 24 hours

Extreme fatigue, felt very warm all over body for 14 - 16 hours, exceptional pruritus on head and back, all joints are exceptionally achey

Patient left the vaccine clinic after waiting 15 minutes. While driving home, she began to feel clammy with a tightness in her chest and throat. She reports that it felt harder for her to breathe. She describes the onset as 20-30 minutes after vaccine was administered. She returned to the vaccine clinic where she was given diphenhydramine 25 mg PO, and her blood pressure was ~130/100 mmHg. She reports that she is usually normotensive.

Patient reports of itching immediately after vaccine, dizzy, feeling of flush. Medical directive given for itching that include OTC antihistamine (Claritin). Incident Management team activated for dizziness and feeling of flush.

Patient was given to co vid injection- developed numbness and tingling inside bicep- speech- slurred speech- tongue speech- tongue not swollen- feels like novican.

pt developed chills, nausea and vomiting. Reports $g 10 episodes of vomiting total. Went to lunch and continued to have chills and vomiting. Also developed chest pain - described as burning and heaviness. Denies any shortness of breath. CT negative for any changes. Chest X ray normal.

Patient received the vaccine. During the 15 minute observation period she developed chest heaviness, arm tingling, and throat tingling. BP elevated at 169/79. The patient was sent to the ED and evaluated. Diagnosed with more anxiety type symptoms. Discharge from ED stable.

Patient complained of vision disturbance confusion dizziness, chills, clammy, no trouble breathing. Nausea, Patient stated she did not have any breakfast. gave patient diphenhydramine 25 mg and EMS arrived to take her to the hospital.

Patient reported to CNA that they felt like they soiled their pants. CNA confirmed that patient did not soil themself and transferred patient to the restroom. While the patient was on the toilet attempting to have a bowel movement the CNA reported patient had 10 seconds of tonic clonic behavior and then went unresponsive and then back to tonic clonic behavior. This happened 3 times prior to getting patient put back into his bed. Patient went unconscious after last episode while on bed for a more extended period of time while a STAT page was called. Physical Therapist and Aid sternal rubbed him and he had gasp and woke up.

Approximately 11 minutes after receiving the vaccine, the patient complained of shortness of breath, tingling in arms and hands, numbness and tingling in legs and feet, and was observably shaking, with no complaints of swelling in throat or other signs of anaphylaxis. Patient was brought to ER in same facility via stretcher and was examined by staff there. ER report states the patient presented with shortness of breath and what appeared to be a panic attack, with fast breathing, slight flushing, and shaking. Per ER report, the patient was treated for an acute anaphylactic reaction, with clear lungs and given an EpiPen shot in the right thigh. IV was initiated and given a fluid bolus, solu medrol, famotidine, and lorazepam.

TobyAwake 4 points ago +4 / -0

He had images of toddlers "in sex acts with grown men". I just heard it on the news. WTF!!!!!! All the people around him saying they had no idea he would do something like that. I don't believe that for one second.

He just got out on bond. They let this guy out on bond. I mean, I had a feeling it was going to go that way. This makes me sick to my stomach, and so fucking depressed.

TobyAwake 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just heard on the news he had pictures of "toddlers in sexual acts with grown men" WTF!!! This makes me so sick, angry, disgusted, and depressed. And of course he gets out on bond.

Sorry everyone, I had to vent. So fucking sad.

TobyAwake 3 points ago +3 / -0

Has anyone else ever seen an F-22 during an airshow? They are amazing pieces of machinery. They seem to essential stop on a dime, what looks like hover, and fly off in any direction. If it was shaped like what people think the typical UFO looks like, you would think it was alien technology. When you watch them in action your brain can't quite figure out how the hell it is doing what it does.

It seems like lately the F-35 is talked about more, but I think the F-22 is the most amazing plane in our military.

TobyAwake 1 point ago +1 / -0

That seems normal. Nothing to see here.