I would do it myself if I had the equipment or money. But, I could volunteer to be part of any operation to capture the rogue drones.
Evidence to start the suit is the lack of an apology from the family, plus the fact that the father provided the gun. That indicates a degree of support, and potential culpability, considering the plot was fomented within their home.
And, if true that the parents called police to warn them about their missing son, then we need to know exactly what they knew about their monster-child, and when did they know it. His family shares culpability for his actions.
Launch the lawsuit; secure the evidence. If victim families are reluctant to move forward, then some lawyer/law firm should be reaching out to them with a pro-bono offer.
In addition, lawsuits need to be filed by the victim families against the USSS, and all other parties involved with security for the Trump, Butler rally. Secure evidence. Discovery: Again, law firms should have already reached out to victim families to offer legal council. There is clearly a gross negligence case here. But, money is not the point here- discovery evidence is.
That was the "tell." They showed their hand from the beginning, and we anons all knew it too. We always knew that Biden was a corrupt, incompetent puppet who was not mentally fit for office before the 2020 election. Kamala is, and has always been their preferred puppet because, she is even dumber, and weaker (easier to control) than old Joe.
Kamala was the play all along. And, few things solidify the proof of that fact more than disqualifying the democratic primary votes of over 14 million Americans. "Obey plebs."
I will preface this posting by stating that these are only some of my opinions, and as such, much of what I am posting is based on speculation. There is scant evidence to back up some of my opinions but, with a little luck, I believe that in the coming days/weeks we will see more evidence to either support, or refute some of the opinions I now hold.
There is a lot to chew on surrounding the attempted J13 assassination, and ongoing investigations- and that is an understatement. But, the stench of a massive conspiracy, and coverup wafts throughout all of it.
I posted this thread a couple days ago. https://greatawakening.win/p/17tegX8zLM/i-have-a-problem-with-the-narrat/
After further considering the events of J13, I believe that what we are looking at is a botched, organized assassination attempt.
And, I believe that the primary event that led to the failure of that organized assassination attempt is hinged on the actions of the "municipal officers" who found, and confronted Crooks. Their actions, boosting onto the roof, and radioing in Crooks' location is what started the unraveling of a carefully constructed, and organized assassination plot. They were the catalyst's of Chaos Theory that helped to foil a carefully planned, and organized assassination plot.
I am going to try to keep this post as short as possible, so forgive me if I do not venture into too many details here. I will just briefly summarize some of the key elements that I believe (in my speculative opinion) fit into the notion that a widespread, and highly organized conspiracy is currently at work surrounding the events of J13.
•Crooks as a lone gunman is a complete lie.
•2 different vehicles are confirmed associated with J13 shooter('s). Hyundai Sonata, and a bicycle. Also, unconfirmed reports of a 3rd vehicle, a van.
This fact alone lends itself to the idea of 2 conspirators, and possibly 3, or more. All govt. officials in congressional hearings dodge, obfuscate, or otherwise try to bullshit whenever questioned about vehicles; also, no specific details surrounding vehicles have been provided.
•Audio evidence. It does not match up with the idea of 1 gun, 1 shooter= 8 shots. The naked human ear can hear what sounds like 3 different guns firing a total of 9 shots PLUS 1 final sound (that sounds just like a gun shot) roughly ~20 seconds after the the first 9, for what sounds like 10 shots fired in total, throughput the event.
Again, govt. officials have not been forthcoming with any kind of audio forensics data, nor have they even provided a plausible explanation for the J13 gun sounds that everyone on planet earth can hear, and estimate conclusions that vary from the official "Crooks took 8 shots" narrative.
•Where did all of these different names of "the alleged shooter" come from, and why has nobody from the govt. asked about these other people?
•First name that I recall hitting the media, alleging an identification for "the" shooter was "Mark Violets." How did that happen; how did they get that wrong; has anyone investigated to be certain that this Mark Violets person was not part of a wider conspiracy? ... Lots more questions about that...
What about that Maxwell Yearick guy? I see lots of "thoroughly debunked, cuz FIB said Crooks was shooter" in my internet searches for info on that allegedly "missing" person.
And then there is that other Crooks fellow. who we all assume is just some coincidental troll.
There is more to the alleged shooter name-game, shell-game that has swirled around the J13 event, but I will abbreviate by simply stating that there are some peculiar inconsistencies regarding the name thing; how Crooks was identified allegedly through DNA, etc.
•The abandoned window counter-sniper post in the building right behind Crooks. I'm not sure if many of you reading this are aware that those 2 officers are so far unaccounted for at the time of the shooting. Where exactly were they when shots were fired? Where is the confirmation to prove that they are not lying about "abandoned post to look for shooter, comrade"? How can we confirm they were not in the window when shots were fired?... ... Oh, that's right, we CANNOT CONFIRM THAT AFTER TWO WEEKS! Unacceptable.
From the totality of everything I have researched so far, my gut is telling me that there were at least 2, or maybe 3 actual, professional snipers involved with the plot. In addition, I believe that there were 2, or 3 patsy's also involved with the plot.
Unbeknownst to them, their (the patsy's) only part of the plot was to be killed by a counter-sniper, and get blamed for an assassination. The patsy's wouldn't have even needed to fire a shot to fulfill their purpose in the plot, had everything gone according to plan, which it did not.
•Crooks was a patsy. One of the real snipers was in a window behind Crooks, disguised (or otherwise infiltrated) as an official counter-sniper. Real sniper was supposed to cap Trump, then put a bullet in the back of Crook's head. Blame Crooks, and take credit for killing Crooks too. How convenient.
-But keep in mind- When local cops climbed that roof and spotted Crooks, the plot went sideways. The real sniper knew that his patsy was going to be killed within seconds of the municipal (local) cops finding Crooks. That's when we hear the real window sniper take his shot...and miss...and take 2 more shots. Audio evidence confirms the first 3 shot salvo sounding different from the next 5 shots, which were presumably from Crooks.
•Maxwell Yearick was/is likely a patsy as well. I am getting more into speculative territory here, but I believe Yearick was a patsy (distraction) for a second real sniper, who was likely positioned on top of the water tower. My theory is that Yearick's role in the plot was similar to Crooks' role- he was just going to take a bullet from one of the counter-snipers and get blamed.
-However, keep in mind- When the municipal offers spotted Crooks on the roof, the plot went to hell. I do not think that the tower sniper was in position yet to fire. When Crooks fired, it was too soon- he wasn't supposed to shoot, he was just there to eat a bullet.
Tower sniper realized that the plan was busted, and quickly decided to abort his mission, vacating the tower without shooting. This left patsy "Yearick as a loose end."
Anyone seen Yearick lately? Nah, I didn't think so.
•Mark Violets was likely a patsy as well. Was he a patsy for a 3rd potential assassin? I don't know, but I think it's possible.
&>< I will cut this post here. I hope this raises some questions for some of you out there, and that ideas circulated here will lead to some answers for the many, many questions we all have. Thanks for reading, and good hunting.
{edit} I have added a video link from my prior thread here, with timestamps listed.
Full video of the oversight hearing: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ONvdo2f8u84 Relevant time stamps begin around (+/- 5 mins.) 1:47, 2:30, 3:35, 4:15
Full video of the oversight hearing: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ONvdo2f8u84
Relevant time stamps begin around (+/- 5 mins.) 1:47, 2:30, 3:35, 4:15.
It is revealed during this hearing that-
•The 2 officers who boosted to get up on the roof with Crooks are NOT the same officers who abandoned their post in the window behind Crooks.
*The 2 officers who tried to get on the roof were also not directly assigned to event security, and were "municipal officers."
In my opinion, their heroic actions changed the course of history when they discovered Crooks, and disrupted the timing of the events that followed.
Corn Pop must be dealt with! Get 'em Joe!
Where did the ladder come from? How did he move it to location? Was it an extension ladder, or step ladder?
Where exactly was his car parked? What kind of car is it? Who's name is it registered under, and in what state? When was it acquired?
It is said that explosives were found in his car- what kinds, and how much?
Where exactly did his shirt come from? We know it is associated with a popular YouTube channel, Demolition Ranch. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-shooter-reportedly-wearing-demolition-ranch-merchandise-t-shirt-1924914
Did Crooks order that shirt himself, online, or was it gifted to him? Where is the receipt showing that he purchased the shirt for himself? When did he buy/acquire that shirt? Did he purchase any other items from Demolition Ranch?
He worked at a nursing home- How long? Are there any scandals associated with that nursing home that Crooks may have been involved with? How about nursing home voting irregularities?
Why has his family not yet publicly denounced the actions of their little monster? The father reportedly told CNN that he had to wait to talk to law enforcement before commenting...BS...But whatever. I'm sure the family has spoken to law enforcement by now, so where is their statement; why the long delay for comment? What about his siblings (reportedly has at least one sister)? What are they up to? Are they dangerous monsters too?
Explosives were reportedly found at the family home. What kinds; how much? Were the explosives well hidden, or did the family know about it?
Where is the security footage from the business where Crooks was perched on one of their buildings? Are we to assume that the business has no security cameras?
Where is the security camera, or traffic camera footage from the area surrounding Crooks' car? It seems to be strangely absent as well.
...10+...Please add your own thought's and questions, and let's see what GAW can piece together.
The govt. cannot be sued. But does that also apply to the Secret Service?
Can a lawsuit target Trump's private security team? If so, would that allow for both the plaintiff's and defense's lawyers to gain access to Secret Service, FBI, DHS (etc) records involving the rally assassination?
{edit}. It appears that local law enforcement might also be able to be included in a potential negligence suit.
Simple question- does the shooters family condone, or condemn his actions? And how about the family tell us a little about their punk kid, and whatever could have possibly motivated him to do what he did. It's been nearly 24 hours. The silence is deafening; and the fact that the media is not asking those questions is more damning. We are dealing with an assassination conspiracy fact.
Just because the guy had one poor showing during a debate, I do not believe that gives the democrats any constitutional power to plot to remove a sitting president, nor conspire to commit sedition.
Their sudden overreaction to a few mumbled words at a debate, and botched talking points does not meet the standards needed to plot the removal of a president. I think they (democrat party; politicians) had better watch their damned seditionist mouths.
And watch Biden choke, live on TV.